i'm not even winded

Sunday, January 31, 2010

tf2 is a great pickup-and-play game, it requires no time investment. so of course i play in four hour stretches. the putting-down part is proving very hard. and it's not even as if i'm any good. afte months of running around like a headless chicken, i can proudly call myself a below-average player.

i think i need to stop.


bread talkkk

Friday, January 29, 2010

been some time since i blogged. got roasted for my last project. but that was last week.

i'm eating a piece of $2.20 bread from breadtalk. it was pretty big and they named it DRAGON EYE so bought one. i assumed it was some new chinese new year theme bread. so i'm working my way through it, and it appears to be nothing but a normal, crusty chunk of bread with some CHINESE WOLFBERRIES in it. good for the eyes, i'm sure you've heard. then i got to the centre, and i find some weird dried brown thing. it's soft and chewy and seems like some sort of de-pitted fruit. i'm extremely puzzled and chew it with slight trepidation, before i find another and realise: it's a LONGAN. oh, right, dragon eye. getting senile.

still, longan in bread. interesting. does it work? my vote is no.

side note: curry dozo is delicious. we need more deep fried bread.



Friday, January 22, 2010

it's done.

with luck i won't fail. i should be ashamed of turning in crap like this but i'm too tired to care.

i went through five seasons of futurama in the background tonight.



not sleeping tonight

i have a week's work i need to finish by 8.30am



Wednesday, January 13, 2010

obvious statement time:
i'd enjoy school if there weren't so much work involved.

seems like i'll be spending my birthday in malacca, doing some project involving streets and urban planning. joy.



Monday, January 11, 2010

sleep paralysis used to scare the fuck out of me, but not so much now that i know others experience it too

there's one other thing however that still fucks me up
i'm experiencing it now
i can't descibe it better than 'everything feels bigger and smaller than it should'
i've tried to find it online, once i spent an hour systematically browsing all the mental illnesses and psychoses and hallucinations and schizophrenia effects on wikipedia, to no avail

i haven't had an attack this bad since i was really young
and somehow a lucky google brought me to this page

stil no fucking idea what it is



oh, you jackass

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

on the flights to and from japan, i watched:
UP, which was awesome.
Get smart, which i stopped after an hour. can't see anything except michael scott.
surrogates, which was crap.
cloudy with a chance of meatballs, which was everything i'd hoped it would be. good job, sony animation. don't do another surf's up after this, please.
the informant, which i stopped after an hour. wasn't laughing, didn't care. would probably be better if i read the book.

i downloaded holmes. the resolution is something like 200x100 pixels, and the sound is off by a second. buhleted
i downloaded avatar. the subtitles are in russian. i feel like kicking myself in the head. luckily there's a subtitle torrent out there. needed vlc, which i hopefully won't have to touch again.
still halfway through. i'm pretty sure i saw this story in the last samurai


just do it

somehow december passed, and february is bearing down. i need to get fit for ippt. school starts next week. i think, i'm not too sure on that.

i'm making this totally useless blog entry (hah! sif my others are so earthshatteringly improtant) to shame myself into exercise. tomorrow, i'm going to go out and run.


first monday

Sunday, January 03, 2010

it's the first monday of 2010.

1990 was twenty years ago.

how i spent the countdown: reading the new discworld book on the computer, drinking alcohol from the airport duty-free shop. baileys, i like the sweet stuff and baileys is like drinking condensed milk. gets me sleepier quicker than the vodka too, maybe lower concentrations do that? does beer get you drunk faster? makes me bloated mostly.

i took about 200 photos of japan. said i wasn't in any of them, that's a lie. i'm in two of them. one was a joke, taken on the bus. the other was an interesting accident, where i turn in in the reflection of a picture of mount fuji. we went to see the real one on a bright, sunny winter morning, with the bright sunny sun right behind fuji-san, stabbing us in the face. so i took picture of a picture.

i'd share the rest but they're all pictures of scenery and interesting buildings and what i suppose to be artsy crap. and uploading 40mb of photos failed twice already, i'm not bothering to try any more.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

maybe i'll upload more later. the beef jerky is almost all gone, so they're the only souvenirs of the trip i have. i'd still be happier with a fat stack of art books and a figurine or twenty. sigh.

i'm tipsy on baileys again. this isn't good. it's like an alcoholic candy bar, i don't even need to chew. i think i'll fall asleep while playing my ds in bed. and get nightmares about professor layton pointing at me.

oh, i just finished pratchett's Nation. also on the computer. good stuff. starts out in really obvious clunky children's-book writing, but it soon becomes the usual awesome long rambling sentences. good stuff.

a random thought on beef jerky. the last time i ate it in significant amounts was when my father brought a humongous bag back from australia, where he got posted for a few years. this was a few years back, because i distinctly i remember chewing entire mouthfuls of deliciously unyielding meat while running my rogue through teldrassil, and that was two computers ago. i remember getting 5 fps with graphics turned to low. good times. anyway, beef. seems like all the beef jerky now is in tiny little packets. so unfufilling. i mean, okay, it's probably expensive because it takes more meat to make a small bit of jerky thanks to all the water lost, or so wikipedia tells me. but still. can't indulge on tiny mouthfuls.

normally i'd qc this blog entry and cut out the last few paragraphs or so but the baileys is talking to me. for heaven's sake, it's only 17%. i think the vodka must burn a hole in my stomach and leak out the bottom or something, never gets me this buzzed. maybe it's the sugar. i should drink a can of condensed milk to be sure.



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