Friday, March 31, 2006
i can't believe
something i read three years ago is finally being
watched ep 1. the animation is crappy and the art is dodgy and the comedic timing sucks and it's great.
suddenly it's thursday
Thursday, March 30, 2006
haha oh wow.
i've got to blog. i've got to make an effort, at least.
ah, heck.
what's a hernia?
hurrah, i've just signed up to get my balls stared at by some creepy person.
my head circumference is 60cm. my shoulder width is 50cm. my waist.. 90cm. lol.
ns checkup. a month from now.
neglectationismicallisticively sorry
stuff has happened, i can't remember it. sorry, blog.
got a new hoard of random pics to flood ftw. soon.
more or less. i can't remember everything.
Fuck YES
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
downloading this movie, definitely
sstuff happened
Saturday, March 25, 2006
just had the most invigorating wow session ever. that statement is one of the gheyest i've ever made but it doesn't matter. halfway through a dungeon, out pops the message, "Server down in 15 minutes." apparently according to waileong it's scheduled, but i didn't know about it and neither did anyoen in my group. so basically we all went 'wtf' and some started cursing blizz in /1.general chat, and the response must have been pretty universal because blizz admin had to post apologetic "sorry for the inconvenience" messages lol
so we were pretty bummed for a minute or so.. and then we all decided to go for a mad rush and it turned out to be the most fun i've had in wow for a long time. in the end we managed to rush 5 named elites and a there were a whole bunch of nice blue drops (which i didn't get, but
now to blog about yesterday. pc paper was decent, we got an interesting drama extract from a
pretty cool play. after that some stupid scheduling was imposed by waileong who suddenly became obsessed with his personal hygiene. he went home to bathe while me n joshua (fuck grammar go read a book) went to pehpeh's house to stone. then we watched v for vendetta, and i must say
"Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.
This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V."
it was good, but very rushed at parts. apparently the film is nothing at all like the comic, so much so that alan moore called it imbecilic, and refused to have any part with it, even his name in the credits. wikipedia said it, so it's true. and another thing, hugo weaving is now my favourite actor. he can't change the way he speaks for nuts, the way he pauses in his sentences is instantly recognisable. but it's cool.
after that we met up with daryl and gary, who was smelling like and indian. his words, not mine lol. any indians reading my blog please don't have a cow (LOLOLOL 'COW' GET IT)
we went to my house, the usual stuff happened. i beat daryl in winning eleven by popular vote and we all went swimming, where gary and pehpeh pulled off competition-worthy synchronised backflips. video at gary's blog, i think the second one's a better performance.
teh night went on, no one got drunk, i *think* i fell asleep watching joshua play shadow hearts. i can't remember at all lol. ah, i just rememberd that i didn't get to try out sth i learned in school. was gonna make everyone hyperventilate and faint. oh well, there's always next time.
my v graphic novel torrent is speeding along at 170kbs (on azureus lol), i'm gonna read it tonight.
Friday, March 24, 2006
should be getting to sleep soon.
oh wow
the new shadow hearts looks gooder
increasing flippancy and disregard for a rpgs that take themselves too seriously means even more of the funny
characters include a blonde-haired-blue-eyed native american, a mariachi with a guitar-gun, a 46 year old ninja called Frank, a gothloli vampire, and of course homosexuals have to be involved somehow. this time it's two gay bikers who run the store named "Just us guys".
i will play this before shadow hearts 2 lol
whaaaat whaaaaaaaaaaaat
i almost forgot that i still have a test tomorrow
granted, it's one of those you can't study for
but i'm still gonna have to write two whole damn essays
hmm.. my parents know, or at least i'm pretty sure they know, that we'll be drinking tomorrow. but if we do it in my house i'm not sure how i'm gonna explain.. um, stuff.
i'm not really sure what i'm saying, really. i need to sleep, i don't want to.
the little kid is a geniusdon't watch that with your speakers on. use headphones.
stake it mop
Thursday, March 23, 2006
splitting headache. sleep deprivation? eye strain? don't know. urg.
no school tomorrow.
stuff on friday
oh, unseen too.
oh, man.
examns are over
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
history was disgusting. the cts are now over. we will not speak of them again.
first 5 minutes impression
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
first five minutes of eureka seven...
and i can't stop thinking, flcl? this is just the first five minutes, mind, but we've got this 14 year old main character brat who's narrating and talking about how his town sucks, while highly pillow-esque music plays in the background. i need to find out who they are, soon.
ah, then the camera pulls away to a panorama of the city, and we see a humongous funny-shaped building on a hilltop. did i mention that he's riding a scooter?
naota was whiny and emo. this kid is.. stupid? and idiot?
ep 1 over, it's a good thing i have 2 or i'd be pissed. stupid cliffhanger for a first ep.
a few things to note.. sponsors of the show include bandai and playstation and sony music. the merch wagon is gonna be pretty loaded lol
OMG the main character should just SHUT UP
ep 1 first half - kid gets in robot, cliffhanger ending
ep 2 first half - aftermath of ep 1
ep 2 second half - flashback of ownage by kid in robot.
isn't "eureka" like, "yay i came up with a new idea"
i could go on.. the choreography for the actual fight is similar in movement and order to eva as well.. robot goes dead, kid reawakens it, suddenly he goes all ssj and owns everyone.. forward double-hand rip apart, moving leap into the air followed by downward slam on enemy... emerging from smoke with eyes of robot wide open.. zzzz
maths was The Shit™. first question. write one line. skip. second. write one line. skip. this continued till somewhere around question 7.
history. is history. i'm tempted to not be bothered with preparing at all. i will fail outright if i do that.
while making up my mind i will watch eureka 7 ep 1-3
fuck beserker
got the patch to work, somehow. had to uninstall reinstall repatch and whatnot
started out with "training", fixed from "trainig" in the previous version. saber is a fraction slower and the move i used the most now has a horrible horrible recovery time. practiced abit, then went to arcade. "normal" mode.
lost to rider twice, beat rider, round 2 beserker
lost to beserker about 20 times in a row
"normal" is hard. played easy mode, it's manageable after "normal". it'd guage "easy" at about mb react diff4. "normal" is about diff5 times three wtf
beat easy arcade, got gil.
need to get my saber back up to scratch. can't wait for "hard" lol
the darkness the horror and a woman warrior
the rhyme in today's title was brought to you by the number i
lit was decent. i'm here chillin' before maths later today. still using the outside com. played a bit of fatal/fake, i really should play more. saber>u
need to find out how to get
entire game for.. http download!after maths.. history will be shit. don't know how i'm going to get through that one. i really should take a nap now to study later.
ah, apparently there's a v1.10 patch. and difficulty levels now. and HASSAN THE TRUE ASSASSIN lol
oh yes
Monday, March 20, 2006
i forgot to mention how i played about six hours of dq8 today. i played about six hours of dq8 today.
singaporeans on the web
my father dicided to relacquer the com room floor, worn down as it was by years of rolling around
so, i'm using the comp outside. the NEWER ONE. that i barely touched at all. kind of sad, really. its hardly got the bare nescessities of a comp, i just installed microsoft office 2003 which i downloaded ages ago. i've never bothered to try downloading with this comp either, and i just got utorrent. mewtorrent. i'm lazy to fire up char map to find the correct symbol.
and hoooly shit either the torrent i'm dling is super fast (fma movie h264 to replace my CAMGRAB lol) or its cheating using the bitcomet-whatever-method. and its fucking small, too. and since i now have an almost untouched 120gb hdd to sunder, i hit boxtorrents hard. getting pretty cure.. 1-49? lol. 10+gigs. and eureka 7 season 1, 6gigs. like other programs, i can see who else is downloading the file too, but alongside the ip it identifies the country that the ip originates from, i see three singaporeans and one malaysian downloading fma alongside me.
econs test today was not good. mcq was easy, i think that's becoming a trend with me. just too lazy to formulate essay outlines, and more importantly, keep the outline in my head. i lose track when writing. a lot. and, of course, i didn't study.
coffee in the morning. i've been staying off coffee just for a time like this, to make sure the effect is there when i need it. for the next two more days i will live and breathe and... drink... coffee.
i can't wait for this to be over. an hour before essays end i'm always stuck in "omg this sucks i just want it to end" mode. pretty disgusting, actually, it's just like my attitude towards exercise, only on a mental level.
now i'm going to read my texts for the second time.
Would you still be in love, baby (in love, baby)
okay. econs is fucked.
game plan 4 the week:
today - sleep now
tomorrow - screw econs. come back, sleep, study lit.
tuesday - maths, rely on tuition "study", screw lit. come back, sleep, panic about history
wednesday - screw history beyond belief. come back. celebrate end of exams
thurs - 'wtf'
friday - unseen lit.
when i write it like that, it seems like the pain will be over quite quickly.
that one line from the black eyed peas song is the only bit i like
it's stuck in my head
Sunday, March 19, 2006
i think i've gone batshit fucking insane
i am still not studying
instead i am reading about rahxephon
i will rewatch it soon.
ishitori is supposed to be spelt ixtli, wtf.
i will now head off (for real, FOR REAL) and try to study econs
Descartes is sitting in a bar, having a drink. The bartender asks him if he would like another. "I think not," he says, and vanishes in a puff of logic.
ah, so fucking screwed
it's saturday, actually SUNDAY and i haven't touched any notes. i will fail history. this is scary because there will be no one to fail with me. i just choked on some water i was drinking as it went down my windpipe. why didn't i pass out and get hospitalised. sigh.
i will probably be forced to drop a subject after the common tests. i wish i knew what this meant, and how it would affect my future :/
Saturday, March 18, 2006
fun game
if you haven't heard about
it yet, WAKE UP
the newsthe picturemore newsthe wikithe fake trailerand NOW the
official motherfuckin trailergo sam jackson go
thanks for the input
i finished that pic i drew earlier. a
massive blade indeed.
p.s. everything looks better when its
http://arcueid.blogspot.com is
Friday, March 17, 2006

hot balls of fire
i really need to download the newest mugen. the version i got years ago is some crappy little dos program that doesn't even hit the 100mb mark.. and apparently the new one is
da bomb
never give up
http://www.drawball.com/ifo8saoh, and changes have been made to the template too. arthurian legend is cool. i read t.h. white's sword in the stone years ago, never knew it was the first of four books. there was a saturday morning cartoon i used to watch, and i distinctly remember that the art rocked my world cuz the armour and shit was so cool. the ending song had all the knights lined up on horses charging down a field, with, of course, arthur in the centre in blazing gold armour.
but, as childhood dreams go, a little subconsious mental embellishment probably plays a part in my memory of the show.
google shows me
the truth. sad, sad day. i never knew about the highschool football crap. didn't catch enough episodes to know. or maybe i was just too stupid. the animals in the shields i remember very clearly tho. arthur had a lion, what else.
i saw the rabbit in the moon
Thursday, March 16, 2006
the moon's really bright tonight. the sky is a deep, deep shade of purple.
went for dinner at the raffles bar ampersand grill tonight. the raffles hotel was jam packed with policepeople and old english folks. so i'm guessing queen E is staying there for her 3 day visit. as we left we saw like 5 black suv's drive in (with lisence plates "1" through "5") and the indian carpark dudes waving them in shouting 'kostan! kostan!".
did you know joseph conrad visited raffles hotel before? and that the last tiger in singapore was shot (and thus made extinct) in the very restaurent i had dinner?
also, the singapore sling was invented there, but who really cares about that.
however, that brings me to my next point. big meal, calls for alcohol. vodka+juice down the hatch
this blog is aerodynamic
i haven't been blogging.
seems like i turned around and OMFG ITS THURSDAY
instead i drew a picture.

the other hand?
3)flip horizontal
liberty meadows
Monday, March 13, 2006
for absolutely no reason at all, the dim memory of a newspaper comic strip that was in life! years ago suddenly surfaced in my mind.

downloading a torrent of it now. i hope you got the joke btw
mine childhood.
it hath been raped.
WARNING gay pr0n alert. do not click the link with parents around. pretty explicit.
how the Mighty have fallenmighty.. mighty MORPHIN' amirite?
annoying battle voice
Saturday, March 11, 2006
just chewed through five hours of shining force neo. incredibly fun. pacing is frantic at times, so much so that it lags my ps2. i would enjoy the experience a lot more, however, if there were an option to make the damn caster in my group shut the bloody fuck up. everytime she casts fireball, which, since it's her main attack, is BLOODY ALWAYS, she also BLOODY ALWAYS makes the same inane comment. i can't remember it now, which is miraculous, really, but it went something like "(reference to fire), here it comes!"
actually, probably not. zzz
going to wow now and see if i can find a decent mara group
it'sa me
holidays are here. study week schmuddy week let's go watch
dumb videos
Thursday, March 09, 2006
some asshat scribbled on my drawing. i've redone the lines, but i'm out of ink. help me by played colouring in the lines with the appropriate colours.
i'm still listening to dragonforce. now i either feel like learning the guitar (this is a lie and will nevery happen) or buying
guitar hero. lol@plastic fake guitar
i found this site that i thought i lost like two years ago. it's called
snowblood apple and if you've heard of it before yourself or remembered when i last blogged about it (i don't) then i have some sort of newfound respect for you.
oh wow, another milestone for my new blog.
anyway. ERGO PROXY.
wtf? ergo proxy. new anime. i knew nothing about it before downloading other than: "cyberpunk". and i haven't had good cyperpunk since, like, blame. ff:ac almost counts, but not quite.
anyway. thoughts on ep 1. dissappointing. animation is nice at points but generally dodgy-okay. story is incoherent and without background. but, but, high marks for character design and art style.
with current space limitations i'm going to have to consider a bit before seriously following the series.
my palms are sweaty. for some reason they have been for hte last two days.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
haven't properly inducted my new blog with an annoying flash file yet.. so...
There was a flash file here. It's gone now.EXTREME POWER METAL
following my usual trend of random downloading, i downloaded dragonforce's latest album (the phrase 'latest album' makes me gnash my teeth for some reason) and i am finding myself strangely entranced. i earnestly hope that i am not developing a taste for metal. oh shi- stupid sentence alert.
anyway. to all those who've played shadow of the collosus, feel free to watch
this video. all two of you.
to those who haven't played, don't watch it. or, if you're pretty sure you're never going to play it, then watch the video, and i will mock you for having a masterpiece of gaming ruined by spoilers.
it's pretty amazing how any video of SoC as good as directs itself. if the cinematography of ico is even half as good as soc, then i really, really need to get it.
ah yes, i also wanted to mention how i was eating pringles, or more accurately, i am still eating them, and following my usual trend yadda yadda yadda wikipedia, i found the
pringles article. pretty interesting to read. when i reached the part about using the pringles lid as a frisbee, of course i had to try it out straight away. it's pretty accurate. i wish i was still in a school environment where throwing stuff across the classroom was acceptable behaviour.
ah, sec four. best year of my life.
i can't open my eyes
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
not really sleepy.. just worn out. gp test tomorrow. not going school, i'm hoping everyone pons too so i don't really have to give an excuse.
still doing the class yearbook page. its not coming along well. not at all. i'm missing five people's sleeping pics and it's dumb if i just use normal pics cuz it'll spoil the whole effect.
why can't we have some cool simple image that i can just plonk down and scribble on some words?
aj ftw.
aaaand i just realised i got the blogger code wrong, for some reason i can't post twice in one day or the older one won't appear. i think i'll just rip out the coding from a random blogskins layout
i keep forgetting to put in titles
just went to get my stitches removed. this time at NUH, not at my stupid GP. compared to when my gp YANKED the bloody stitches out, this time it barely hurt at all. or maybe it was just because the experience of local anaesthetic is fresh in my mind.
new template is up, sort of. need to add the archive thing, and some other stuff. figures that when i got the template up last night, blogger crashed.
anyway here i am, in my home skippin my school.
got the yearbook page to do, and a lit essay. the ultimatum has been given, lit teacher told me to "wake my ideas up". omg it's like like tan liang soon all over, only with different sentence structure.
ah, google can search my blog now. oh well. hi mr tan softball sucks
a work in progress.
feel free to help me colour.. or not. you'll probably ruin it. and if a "joshua" suddenly materialises somewhere nearby.. well, fyad
number 26
Sunday, March 05, 2006
i wish i could stop going to school right now. or, i need a really long holiday. not the crap week that's coming up, because its nothing but a CT studying week anyway. in any case i'll jsut end up not doing anything and studying a day before the exams.
today i've got to do the class yearbook pic. got saddled with it agian, and this time round the severe shortage of pics means that the work is going to be sub par.
i tried to draw. i tried to create a new blog layout, that's more conducive for the looooong blogger [body] entries. both times i got so pissed that what i wanted to do wasn't appearing properly in front of me that i just scrapped everything. creative juices have dried.
another thing. i've noticed that i'm not having FUN. oh, sure, my life is pretty good, and not that i'm sad, but i'm not really enjoying myself. life used to be good followed by bad followed by great followed by suck followed by YAY followed by
deep shit and so on. now it's just ho hum.. plodding along.. another day dies..
in other words, "zzzzz"
i'm waiting.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
genius at workgame design. win.
Friday, March 03, 2006
hardcorest nintendo fans everand while the doa movie is gonna be stupid,
this takes it to whole new
disgusting levels.
this is the best pic taken of me, ever.
lost the habit of blogging
melty blood coming to ps2.. liek, one year after the arcade release wtf.
i want to play dq8
but i have to do some class picture thing
won't finish it by tomorrow anyway