see five before
Sunday, April 30, 2006
in case there's anyone i haven't told yet, here i go again:
yesterday something funny happened in wow. it started when i joined a group, we were going along fine till a green item dropped, which the group members had to roll on. for those who don't play wow, you lucky devils, the roll screen has two options, a need roll and a greed roll, which are pretty self explanatory, i hope. as per usual public-group standards, we all rolled greed cuz no one needed the item, but then the mage in our group rolled need, which overides greed rolls, so he won the item automatically. coupled with the fact that his replies so far had only been "lol" and "k", and furthermore only when a few of us had gone "lol" and/or "k" as well, we deduced he was a chinese farmer. this hypothesis was substantiated when i whispered "zhong guo ren?" to him and he replied "ni hao".
so, the mage is a chinese farmer. mages are supposed to conjure water for our priest to regen mana. so i asked him, "ke yi gei Faoriel shui ma?", and the group was wracked with amazement, for i had the wonderous ability to speak farmer. long story short, he didn't understand me. maybe farmers call [Conjured Sparkling Water] something else in game besides the obvious "shui", i dunno. he started making food instead, and trying to pass it to me. i declined, and reported this to my group.
eventually we decided to press on, the priest having some extra water left over from a previous group. we progressed quite rapidly, with the mage spamming either one of the only two spells that he apparently knew how to use. but, eventually, the priest ran out of backup water and i was forced to attempt conversation again.
another longer, more embarassing, story shorter, he eventually got it after numerous attempts. he passed over like 60 water and the priest was happy. then the farmer turned to me and asked my where i was from, in bad pinyin no less. being pissed already, i just replied "singapore."
"kan bu dong"
fuck you, man.
then, he started scolding me. for my bad chinese. wtf
so, we daoed him and continued. he eventually left the group without saying a word (not like he
could, but
still.) when we died on the final boss three times in a row.
ah, this entry's taken longer than i thougt it would.
i was scolded by a bloody world of warcraft gold farmer from china for my bad chinese. {expletives}
oh. okay.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
uh huh. always takes the price to bring back reality.
i seem to be screaming alot
but fucking hell, i know when i should
HOLY FUCKING SHIT I WANT ONEi seem to be cursing more, too. hm. this should definitely stop.
Friday, April 28, 2006
FUCK YOUlooking back, tho, i reacted this way to zelda windwaker too. hmm.
i've had it with these snakes!
school is torturous. i can't even bum my way thru with a heck care attitude nowadays, it's just so bloody annoying and timewasting.
on the bus - backseat graffiti: jeffry 'goh' sucks TO THE COCK!
omg literary brilliance
i hate this guy
Thursday, April 27, 2006
eh.. is it back?
anyway. this
fucker should go kill himself.
i drew a picture
no, really, i did.
then i cut it in two and mirrored each half. again.

3for1 efficiency
ok i guess
i'm more or less my com won't die in a blaze of fire and melted plastic, for now.
samurai champloo game was extreme fun for the first hour, especially the first time experiencing the kill bill-esque hot silhouette-on-silhouette action.. but it tires extremely fast as well. if i play it once a week, i think i could make it.
now that i have my com back.. i don't know what to do.
i know, i'll do what i usually do.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
my com is somewhat getting along. i switched on the power, then flicked the fan a few times, so it started spinning, pretty slowly and inconsistently. i'm still testing if the com will get hot, and if so how fast it will warm up. two days ago i found my com in standby mode, i just realised that it must have been after the fan failed and the temp reached critical point, so my com shut itself down.
i'm using zz alot nowadays. it means a number of things, from "sigh..zz" to "omg i'm bored zz" "noncommital grunt zz" "whatever zzz"
basically i say it when i can't be bothered to think of a proper reply
please tag on my box. i heard from my father's son's mother's son's sister's only brother that unless you tag in seven days, i will die.
my com is still warming up, about 6 times slower than before. still too scary. bb now.. no wow in foreseeable future. shit.
oh com... it's meellltinggg
wow, six in the morning. apparently my headache from yesteryesterday carried over and i went to sleep early. went to sleep early yesterday. soemthing.
so i'm wide awake and bright n chipper this morn. fucking sucks.
my decision to go to sleep early was also mostly based on the fact that the fan in my com died again, and the smell of frying components warned me about this a few moments before the casing reached boiling point. of, like, the metal. nevermind. too early.
so now i'm testing the water tentetive-like, if it starts getting hot in here, i'll take off all my clothes and quickly shut down the com.
ico is puzzling. been so frustrated at some points that i've almost headed to gamefaqs
leading the girl around is wierd, when you run, it seems like you're trying to dislocate her arm, which makes me want to walk everywhere. then i get bored and run. or i let go of her hand and run away and keep shouting at her.
um whatever
shit the case is getting warm. sigh
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
apparently i posted that twice. i went to sleep immediately afterwards, in my uniform. some time around 11 my mother unlocked the com room door to find me asleep on the couch, i think she shouted and threatened to start locking the door again. my head still hurt so i didn't bother responding and went back to sleep. i woke up again at 3am, dozed till 4, then went to bathe. my ico download finished, so i burned it and played abit, then went to sleep again. woke up for school with head still dull-feeling.
ico is.... ..
well, if sotc was like playing zelda bosses one after the other, ico is like a big zelda dungeon, with puzzles n stuff.
maybe more later.. i'm still sleepy again.
still.. agian? my sentences don't make sense.
my head
Monday, April 24, 2006
it is ripping itself apart
i felt fine during school
all the way during school
i drank a can of mountain dew, and a can of coffee
both high caffiene sources or something FUCK like that
the caffiene is gone now shitshitshit
my head
it is ripping itself apart
i felt fine during school
all the way during school
i drank a can of mountain dew, and a can of coffee
both high caffiene sources or something FUCK like that
the caffiene is gone now shitshitshit
almost time to wake up
and i havent gone to sleep yet
stupid, stupid, work ethic
stupid presentation
even a question
with every history assignment, position paper, or presentatio i do, i come to realise: i do not like this subject. memorising is a chore, and i do not, can not, care about these events so distanced from me. when anything of interest appears, it is brutally wrapped up in structures and analysis and essay formats.
should i drop history? will it make a difference? or am i just complaining and running away?
there was a hole here
Sunday, April 23, 2006
we need to get together n watch
silent hill
smaerd all over the place
there's a small bit in colin goh's column in today's newspaper about people's recurring dreams. never noticed it before, but dreams about loose teeth
are sort of common, i can remember at least three times. falling dreams are pretty common too, though it's alway in the family car and off either a chinese pagoda, or off a cliff into a construction site, or both. i used to dream, and was absolutely convinced, that i could breathe underwater, and hover about 30 cm off the ground, if i concentrated really hard. i have a dream where i'm running away, i don't know from what, but i just knew i had to keep moving, and the excape routes i took were fantastic and exhilerating. i had a dream once, i don't think i'll ever forget it, strangely enough it was of a building, a castle of sorts, and i watched it while riding a cable car that connected to the building. it was purple, go figure. but the majesty and awe that i felt while looking at it left me reeling when i woke up. weird. i remember looking to the left and seeming a minature version of the castle, like a branch or something.
i have work to do.
don't touch chili
Saturday, April 22, 2006
12.00 um, noon.
i had a dream two days ago. i'm already forgetting what it was about, but it involved packing my stuff for a trip to some far-away place that i wasn't going to come back from. it was interesting and sad, and i'm upset i'm going to forget it.
teja's birthday party was yesterday, and we celebrated his welcome into the world of m18 movies, alcohol, toto and cigarettes (he's a good boy he'll only watch the movies) by going to his house, eating his food, and playing his ps2. no pokemon cards this time.
oh yeah, before that, i skipped pe to meet pehpeh, who was wandering around rj in his acjc uniform. then we went to his house where he wowed and bought me my
devilsaur gauntlets. now i have the complete set! /cheer
meanwhile, i went to bathe, and was fascinated by his bath soap lotion which looked like it was fermenting and felt like sand. then i borrowed some clothes, wanted to wear an acjc shirt, missing the obvious point that i was wearing cv's to go to a pool place, and a shirt blaring a school name isn't the correct idea here. found some pants with an elastic waistband (omg i'm fat kthx) and we were good to go!
we met gary n joshua at amk, n gary showed us the wonderful gift he got. pragmatic and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. we played pool, where i beat pehpeh thanks to extremely extremely tyco (taiko? tycho? lucky.) shots which he likened to crits from a rogue.
then we cabbed to teja's place, or we planned to till we realised that the other three of us hadn't gotten a present yet. we se took a detour to heartland mall, or kovan mall, or something, or maybe theire the same place? um, whatever. i bought roasted.. stirfry chestnuts, we wandered around, watched mick foley thrown through a flaming table, then eventually bought the stuff.
then we walked to teja's house, and forces beyond our feeble control made us start singing songs along the way.
got to his house, various things happened, watched Bushido Samurai (haha lol dumb guild name) wipe to chromagus, gary ninja-stripped qixiang a few times, we sang one last song and the night was over.
fun day.
six string samurai
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
another memory from out of the blue.
axn used to screen movies every monday night, with a replay at 1pm the next day. also, back then they had about 6 or 20 movies which they cycled mercilessly, and to make it worse, they weren't getting many ads or something, so the only ads they had were the ones they made themselves, promoting the monday night movie.
it was during this golden age that they were still screening anime. good times. good times.
now i don't watch tv at all, so i can't say how axn's doing. i know they've stopped anime broadcasts, probably thanks to animax, and i think they've pretty much filled up on reality tv shows. but whatever.
one of those 3 movies was called
[see entry title]. sounded interesting, and i'd watched Desperado before, so a musician-warrior-type joke of a hero sounded interesting. coupled with the endless ads, it stayed pretty much at the fore of my mind. one day, i found myself up late on monday, watching tv, so i decided to watch it. it turned out to be absolute crap. i couldn't stand it and gave up halfway thru, and went to sleep. as luck had it, on tuesday i caught the other half on the replay, and somehow i watched it all, while channel surfing relentlessly.
long story short, it sucked. and i suddenly remembered it today. so,
imdb. and, to my surprise, people like it. peculiar. i might download it, if that's possible, to have a relook.
imbd is almost as bad as wikipedia.
surfing around.
quentin tarantino acted in Desperado as "pick-up guy"
to waileong, who has appeared in the newspaper again. AGAIN. check the Home section, it was either the fornt page or pg8 or both. oh, tip: look at the camera pls if they're taking a photo of you.
i'm trying to remember how i used to blog... well, complaining about school's never failed me.
school sucks.
thank goodness for labour day comin up.
i watched the first season of eureka 7. i like it.
backed by bandai and namco and playstation, it's entirely possible that the show was created just for marketing purposes. but, like with the power rangers, my childhood has been undeniably enriched by such ventures, and i'm not going to stop enjoying myself now.
expect a layout soon, as its the only shallow way of expressing how much i like the show that i know how. lay out. ahaha, there's a pun here. no one will get it :|
eh what
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
i haven't blogged properly in a few days. past few entries have all been game/anime posts.
i guess i'm not able to blog like i used to anymore, when i could think back on my day and spew stuff out on even the smallest details.
so... update on my life, sort of.
beens sleeping earlier, on average around 1am. still sleeping as much in school, so i might want to fix my sleeping patterns back to more unearthly hours again. efficiency and all that. no sense sleeping now if i can do it later, at a more useful time. hm. what i wrote doesn't make much sense, but since most (both? all three?) of you are students, i'm sure you'll understand.
school gave out stikfas to celebrate 25 years of historically historic RJ history. quite cool, actually, the stikfas i mean. best idea the school's had since i got here. basically it's just plain white, with a "RAFFLES" on the back like a pe shirt. apparently only 1500 of them were made, specially for the school. i wonder if the alledged "fans" in the "united states" which "collect" these things are any interested at all. i popped mine out of the plastic frame, so there goes most of the value, anyway, but i'm sure some
pragmatic far-thinking rafflesians probably saved theirs as a future investment.
borrowed the watchmen. pretty interesting, but the overabundance of cross-panel dialogue and captions gets pretty annoying at times. i wish alan moore could take proper pictures of
himself. poser.
oh yeah, my head. the new operation points have more or less healed. but still bald. but my hair (what's left of it) is pretty long now. oh well, i've got my jamaican beanie to wear. My dad thought it was a tropical fruit.
cool beans!or so i would say if the graphics didn't look so mediocre. hopefully the gameplay makes up for it, EGM's given it a pretty decent thumbs up from previews.
our powtage
Monday, April 17, 2006
played kh2. item hunted and got donald n goofy's ultimate weapons. now for ultimate weapon+!
got bored and decided to play gummiship. built a new ship with nothing but explosives, to my surprise it totally owned. on one mission my rank went up to S+2, and instead of entering the keyhole, i got warped to some super hard boss that i was dying on. then the power went out.
so... an hour of gummiship, gone. oh well. plenty more to come
gamefaqs tells me that the max level is s+10 and the super hard boss is the final gummiship enemy. which means i'm on the last stage :(
lolthat link will be dead in about three hours, so i'll just say that it's an ebay auction for kh2 that's currently at a US $3,599.00 bid. i got mine for $2.50, the cost of a dvd at the school bookshop.
what now
i have three games to play, kh2 where i will level and try to not die so quickly to sephiroth, dq8 where i will level and try not to die so quickly to the fourth-last boss, and wow, where i will level.
i can't decide.
fate ep 15
Sunday, April 16, 2006
this will be an anime blogging entry, sorry.
fate is finally decently living up to its standards. well executed cliffhanger ending. i almost don't mind. almost.
eureka 7 is getting better too, but the story is super fragmented. there's tons of tiny bits of unorganised info that have no apparent linkages to each other at all. it's still super cliched and reuses plot devices like mad. highly similar to dual! and eva, but with more annoying main characters. wait, no, not really, nothing really tops shinji and gendou... okay, they're not
that annoying, but i still want to punch them nonetheless.
ah, and in ep 17 there was a character called Edmond. who's apparently been dead for a year. phoo.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
got mixed up thanks to good friday. completed kh2 storyline today, so it
has been a week.
it's that time again
so i got my ultimate weapon this morning. now, its time for the sephiroth fight. not a spoiler, it had to happen.
Friday, April 14, 2006
"The comic changes dramatically when one removes the thought bubbles.
"Garfield" changes from being a comic about a sassy, corpulent feline, and becomes a compelling picture of a lonely, pathetic, delusional man who talks to his pets. Consider that Jon, according to Garfield canon, cannot hear his cat's thoughts. This is the world as he sees it. This is his story."
it's... evening already?
didn't i just wake up?
no, really?
i woke up at around 10am today. i started playing kh2. thought i'd start off with a bit of gummiship, and suddenly it was lunchtime. so i ate. and i looked at the clock, it said "1pm". then i went back to playing. then it's.. now.
i believe i'm at the final boss. if i finish the game today then this will be the first game that i've completed in a week.
... i'll wait till tommorrow.
not a tellytubby
Thursday, April 13, 2006
hi i'm here to promote 4chan again. pron-free, this time.
they set up a new board,
origami and papercrafts. 5 page model sheets and another page of instructions is crazy, but there are simpler ones that look just as cool.
i hope these links last.
there's an xbox one, and one guy was like, "how many forests did you have to cut down for that one?"
wow is boring today. three day weekend woot. kh2 marathon tonight.
you fight who? WHERE?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
read some spoilers by accident when i went to gamefaqs to find out wtf was happening with some weird form change.
but its cool. i will go bathe now then go play kh2 and fall asleep.
oh no! i need something to write with!
need a pen? why not order a custom-made pen online!
from this great site i found,
pen island!
S******* D*** N******
i failed napfa so bad that i even failed in spelling it. not a typo this time.
so... in more detail. the sequence was fucked up.
1) shuttle run! whee 9.6 seconds A as usual
2) sit ups! whee 49 A as usual
3) standing
BJ.. ow my stomach hurts from situps 228cm D as usual
4) sit n reach! whee 52cm A as usual.
FAIL FUCKING N00Bit's a good thing there's wow maintenance tonight, i need my sleep. damn tired.
black tuesday
been a good weekend.
tomorrow: napha.
hint: i will fail it.
Monday, April 10, 2006
disgaea isn't very good. the animation is pretty bad. but they used the voice actors from the game, makes up for everything. nostalgiaGET
a whole thousand? ∆! ∆! ∆!!! ∆!!!! ∆!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 hours into kh2 and it doesn't seem like there's any sign of an end in sight. or even a middle. the scriptwriting seems to oscillate between retarded and hilarious. much like the disney channel nowadays. "oh, you're fighting too?" haha oh wow
the game keeps throwing cool shit at me.. almost can't take it. everyone knows auron's in the game, but.. lol.
the gummy ship system takes another round of getting used to, but now i'm hooked. it's no starfox, but customizable ships are cool.
the new mana system is highly restrictive.. and i don't mean that in a bad or good way. it's just different. healing well is a lot more vital, and items are now a best friend.
the synthesis system is weird, i'm still pretty lost.
the "form" system is cool.
the anagrams get pretty obvious after awhile. "Roxas" lit up warning signs right at the start.
the fisheye camera is barely noticable now
yuffie is still hot
i wish theyd used the japanese voice actors from AC. aeristhst has no larynx and i can barely tell cloud and leon apart. the voice actors that really shine are the ones playing disney characters. sephiroth (is that a spoiler? you know he was coming back) sounds like.. a teacher or something, compared to malificent. merlin amuses me and while pete is dumb, his voice gives him more character than many others.
ad lastly.. the story. it is covulated. there is a shitload i know, but i know absolutely nothing of how all this shit links together, and consquently, i know nothing.
so.. i've played enough for today. now for the kingdom hearts
sex toyand to watch disgaea ep 1. i heard they introduce gordon, failure of earth before etna. blasphemy.
Sunday, April 09, 2006

i want this plate
limit breaks in kh2 are fun
today was killer. whole day out in school then double 3-hour tuitions.
got back, started kh2. finished the entire prequel episode in one sitting. went a bit further, till like now. thank goodness the short shorts are gone.
i'd blog more, and i really should, but it's three in the morning now.
zzz pls
The Bank of England
Friday, April 07, 2006
so i guess i should be going to sleep now.

a bloodthirsty animal i'll be if it's what i want
Thursday, April 06, 2006
hi guys i'm drinking apple seltzer
it's nice
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
mai-otome is finally over. the ending was.. sort of "ah, okay. i see what you did there." happy ending, decent conclusion, one or two minor plot threads not tied up (season 3? lol) but nothing spectacular, as last episodes go.
to date, there haven't been many anime that leave me in a good mood when the final ep rolls around. it's always either "that sucked shit" (mahoromatic ffs), "huh?" (eva), "that was disgusting" (end of eva), "wtf?wtfwtf?" (flcl), "i'm going to kill myself now" (saikano), "zzz" (tsukihime), or "i want more dammit" (genshiken.. and my prayers are answered cuz season 2 starts later this year)
endings that have satisfied me don't come easily to mind... gatekeepers, and rahxephon once it's thought through a bit.
in other news, more marks back.
history, 48.5% not and O wow
GP, 54.5% marker was crazy. when you have comments like "argh!" you just don't know what to think.
econs, 48%. my tuition teacher won't speak to me now.
add in maths, my grades so far are BEE. compared to promos, econs stayed at E, maths improved like shit from O, history deproved from C, GP was fucking stupid, so who cares. when you've got people scoring e8 grades in some classes then something must be wrong. don't know why they want to set such a high standard, a levels aren't going to be any where near what they expect of us now. not that i'm saying alevels will be a cinch or anything..
ah nvm.
i should either sleep now, or play more dq8. boss battles now are fucking hard. i've wasted skill points for one character and i can't respec. zzz
i just chased the shadow of the giant godbird Empyrea around an island while it flew overhead, thereby opening a hole in the fabric of reality and warping me the shadow lands.
Monday, April 03, 2006
that's 60%. which is a B. for Maths.
tuition ftw
quizzes stolen from gary's blog
You Are Dr. Pepper |
 You're very unique and funky, yet you still have a bit of traditionalism to you. People who like you think they have great taste... and they usually do.
Your best soda match: Root Beer
Stay away from: 7 Up |
we don't get much dr. pepper here in singapore. i absolutely HATED dr. pepper. it tasted disgusting.
You're A Crazy Drunk |
 When you drink, you get wrecked - and it ain't pretty. |
*burp* first k
You Are 48% Abnormal |
 You are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul.
You are at medium risk for having a borderline personality. It is somewhat likely that you are a chaotic mess.
You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.
You are at high risk for having a social phobia. It is very likely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.
You are at medium risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is somewhat likely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer. |
i have no idea what they're saying
Sunday, April 02, 2006
if you never click on a single link on my blog again, at least click on
this one. i beg you. just skip the bleach opening at the start, got no idea why its there.
i need find out what the april fool's jokes the internat played. i know 4chan did something to their image servers and homestarrunner flipped all its pages upside down.
i've read news that people aren't liking KH2. but it think it's gonna
rock. will wait and see.
wow. it rained in the afternoon, as it has been for the past few days, but this time the lightining was crazy. centralized around my house area, i swear there were like 10 visible strikes in two minutes. fun.
class party yesterday. thanks to james dad who benevolently opened wide the welcoming doors of his liquor cabinet. i didn't get drunk, there was too much food and water of the swimming kind around, but intoxication was certainly manifest is certain individuals. who kissed certain other individuals. of the same gender. on the bloody lips.
the place was "the windsor", and i'm only mentioning it because i'd been there before for some primary school classmates bday, like, five years ago. i can't remember his name.
in any case, my enjoyment of the party was marred by the fact that i can't burp. i surmise that it has something to do with when i was young and was constantly sick. or something. seems like every party i've gone to in recent times leaves me feeling sick and nauseous and stupid, and it's only afterwards at home when i manage to gag-vomit the gas out. to reward the people who still read my blog, i will describe the process in excruciating detail.
1) firstly, mutter "fuck" alot. while groaning. this step is absolutely crucial. it lessens discomfort by spreading it around. brilliance.
2) keep drinking! you need to acheive a state close to critical mass before the following steps can be carried out.
3) find somewhere secluded, like a toilet, where no one can ask you wtf you're doing.
4) bend forward 90 degrees.
5) take increasingly deep breaths
6) gagging should occur. if not, take the optional step of sticking your fingers as far back down your throat as possible.
7) tada. rinse and repeat steps 4) through 6), and if you feel like it, go back to 2).
i watch people stare glassy eyed into the air, rear back, and unleash a gigantic burp into the air. I HATE YOU ALL.