Tuesday, February 28, 2006
finished second playthru of doukutsu monogatari. reaffirmed my love for videogames. if that game had come out a couple of years ago on console, it would be a legend right now.
Monday, February 27, 2006
i'm finding myself constantly impressed today. first bleach, now mushishi.
mushishi is cool. only halfway thru ep 1. the last anime i had this high hopes for was paranoia agent, hope mushishi can sustain itself.
also watching shakugan no shana, seems to be catching on. another book to anime type deal. it had the worst first two eps ever.. bored completely. but i downloaded the first 13 eps in one big file, so i continued watching. its definitely picking up. the opening itself has: cute schoolgirl with katana, lots of fire, weird symbols and designs, and more different characters than i can count. sounds like a good mix, in theory.
i've stayed home to rest. really.
and do my heart of darkness assignment.
and skip pc, so i don't have to hand up the three essays i owe.
i just read bleach 216. i have been waiting
forever for something cool to happen. suddenly its like i'm reading bleach for the first time again
Sunday, February 26, 2006
eh, diary-x is gone forever. sigh. i really,
really don't want to stay at blogspot, and livejournal is
a definite no.
blogging abit about yesterday. went out, much hilarity from waileong, who has just reminded me of a joke. what is childporn.jpg? a pedofile. ate icecream and gary's fries. parted ways. met classmates, watched akesh smoke, went to candice's bday party, there was a chocolate fountain omg, ordered beer, then wine, then cocktails, then shots of tequila and blowjobs, then watched others suck some drink with flaming alcohol being poured into another glass while you drink out of it.. or something. watched mr. siva's band, which is highly
excellent, only they just did covers, albeit
excellently, then went home with darius. did not get drunk, too much food around to eat while imbibing alcohol.
yesterday in a paragraph.
my head hurts, i need painkillers.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
reports of my death were highly exagerated.
anyway its over. i haven't looked at my head yet cuz i don't have a second mirror lying around and its on the back. which means i have to sleep on mah belleh for the next few forever. i coudl give a blow-by-blow account, but its late and i just spent the last four hours playing wow.
so... point form, or something.
- woke up, got dressed
- shambled into car
turned onactivated my phone, read congratulatory messages
- got to hospital, let my mother do all the logistics stuff while i zzz'd on the chairs
- got to my ward, they made my strip and put on DISPOSABLE UNDERWEAR and that STUPID GOWN THAT'S OPEN AT HTE BACK EW EW EW
- sat down on bed, gratefully pulled up a blanket.
- waited. a lot
- they rolled me somewhere
- waited. more.
- wheeled into operating room
- i ask for local anasthetic, they say sure
- doctor inserts like a metre-long red-hot javelin into my head
- it hurt
- the local anasthetic doesn't work, just makes it hurt more. fun.
- general anesthetic administered. kept waiting for the moment when i would fall asleep... i missed it. somehow.
- woke up, op was done, my head hurt like like like
the dickens- stick some other needle in my arm, head hurt less
- zzzzd
- woke up, went home
more or less. the local anasthetic injection was the most fucking painful thing ever, like.. bcg*5? ad it went on forever and ever. and i had to do this in two places. and then it DIDNT WORK OMGTHX
i need a beanie. a black one, so hte bloodstains won't show.
Friday, February 24, 2006
day... morning few hours.. before the op.
going off to hospital at normal school time, wtf.
my plan in life has always been to just bear anything life throws at me, it's always worked out in the end. i used to get 'lost' everytime i went to a shopping centre. of course, this was like 13 years ago and stuff. so i'd wander around in the mall, crying because i was scared of being alone and scared of asking someone for help. then maybe a guard would help me, maybe i'd find my parents on my own, it doesn't matter. it'll all work out.
so... good night for now. i've reread enough of my manga. if i never wake up from the general anaesthetic tomorrow, please don't kill me because i will be dreaming.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Breaking news - American Vice President Dick Cheney admitted recently to shooting me in what is believed to be an unfortunate hunting accident. Witnesses state they saw the Vice President accidently shoot my head, resulting in localised hair loss and which now requires yet another day-operation, to be held... this friday.
some of that statement is true. i went to the dockter today, they pissed me off.
happy birthay.
Monday, February 20, 2006
removed the damn navbar. seriously, blogspot, do i need some stupid piece of crap 'utility' that i never use, that ruins the overal aesthetic (sp) and is basically a waste of space? do you really thing it helps, that the tiny percentage of losers who surf blogs by randomly clicking 'next blog' represent the core of your users? are you bloody advertising, when i'm already apparently using your damn service?
right, i don't have to type the time anymore. screw that, d-x rocks.
i am back from school. apparently there was a plan to celebrate my birthday today, but some guy with one leg had to do some other stuff. so now it's on saturday, which i'm okay with. it's better, actually, for several reasons i will now elaborate upon.
this is not an essay dammit.
okay, first of all, i'm gonna have to start from yesterday. no, screw that, make that friday. i slept early on friday. i woke up earlier on saturday, played some wow, went to tuition, then wowed till the wee hours of about 5am. so i was awake for about 21 hours, straight. then, on sunday i woke up at 7 for church, then when i got back i wowed till about 5pm, which meant by then i'd been awake for 26 hours with a two hour nap. so i went to sleep at around 6, and i woke up the next day for school.
so i missed dinner. and, don't freak out, bathing.
i didn't go exercising (hah.) on sunday or anything, so no big. i just feel a bit icky.
so, going out today would have been, icky, yes.
a few things to note about yesterday... when i sleep for 12 hours, my dreams get
fucked up somewhere around morning.
dream 1 does not bear retelling. for various reasons, that will not be expounded upon.
dream 2 involved me climbing out of my window into the room of hte home above mine. when i finally made it up there, i find: my room, before renovation. i asked my parents and they were like, "when they (they...THEY) come to get you, it's a trick"...
uhuh. is it the fbi? i'm purging my hd now (this is a lie)
dream 3 sort of blended in with dream 2, somehow when i get back to my room it has reverted to pre-renovation status as well, and i see a baby balanced on the ledge outside my window, the ledge that the aircon unit rests on. then the baby topples backwards over and i run over and try to catch it, and failing to do so, i start screaming. i found out something about myself, it's that i'd look away right before someone hits the ground if theyre falling from a high place. the dream goes on but it really doesn't matter, its all a nightmare-mess. people were drowning babies in the swimming pool downstairs. nevermind.
soooo, birthday eve. now that i'm all bright and kipper from recounting that, i'll go into the last 7. running out of steam.
15) i think a kitten and puppy napping together are exponentially cuter than each baby animal alone. steam, steam.
16) i have three essays and a history presentation due wednesday. actually one essay is due today.

new bar, wallpaper. excuse my clutter.
18) i am watching anime now
19) i will watch anime later
20) i might even wow later. no, i'm not that crazy. i'll do the essay that was due today.
21) there is no 21
Sunday, February 19, 2006
hi. next 7.
8) i've got a really long colourless eyebrow hair. it's cool.
9) i ate a whole saralee cheesecake today. urp.
10) i am addicted to wow again. played nonstop today. warlocks rule
this is a really, really cool site. i am addicted.
12) shakugan no shana is cool
13) did i mention i was fat? i think i ought to, agian. see (9)
14) i think blogspot sucks.
Friday, February 17, 2006
okay. as you can see, i'm using blogspot for the time being. the layout coding is stupid complicated.
a few questions answered: wtf was happening with my blog right before d-x decided to die? actually, i'm not very sure myself either. i'm just pretty sure that when i decided to stop blogging for awhile, i was pretty pissed at the time. i can't even remember what at. i guess i must also have wanted to see if i could stop myself blogging, and it seems i successfully proved that i could, without severe repercussions and/or withdrawal symptom. similar experiments with other aspects of my internet "life" have not been as fruitful.
in any case, i'm feeling really weird right now as i type this. guess i'm out of practice.
originally, i was planning to start posting again on my birthday, but it's now four days away... and that's close enough i guess.
to celebrate eighteen years of dying, here's "21 random things you didn't know about me that happened in the time that i wasn't blogging, that you probably don't know because you haven't met me in recent times, or maybe just stuff i want you to know"
21rtydkamthitttiwbtypdkbyhmmirt,omjsiwytk (part 1)
1) i got new glasses. theyre... wait for it... red. to be honest, the design took a little getting used to, and i was regretting the choice abit the first few days. eddy, who i can trust to be brutally frank, told me i "look better in my old specs". well get used to it, i have.
2) my bald spots are... proliferating. like government propaganda round election time. i'd better explain it agian, my hair loss is in
no way my fault. it's cuz of
some condition where my white blood cells are murdering my hair follicles. unruly immune system just isn't listening to me.
3) so, if you're feeling generous, for my birthday,
buy me hatssomething that will end up on my head.
4) i am the fattest now that i have ever been. i weigh a massive 82kg, and i am failing my 2.4. but, all i've got is a pot belleh. i almost wish that i'd start to balloon so i'd have more incentive to exercise.
5) i almost hacked my ipod to change the 'charging' and 'do not disconnect' icons, before realising that doing this would erase all my music in the process
doukutsu monogatari, or cave story, is a brilliant game. the 'download the game' link is broken, so poke around the developer's homepage. i have confidence you'll find it. the patch works with this newer version.

haven't been making ambigrams in a long time
7 is enough for today.
i'd like to say "it's good to be back"... but whatever.
Let's try this one more time.