sore ga kiiburedo ka.
Friday, June 30, 2006
searching for more kh2 seph fight videos, to laugh at others. one guy actually had the gall to label his video "Sephiroth fight on Normal, lvl 71 (RECOMMENDED 80+)"
eat my shit
anyway, there are some interesting tactics that others have used. there's this
one guy who doesn't want to lock on at all, and appears to be controlling the camera with the right analog. er, whatever, his super skillz in facing the right direction and guarding with perfect timing mean that he can do what he wants. wandering around when he can't find sephiroth during the descend heartless angel is stupid, tho.
also, the
jap version!goofy sounds like an inebriated japanese salaryman while donald sounds.. okay. sora is some whiny kid that i'm certain i've heard before. if i'm not wrong it's that redhaired wimp from dnangel. hated that guy.
sephiroth.. hrm. he started out sounding okay. but his comments during the fight got progressively.. plainer. like, he started talking in a normal tone of voice. ah, whatever, just imo. trivia: english sephiroth voice actor is the guy from the superman cartoon. as in, the Guy, supes, himself. didn't notice at first but i lolled when i first found out.
anyway, those idiots need to learn to use reflect, and jump properly. even with max jump dodging they still don't use it to their advantage
omg i feel like replaying the fight again
one last test tomorrow, the dreaded UNSEEN LITERATURE PAPER
anime openings
Thursday, June 29, 2006
listening to all those anime songs started me on a youtube hunt for old axn anime openings that i haven't seen in years. just watched the kenshin season1 opening, and the quality of the animation ownz a lot of today's crap.
rahxephon opening. i'm going to have to rewatch this series really soon. right after i start wolf's rain.
found Shadow Skill, a shonen anime that i never liked, but seems to have gained a small following on the internet.
saved Dual!'s for last. rockin nostalgia. anime ops nowadays are all just more or less a slideshow of repetitive actions or a series of rapidfire intro-exits by the characters..
eh, i need to study for maths. dunno shit about argand diagrams. what's the R formula?
but first, an interesting sounding quiz from joshua's blog
Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question, then tag your friends! absolutely no cheating! ((:How does the world see me?Koufukuron (etsuraku version)
yup, a lot of jap songs coming up. translation of title: Theory of Happiness (pleasure version)
eh, don't get sick ideas, its another stupid jap wording that probably doesnt translate well. basically this version is just hte normal song sped up and uglier sounding.
anyway. i try to be happy. my theory of happiness.. is to ignore a lot of stuff. guess some people see me as dao, then. all of them seem to be girls, for some reason.
Will I have a happy life?Arrogant Worms - Tokyo Love Song
actually, i don't think the arrogant worms did this song. must be a mislable cus its supposed to be comedy as well. ah, whatever. the song is about a guy singing about his japanese girlfriend (OMG YAY.. sort of) who gets crushed by godzilla. YAY. somehow i am sure this will be an apt metaphor for future.
What do my friends really think of me?04. Entichers - L'arc En Ciel
i haven't listened to this song before.
...don't think i'll finish listening to it. anyway, it seems to imply that i entiche my friends. good job, engrishman
Do people secretly lust after me?Burn it down - Alter Bridge
i guess that's a No.
How can I make myself happy?End of the Party - Flame of Recca OST1
so.. i'll be happy when parties are over. man i suck.
What should I do with my life?Kimi ni Fuku Kaze - Mikuni Shimokawa (fumoffu ending, FTFUCKINGW)
"the wind that blows to you"
i should fart a lot. no, really. since i can't burp. and i should fart AT other people. my life is set.
seriously.. wait, seriously? how serious should i take this.. anyway, i've been living like a weathervane so far, i'll do what life makes me do, what
everWill I ever have children?The Flame of Youth - DragonForce
ooh, that sounds promising.
What is some good advice for me?Dual! - Real
one of my fave songs ever.. lol i'll need to check a translation to see what it means tho..
i should shuffle my songs more. have't listened to this in ages
i have failed. maybe later.
How will I be remembered?Strange Chameleon (acoustic) - The Pillows
remember me for my eyes that can look 360 degrees
What is my signature dancing song?Boku wa Koko ni Iru- SOPHIA (kaleidostar ending)
another nice song i haven't heard in a while. translation shouldn't be necessary, its simple jap and if you don't get it then you probably won't care, gratz. this ain't dancin' music tho.
What do I think my current theme song is?14.Dusk - Toshiyuki O'mori (Shingetsutan Tsukihime OST1)
nostalgic, but not my favourite bgm. would have preferred Justice, Demoniac or Prayer. or maybe Gibbous Moon from OST2. ah well. man i sound like a freak. i shall change to question to "What do I think my current Soundtrack is?"
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?Moon On The Water (Full Moon Sway) - Sowelu
my favourite song out of the Beck anime and the only worthwhile result from 26 episodes of mediocrity. when compared the the manga, of course. more babbling. anyway, it's a bunch of engrish phrases that don't make much sense, which is a rather decent description of me, i think.
What song will play at my funeral?DearlyBeloved-Reprise- (Kingdom Hearts OST, that musicbox-like song that plays at the start screen)
nice choice!
What type of women do I like?Cowboy Bebop - Stray Dog Strut - Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts
gotta love jap song naming.. so i like my bitches.. stray-y and strutty, i can't believe i said that.
What is my day going to be like?Midnight Down - The Pillows
ah, back to
instant music, best pillows site evar.
oh fuck! they're touring north america!
Don't worry about it!
I'll watch the last scene with my own eyes
Leave me alone!
The pain of my trembling heart still won't stop
Sleepless nights, left to hang then suddenly letting go,
I answered in a hundred ways
And now
To hell with the world
I breathed in my freedom
Your face is the only thing I can see
As I slip through the darkness
Midnight down
The stray dog sniffing about won't go away
The graffiti they mocked
I'll draw it how I like
I've never been to the desert, but I know
With these dry eyes which shed not a single teardrop
I still found you
To hell with the world
I breathed in my freedom
Your face is the only thing I can see
As I slip through the darkness
Midnight down
Look! In the black-painted night sky
The moon rises in an arc
If you told me 'I'm here'
I'd feel like I could fly anywhere
There are weapons in my heart
Ready for an ambush
It was so painful
That unbelievable nightmare
To hell with the world
I breathed in my freedom
Your face is the only thing I can see
As I slip through the darkness
Midnight down
i don't post lyrics often. my day... probably won't be so angst filled. it's 1.54am, i've spent a good part of the hour doing this (among other things. ahhhem)
my history notes
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
..they contain the following handwritten notes in the remarks column
□ ○ ← ← ○ □
R1 R2 ○ → R2 ○
← ○ R2 → R1 □
R2 → R2 R1 □ →
i don't think those will help
ᇁ_ᇁ ...
update on test deathrate!
lit was.. as usual. for the amount of study i put in, a pass is sufficient.
econs.. i studied half an hour. i think the tuition helped, because i could actually write stuff down instead of stoning. so, a pass is sufficient as well.
history. ha. ha. i'm really going to end up writing paragraph-long essays, i'm sure. fuck.
Monday, June 26, 2006
dc comics, you just enjoy
fucking yourself up the ass, don't you?
study over
i'm as prepared as i'll ever be. shoddily.
hilaritythat site is awesome.
oh, and i just realised that my blog's second birthday has come and gone.. with the death of the forever excellent diary-x, i can only vaguely remember that my blog went online sometime in june 2004. its time for a new layout, or perhaps a rehash of an old one. i'd like to redo my original layout.
but, probably not this week, eh.
i haven't done a quiz in a while.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
so it looks like i'm studying tomorrow. oh, no, i'll sleep till noon so i better study now. fuck.
first, waste time.
01) What is your phone brand?nokia. third-hand stolen phone purchased in brunei.
02) What are the last 3 digits of your mobile number?093
03) What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?"Ya"
04) Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?Mail Retrieval
no idea
05) Who's the last person you rang?gary
06) Who was your last received call from?waileong
07) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?darius
08) What does the last message in your inbox say?"1"
(time that joshua ends school)
damn this is boring
09) Who comes up under J?james muruthi, jeremy yeoh, joshua, joyce
10) Go to your Sent Items - what does the 10th message say?i don't keep sent items. it'd probably be something boring like "another half hour" or something.
11) Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?steven
i had exactly four S entries. okay, so one of then was SH 1633 Roam and another was Starhub 1633 (don't ask me why there are two) but FFS IT COUNTS
active social life ftw
12) Who's your network provider?pakistani starhub dancing on my shoe
13) How many messages are currently in your inbox?35
14) What do you have as your background?fucking fuck so you think all phones are advanced enough to have nice colour picture backgrounds eh, EH
15) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R?(no matches)
16) Who do you have on speed dial 3?i don't have anyone on speed dial because I DON'T CALL PEOPLE ENOUGH
17) If you're on Pay as you Go, how much credit do you have?FUCK
18) Who's the first person who comes up under C?candice
19) How many bars of signal do you currently have?2/4
20) What do you have as your main ringtone?"Ring ring" when not on silent
kaounto daoun
same fuckers
i.. i have lost all faith in humanity
the japanese, especially.
i'm waiting ten seconds after entering any poratjohn ever again.
heard it all before
so, have i mentioned i'm fucked?
my study begins tomorrow.
or perhaps not even then, like, the lit paper is in the afternoon, yknow.
what the fuck is wrong with me
sir Gan Wai Leong, our Hero
Friday, June 23, 2006
this post is dedicated to the aforementioned individual, champion of all wow-playing a-level takers this year. uninstalled, no cds to reinstall, password changed by someone else, total isolation from wow. gratz man.
so, i'm fucked.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
YEAHHHHHHalso, the NHK (not the tv station) anime is coming out, by gonzo. they've got a lot riding on this..
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
oh, fuck. haven't started studying yet.
i'm fucked.
trying out a new anime
Monday, June 19, 2006
i wonder, can you spot the main characters?
best anime of 2006
nay, the best EVER is definitely gundou musashi. fantastic animation.
the crowd lubs you!
ddr freestylin. he did a MAX on standard like that and got an E, i can't even pass with my fingers.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
that's just like an evangelion pilot!

yeah anyway, i don't usually download american comics, but i might make an exception now.
i'm hoping for a huge retcon.

this is one of the places i hang out on occasion. says a lot about me.

ok, actual blogging
Saturday, June 17, 2006
when i get down to real blogging..
oh well, nature's way of welcoming me back
anyway, today i had to wake up for econs remedial. i slept at 3am the previous day because i finally obtained the final 8 episodes of eureka7. somehow, i still made it up on time and dragged myself to school. the remedial was basically the post mortem of a bunch of assignments we were supposed to have done. notice my wording. i got back a lecture test we did. that is all.
somehow i made it thru, then i got home, checked my auctions on wow (nothing sold and i lost a bundle on auction service charges. damn.) then completely died. i slept for about two hours before i had to wake up again for maths tuition. 4.30 to 7.30, usual madness. got home,
...did i eat dinner?
i'm not hungry now so i probably did.
yeah, got home, ate dinner, went to my room and read more pratchett on my ipod (i've started doing that again) and fell asleep with the light on. then i woke up somewhere around 1, where i tried to wow abit, but had a splitting headache so i popped some paracetamol then spammed ftw.
i have yet to bathe.
it's kinda weird cuz this is the first post most of you will read. this is actually like the third blog entry i've made today, yeah whatever.
check it out. you will want to, after this blog entry.
ready? ok here i go.


who no chinese people?

also, what is it with me and women?

lookin' slick, gary.
i take that back, waileong is hotter than you.


what's that? they're mostly pictures of myself? well, i am shallow and self centred, no surprise there. also, you'd be surprised at how many unflattering pics i have of you. yes, YOU, DEAR READER.
so, i'd rather you find out what UGLY PEOPLE you resemble yourself. <3
but, BUT, in all fairness. i always hope to be the first to laugh at myself.

i r bored
more pictures, since i got bored of posting at ftw.
now with 65% less CAPSLOCK
i always lol at this


not sure if i've posted this before.
china plans to destroy the world, by having its entire population JUMP AT ONCE. the massive imbalance in weight on the earth with cause it to spiral out of orbit into the sun.

they have begun by training the army.
our doom is nigh.
post this on the wow forums to be clever.

don't get it? wols.
a familiar picture, in its original form. someone be so kind as to dig up the edited version

this is extremely well done.

i laugh at you if you can't properly view stereograms.
and now

Thursday, June 15, 2006
"Yes I'm talking that anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It fucking sucks. Now it's pretty popular among the anime circles, and yet this poor excuse for an animated feature is the worst thing ever produced by a human being if you except Plan 9 from Outer Space, and I'm being generous.
First you gotta admit you hated the first episode. It made no sense, sucked as shit, wasn't funny, edgy or new. Or original. Animation sucked dead dogs' balls. Characters sucked dead dogs' balls. Voice actiong sucked dead dogs' balls. But you managed to make it through the whole pile of steaming poo just to see the ED. BEcause that's what this anime is about. It's about the ED. Those 1 minute and a half. There's nothing else to it. You went like "OMG ANIMATION LIEK" you freaking retards and now everyone likes it. Yet it's shit. It's complete shit with no redeeming qualities. There's fucking nothing to it. Just the dance at the end. It's a dancing anime. A fucking retarded danxcing anime with no story and nothing and no characters it sucks. You shouldn't like it you morons seriously. Just download the ED and loop it on your WMP you cockass faggot asses. DAMN I wish all those threads about HARUHI OMG YEAH would go one and everyone in them die FUCK YOU for polluting my forums HARUHI FUCK YOU.
lol, no, i didn't write that. for those who watch haruhi.. okay, joshua, i guess i'm talking to you alone.. 4chan's 9000000GET on /b/ (translation: the 9 millionth post on the random forums) was a
haruhi picture. of course, all the GETS since like 5mil have been rigged by the moderators, since the psot is usually automatically elevated to divine meme status. like raptor jesus. google it. the last get was 8888888, a day or two before 9mil, and the mods set it up to be a hijack post from the GNAA. which stands for Gay Nigger Association of America. if you don't know who they are, don't bother finding out. all i will say is that a large portion of its members are neither african american, or homosexual.
oh shit, more unsavoury terms that google will now link to my blog.
in the meantime, while i wait for the series to end and joshua to lend it to me, i'll watch the
other haruhi. the
faggy shojo one. yay.
mixed fruit cognac what
Monday, June 12, 2006
my father brought back a bottle, for some reason. finishing it now. 14% alcohol
my day
Sunday, June 11, 2006
where did it go
so i finished thud! sometime this afternoon, two whole days of wowtime wasted. i've made a couple of friends online on my new char (OMG NERDDD "FRIENDS" LOL GO MAKE FRIENDS IRL KTHX) and theyre all levelling faster than me. also, i found a
lvl 37 epic but no one wants to buy it. why couldn't i have found a
soj instead zzz thanks blizz
world crap
technology progresses!
and now!
you can watch the world cup!
open cmd.exe and type "telnet 2006" without quotation marks YOU FOOL
my father is leaving on a journey today. i want to bring him good luck.
two birds plz
there's only enuff for one bird!
so, another two week stay is over, back to brunei.
thus ends week 2.
Samuel L Vimes
Saturday, June 10, 2006
'obtained' thud, latest discworld.
its everything i remembered lol
i rock with uncontrolled mirth in my chair
LIESwho buys this shit?
console wars
i look exactly like the nintendo dude
what in what?
Friday, June 09, 2006
wait a sec.
are you fucking serious?
i think i'll cut my penis off
omg penis i said a bad word
ok, look at this
pic. first thing you'll notice, if you can at all, is the bleach pictures. next, look closely at centre, and you'll see... Wii.
i woke up today to go to school, at around 8.15 or so. the remedial lasted till 11, after which i came home and fell dead to the world. i slept on and off, with about half an hour of waking time for lunchy (at 3), all the way till now. my whole day is gone. so, i will play all night.
second week is ending. tests are.. two weeks away. still two weeks away. hm.
fuck, oblivion sucks.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
okay, maybe not that bad. but the glamour is certainly gone.
the fun:
the game is highly immersive, and highly realistic. which i learned really quickly, by finding myself thrown in jail for picking stuff out of people's cupboards. so, i've found that stealing is bad only if you get caught. high point of today was pickpocketing the house key of some guy that was fucking rude to me, and plundering his house.
the stupid:
the leveling system is the ugliest piece of shit i have ever seen. basically, as you do certain stuff, a respective skill increases, and as your skills increase to a certain point, you will level. when you level, you get to add points to stats that correspond to the skill, BUT, the amount you can add to the stat is dependent on how much the skill leveled.
confusing? example: as i crouch and sneak around, my Sneak skill increases levels. as i fight with my sword, my Blade skill increases. as my various skills increase, i will level. then i can add the points to my stats. how much i add to Agility is based on how much my Sneak leveled, and Stregth for Blade, etc.
problem: i'm like a sneaking, damaging, rogue-type guy right? so i pick Sneak and Blade as my Major Skills when i created my character, doesn't that make sense? so, i get a +20 bonus to these skills when i start. yay. but, it turns out, i shouldn't have done that. now, as the skills i use most are comparitively high level already, once i level them a couple of times, i will Level. and since i only leveled the skills a few times, i'll only be able to add +2 to the Stat that it corresponds to. so, instead i should have left it as my minor skill, so that i need to level it a lot to Level my character, and then i can get a +5 to the skill.
in any case, its totally counter intuitive and stupid. i'm looking into the numerous fanmods that introduced their own leveling systems. i better get something quickly or i'll just cheat my way through as usual.
oh, another thing thats fucked up is the.. oh, wait, its more about the level system.
the game scales the difficulty according to your level. however, the way it does this is, imo, stupidly flawed. firstly, enemies scale with level, and while i haven't seen this in much action yet, since i'm still a low level, from what i've read, fur-wearing bandits that you encounter at the start of the game will be clad in mythril and weilding enchanted glass swords by the time you're 20. they did this in ff8, i didn't like it. secondly, on escourt quests or quests where you have to keep people alive, the npcs don't get a level boost, meaning its a team of an uber-level You & noobshit npcs Vs. many uber-level enemies. thirdly, quest rewards scale as well. the faqs inform me that i shouldn't have done the sidequest i just did, and that i should have left it for later so i get an uber weapon, instead of the cheap baubles that i got now. so much for freeform, open-ended play.
zzz i'll just stick to wow and jrpgs, thx. writing all this down has really gotten me depressed about the game.
~ (open console lol)
player.additem 0000000F 99999 (99999 gold)
tgm (godmode)
psb (all spells)
player.setlevel 255 (FF in hexa lol)
advskill blade 20
advskill sneak 20
advskill etc.
if when i get bored)
coc testinghall
coc toddtest (teleport to debug zones)
movetoqt (teleport to quest tartgets.. i'll finish the main storyline in a couple of hours)
Off i go then.
so, oblivion
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
it's huge. it's just.. immense. the amouont of character options.. the bloody world map.. yeah i can see myself creating at least three different characters.
also, it's pretty hard cuz i screwed my character. there is no exact equivilent of the wow rogue class, with stealth+high attack, so i made my own custom class, and now i end up having sub par skills on both fronts, with stealth slightly better. i might restart with a new char. i played an elve, too, which is fun but impractical if i want to be an uber stealther-person-guy. i'll create a.. furry. there's a race of cat-men type deals which can see in the dark and shit. i really need that.
stealth in the game is rocking. instead of magically becoming transluscent like in wow, this time you just crouch down and a little icon appears that shows you how much attention you're grabbing. so there's actual strategy that comes into play, moving through shadows and moving slowly and maneuvering behind the target for 3Xsneak attack+3Xback attack for 6X damage woot.
so either then my target is dead, yay, or, it isnt and i'm forced to meelee really badly where i lose most of my health, or, there was a second (or more) enemy and i'm forced to meelee again.
yeah anyway. take a break, world of warcraft.
lucky lucky
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
so, my oblivion download looks like it's almost finished, in 20 min or so. which is 5 minutes before i have to leave for tuition. is this good or bad? torture.
i salute you
oblivion's at 69.1%, thanks to some american dude ("") who is blasting stuff to me at a sustained 80++kbs, all by himself. thanks, man. whoever you are.
i've foudn downloads go a lot lot faster at night.. ah well. if my current speed of about 110kbs keeps up, i'll have the game in somewhere around three hours. but it won't. i'm optimistically+realistically hoping that i'll have it by tomorrow afternoon, after tuition.
download is now at 69.7%, time is 1.57am.
hm, .6% in five minutes.. lets see.
100 - 69.7 = 30.3% left
30.3 / 0.6 * 5 = 252.5 minutes = 4.2083 hours
eh, wasn't it three? oh well.
kaishounashi lololol
Monday, June 05, 2006
so i found out i had 5 eps of fate to catch up on..
in ep 19 they introduce gilgamesh
va: tomokazu seki
not one
but two!
stupid dogs!
another example of why cartoon network is past its prime.
lol pun
"I offered her my honor. She honored my offer.. and all night long it was 'honor and offer'."
pvp online. a webcomic with
DAILY, updates. going thru year 2005 now.
new game zoomj
Sunday, June 04, 2006
so, elder scrolls oblivion. in about three weeks, yeah. stupid torrent. 4gb de go!
can't easily ignore it when its getting labels like "one of the best rpgs ever made" and similar shit. and truth be told, i long to play a rogue class again. i want to damage. i want to play alone. my priest has to beat people off with a +14 int +10 spr 2H staff. would have done three gnomeregan runs today if i hadn't declined the last one.
eh, meaningless babble.
i tube
Saturday, June 03, 2006
youtube is fucking scary. imo it totally owns google video now. i swear most anime i can think of is uploaded somewhere on youtube. watching mezzo dsa now.. its exactly like mezzo forte. minus, yknow. the art is identical, and the action is only slightly less fluid. will poke around the site some more
i sat for
it was a test of endurance. that is all.
seriously, primary school kids would pass it and sec 1s can ace it.
but, 5 hours, hard.
went to aj to do the test. msged gary asked him if he's in school by any chance, nope lol. told me to "enjoy the facilities". yeah, i totally missed the super short urinals. but the cleaners will take care of it.
(joke there)
i am tired.. saturday of a holiday and i had to get up at SEVEN WTF OMG KILL SELF
☭☭☭☭☭☭☭Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик☭☭☭☭☭☭☭
can you read that! i dunno how you can if you can't.. get russian fonts or something.
going to sit for the..
no, that title doesn't deserve completion. SATs tomorrow.
anyway, i'm pretty tense. dunno how i'm gonna sleep tonight. ohshit now i've jinxed myself. when i was younger and used to sleep at earthly hours, i was a horribly insomniac, firstly because i couldn't get to sleep, then i got scared that i couldn't get to sleep, and then i couldn't get to sleep because i was scared and panicky, and so on so forth vishus sykle.
i'm worried about the SATs, especially after the stupid ns checkup iq test, where they gave you 15 min to answer 30 questions with no visible timer, and i ended up seeing "This test is now over!" like at question 20.
writing an essay in 25 min on a topic that i probably can't smoke through is gonna be scary. i'll spend 15 min stoning and trying to brainstorm crap and then freak out with 10 min to write.
i'm not too worried about maths. i'm worried about my calculator dying. have a spare.
jeez i've typed a lot. hate to think when alevels come.
i have seen the soul of humanity
Friday, June 02, 2006
it is a little red plastic bottle.
words i never want to hear again: "instructions are inside the toilet."
so, a couple days of holidays have gone by, finally enough to blog properly. boring, boring.
so, on wednesday i went for my bi-yearly asthma checkup. i've been going for years now, and i've outlasted a wagon of doctors, most of which have gone on to their own private practices, which i suppose allows them to cheat off more money from hypochrondriacs or something. my doctor told me that "this is my last day at work here"... so.. whoopee.
i think that's her.
yeah, in the afternoon, tuition at Somersault, and after that i was supposed to meet my father at raffles hotel for dinner. so i took a train down to raffles place.
spot the mistake yet? so, i walked out the station before i realised i went to the wrong place, so i took the mrt a stop back and all was well.
anyway, raffles place at 7.30pm is the most fucking scary part of singapore i've been to. it was swarming with young 20-something office workers and all i could think of as i walked though the place was how i might end up one of these people. i wouldn't survive. in any case, dinner was great, i should have eaten more oysters but i got sick of seafood after the prawn+calamari+mussel curry and the barbequed crayfish tails. i am hungry now. i will eat a seafood mojyo cup noodles.
but first. on to thursday. today. yesterday. ns checkup, what fun. a quick synopsis of what to expect!
1) report to cmpb! or at least, you'll try to, but get stopped at the gate and get redirected by a pissed off looking dude who can't be more than two years older than you. you will then wander around in confusion. then, you'll try to talk to the people at the counter of the visitors centre, who are fucking DAO in the most BLOODY ANNOYING way. btw, i said "try to talk to" because there's a centimetre of plexiglass or whatever in between you and them, and there isnt a hole to speak through. probably some security reasons like preventing an idiot sticking a weapon through, but still, even the mrt people use a multiple small holes that do the job well.
so you'll watch them mouth something at a barely-audible speaking voice, you'll then say "What??" and they'll repeat it louder, you'll say "WHAT??", and either they'll shout and you, or bend down to talk to you through the little recess that you hand over stuff in.
2) eventually you'll get a pathetic little sticker that you paste on your shirt that anyone could forge. you'll walk to cmpb where more registration happens, then you'll be told to "take a bottle, take a strip of cardboard, instructions are in the toilet, now go degrade your soul."
tip: they do not want the bottle back. throw away the bottle.
3) i'm getting kind of bored of this. what follows is a series of more or less standard physical checks including your eyes and teeth and whatnot.
4) okay, i'm
really bored of this.
5) you will STRIP.
6) you will COUGH.
7) your balls (i.e. TESTICLES) will either drop (YOU'VE GOT A HERNIA) or they won't (YOU DON'T)
8) you will do a computerized iq test which is long and tiring and stupid with p6 level maths and o-level physics questions. patterns are more fun, but memorising is stupid. questions like "Subtract 3 from four times the number below the seventh letter from the right of the leftmost letter M." are plain retarded.
9) one more round with surly vistor's counter people and you're free.