time not found

Sunday, November 30, 2008

i went to sitex
and i got a new laptop
then wrote a haiku

is that a haiku?
just how many syllables
does haiku have?

it seems just this once
wikipedia has failed
can't find an answer


what? woah!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

hi i'm playing wow in camp again

i just did another Go And Kill X Number of Y quest, only this time i'm harpoon-jumping my way across the backs of fifty or so flying drakes that are circling around a mountain, and killing the drake riders.

blizz is seriously earning my money


what to do

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

so today's my last COS duty, ever. flag raising tomorrow and i'm done.

i did three heroics today. while doing cos duty. i almost missed dinner duty while rushing to complete stratholme. no bronze drake mount, boo. no epic wolf head for my right hand, either.

right now i'm sitting in bunk with all the new specs, being totally antisocial.

watching hellsing ova ep 5, raw. alucard got like 5 minutes of screentime. the rest was the usual, nazi vampires eating babies, london in flames, the fat major talking about war. climax had alexander anderson stealing the show. it's great, cuz in the tv series anderson was really pathetic. here they let norio mfing wakamoto go to town with the voice acting and he acts like a total maniac.

super slow internet so i'm going to watch accumulated anime again.
michiko to hatchin makes me :O
kannagi makes me :D
clannad makes me ;_;
toradora makes me :/


Here we goooo

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

this will be thrilling, absolutely thrilling. really. go away while you can.

Prelude to WotLK
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i obtain my epic flying mount, one week before the launch of the third expansion. considering how flying mounts were one of the major introductions to TBC, i guess it emphasizes how diminished my experience of this entire xpac2 was.
his name is Mr. Antlerson. you must drawl it out, like agent smith. i insist.
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this is an example of the aftermath of the zombie invasion. it was reported in the straits times within an artical about wotlk's launch, but it seems they interviewed some whiner who didn't enjoy the event. go play maple story.
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the day before launch in singapore and aus. already the queues are back. highs of 2k this weekend.

It starts.
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like i said, the deathknight area was fun. and over too quick. soon i'll be replacing my starting armour and no longer look like a death knight with a dark runeblade. i will look like a clown swinging around a colourful plastic toy.
ishraeth rhymes with wraith, and is two syllables. i insist.
my soon to return priest, ishraen, is three syllables, thus does not rhyme with rain. you must know this.

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one of the immediate things i noticed was an abundance of quests involving water. thankfully, i no longer need to get too wet since i can run on water for 15 seconds every two minutes. some of the best 10g i've ever spent, for this skill.
also, vikings! that is a viking ship. which is highly intimidating, since vinland saga recently taught me that mounted men don't stop vikings.
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so, lots of water, and an arctic environment. that means snow, and penguins. i swear i didn't kill those over there. happy feet. wait, are penguins arctic or antarctic? and which means north? pehpeh, tell me please, do you blow from the north or south? hm, that was more disturbing than funny.
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and yes, besides penguins we also have killer whales. those, i did kill. sorry. not to worry, for the wholesale slaughter of orcas to appease my newfound walrusmen allies will cause no longlasting effects. repopulation is quick and automated. i assume japanese gamers will find this portion of the game highly satisfying.
also, a recent new quest from these walrus men have me raiding the village of their enemies (some sort of wolf men...) to get back stolen supplies. basically i kill the wolfmen in scores till they drop the supplies. the walruses are fighting the wolves, so then they ask me to go back and kidnap all the wolf cubs, so they don't die in the conflict, or some stupid reason like that. right, raise them as a rejected caste in a society that dispises their entire race, with (i assumme) extra brainwashing to remain docile and unresponsive.

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this is a humongous mechanical gnome. he has converted a large number of gnomer explorers into mechagnomes. he furthermore wishes to likewise rid me of the "curse of the flesh." luckily i knew to throw blue hedgehogs at him till he died.

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more vikings. snarky healer.

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this is me surfing FLAMING HARPOON over a HUGE RIVER GORGE right into town. this would be a lot cooler if everyone else hadn't done it too.

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okay, liftoff, thanks for giving me a lift to the next quest hub.
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woah wait hold on whats that
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oh it's a fucking flaming ship suspended in the gorge.
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hey look more penguins.

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so there's this quest i'm sent on, to find some inner peace or some shit. i take a long ride up the side of a mountain, which is pretty relaxing actually, nice and scenic. i get to the top, and theres this altar that i meditate at. and since this is a video game, i take my weapons and beat the shit out of My Inner Turmoil. right on.
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after that i get a 3 minute slow fall buff. and i'm at the top of a mountain. simple enough equation.

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*scenic picture*

yeah that's all i have.
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see you in diablo 3.


urgh.. what? who?

maintenance has descended. i now have precious scant hours to catch up on... everything not wow related.

unfortunately, i've decided that my first blog entry will be a screenshot-illustrated summary of the high points on my way to level 75. halfway there, baby.

later. right now i must watch two weeks of anime i have accumulated.



Friday, November 14, 2008

so i played a bit of northrend on my rogue, then i went to try out a deathknight.



seriously. i'd read all the story and all the events on wowwiki already, but experiencing it is a whole different ride. riding a frost wyrm around and spitting icy bolts of death at small armies of archers spraying arrowstorms up at you while ballistas toss huge bolts your way is REALLY FUN.



installing northred now!


what the fish

i'm sitting in stormwind levelling fishing and alt tabbing.

some news i hadn't heard before: pve to pvp server transfers are now allowed. my priest is coming back! hm, now i'll have to scrap those plans to create a death knight with my priest's old name. i even had the whole RP thing planned out! once a staunch believer in the tenets of the holy light, abandonment by once-friends of weaker faith and will compelled her first to fall to shadow, then spurning staff and robe for blade and plate in unholy death, retainer of the lich king!!!! five stars!!!! kidding. but i'll still have to think of another ish-name for my death knight now.

..ishname. hm. kay, twist some letters around to make it less obvious... ishnaem. nah.

i'm almost 300 fishing and it's almost 2.30. they said they'd have stock by 3 so it's time to go. lets hope i wasn't misinformed and they actually had it out at noon, and i'm going to j8 to get turned away cause they already ran out. not fun.

whether i get the game or not, i'm coming home to a 1500 queue to get into blackrock. outstanding!



Thursday, November 13, 2008


this is apparently a reference to castlevania 2 and i'm not oldschool enough to get it.

so, i'm less dissappointed in the game now that i've completed it twice. when i actually reached the castle i breathed a sigh of relief. but i still think calling it 'hard' compared to other castlvanias is an overstatement. the only tough bosses were dracula and the huge 4-phase giant centaur guy that was super intolerent of careless hits because the fight is so damn long. the Death fight was a pathetic cakewalk. and lastly i am deeply disappointed that there isn't a legion fight. my favourite boss is missing..

glyphs are still pretty boring imo but by the end of the game isn't an issue, because once i got the best one i just stuck with it all the way, so the lack of options doesn't really matter anymore. i'm reminded of my humongous shiny blue broadsword with the huge overhead swing that smashed everything around me in Aria of Sorrow. in Ecclesia i've got an ugly purple short range lazor beam that hits multiple times and is spammable, so anything standing in front of me dies really quick. big enemies with big hitboxes will get hit in multiple places multiple times, so some bosses are just asking to be ripped to shreds. and they gave it two elements - light and fire. ...so why purple? but anyway, a holy/fire attack. in a castle full of undead enemies. thanks, konami. another sad point is how i obtained the ugly purple laser; you can get it off a simple cannon fodder skeleton that walks around the hallways. no sense of grandeur at all.

plus points for interesting hidden areas. i'm playing without a guide so i only found it halfway through my third playthough on the second-character mode. okay, i'll admit that shit was definitely hard, took me a good amount of deaths to get through the gauntlet.

i'll probably play it another week or so to complete albus mode and do double death ring boss rushes.
'Ring of "Death." Hits may cause instant death.' +44 to all stats.
cool! /equip
/accidentally brush enemies
oooooh, instant death to ME. right.

playing wow right now is annoying because wotlk is out in the us, but not in aus or sg. aus is getting it in like a few hours, and we're getting it tomorrow at noon. or maybe not, because i can't be bothered going to the launch event and i'm confused about whether comics connection will have stock tomorrow.



so i was browsing 4chan's anime board and someone started a code geass thread, what are the chances of that.

the topic posed to us pathetic geeks was along the lines of "hey losers which fictional female is hotter"
unfortunately the opening line was
and there's only one thing i can think of


that was quick

didn't bring my laptop to camp.
watched everyone else ord.
did my second last COS duty.
went for dental ffi. ("you have teeth, you pass, next please.")
preordered wotlk at j8.

Hi. Recently I preordered a copy of the new WoW expansion at your Bishan branch. I requested to collect at the shop and not at the Lauch Event. My friend who also preordered, was told that there would only be stock at the shop on the 17th. However, i was not told this and i thought i could collect it on the 14th. Could you please help me confirm which is the case?

Now the latest new is that if you can't go to the event to collect tomorrow, you will be able to collect at the shop tomorrow after 3pm but there will not have any free mouse pad. Please let your friend also know about this latest new.

i can ignore 'there will not have' but how the seven hells do you warp 'news' into 'new'? twice?


[snappy title]

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

[intelligent political discourse]

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[gripe about 8 hr wow maintenance]


~six days of grinding to go

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


oh, japan.
i was waiting for this bit of news to hit a major site before posting it. the other versions are more interesting, though.

“I’ve been married to Arcueid of Tsukihime for five years now. I’ve no doubt that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. As someone who lives in two dimensions, I’d very much like to support this measure!”

too bad dude i got the blogspot address hah



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