Monday, July 31, 2006
watching nhk. gonzo's fucking it up. its supposed to be funny and they're making it depressing. main character's voice is too deep. and too depressing. music is a mess. depressing too.
where is my comedy? as in, so i can laugh? haha?
shut up shut up shut up
listened in on groupmates talking over vent, their guild members and they let people who wanted to join go in. only i joined, for kicks. i had no mike so i just listened. playing wow while listening to people talk is disgusting and hilarious. stupid americans chatting.. i can't listen to them without thinking i'm watching the leeroy video.. they all SOUND THE SAME
and stuff like "zomg i just had horrible fps lag" "can i borrow ten gold i'll give you all my dark iron scraps for free" and CHARACTER NAMES should never be said OUTLOUD
Saturday, July 29, 2006
everyone is leaving blackrock. well, actually just waileong and pehpeh, but that
is everyone. isn't it? yeah, it is. i think.
so i'm all alone on blackrock now and since no one
anywhere wants a rogue, i feel no compulsion to pay us$25 to move to another server where i'll just do the same thing i do on blackrock, look for pugs.
so. my plan now. i will farm for a high damage dagger and spec pvp when 1.12 comes out. doubtful i'll get anywhere but i am tired of a combat rogue. probably go easy and solo farm for a
broken bottle.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
holy crap it melds with my layout colour scheme more seemlessly than i could have imagined

a picture i took. can't even remember which holiday or how long ago it was anymore. probably last year, june. or the year before that.
i never did finish blogging about last year's december trip. never talked about falling in the river and getting rescued by kampung people. only ever briefly mentioned trekking through the rain.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
word for word, a post i am circulating:
"help. if anyone's seen the haruhi op/ed ddr videos over at youtube, well, i've found the stepmania files.
ctrl+f 'haruhi' and you'll find the link.
but. it's in a password protected zip file. i expended all my moonspeak-guessing powers just to arrive at that page. i'm at a complete loss. i can see the unextracted .dwi files just sitting there, but i can't get to them.
also, search 'god knows' and 'lost my music' to find more. both pw protected as well."
holy crap
its four in the morninng and i'm still awake. downloaded a bunch of the marvel civil wars comics. that should explain why i'm still up. skimmed thru most of them and read the spiderman ones. he's in for a major asswhuppin.
i need sleep. five hours ago i logged out of wow already drowsy, trying to click a gryphon to fly somewhere when i should have been clicking the gryphon master standing next to it.
tomorrow.. first period is lit. sleep thru that. then PE, either i'll skip or not, remains to be seen. then break, then maths lec which i always skip anyway.
tuesdays for the serious fucking win.
might as well report my marks, got them all back now.
C for everything except history, that's an O.
decent, considering i didnt study jack shit. i'm dropping history. i've got the form. now i need to inform the people involved that i haven't told yet, which, apart from me, means everyone.
what other kind
Saturday, July 22, 2006
lol watch the
mac ads. all of them. really gets teh blood pumping.
Friday, July 21, 2006
watching raw anime lolol
i'm understanding like half the dialoge cuz its easier with pictures to watch and follow
the other half has all the important bits tho
i am short on sleep
failed napfa
first station SBJ
missed D by 4cm
no need to bother anymore!
went swimming at akesh's house, all the way across the road at the rafflesia
convinience is total pwnage
went home and didnt bathe for hours
my hair is scraggly and stringy cuz i didnt wash out the chlorine
wow sucked today
fucking idiot teammates wouldnt shut up
there's a damn line between cheerful group participation and acting like a retard
and chuck norris jokes are older than the internet by now
and during a boss fight is not a good time to tell them
so i wasted three hours of my life to earn -3g, thanks to multiple wipes and fun repair costs
i am sleepy
i need a book to read
holy fucking shit
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
GO, valve. fucking amazing.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
On June 3, 2006, Samuel L. Jackson said, while presenting the award for best movie at the MTV Movie Awards, "I'm here tonight to present the award everyone's been waiting for: best movie. This award holds a special place in my heart because next year I'll be winning it for Snakes on a Plane. Now I know, I know that sounds cocky, but I don't give a damn. I'm guaranteeing that Snakes on a Plane will win best movie next year. Does not matter what else is coming out. New James Bond... no snakes in that! Ocean's 13... where my snakes at? Shrek the Third... green, but not a snake. No movie shall triumph over Snakes on a Plane. Unless I happen to feel like making a movie called Mo' Motha-fuckin' Snakes on Mo' Motha-fuckin' Planes."
fuck you, michael bay.

that is optimus prime. in the
'ho ho' has appeared in my last two titles
Sunday, July 16, 2006
instead of wowing, instead of reading manga and watching anime and whatnot, i'm reading a children's book. its a fantasy novel, titled Eragon. it involves the journey of a naive boy with a hinted-at but yet-unforseen destiny, guided by an old storyteller who happens to know magic. the boy has a silvery mark upon his palm. magic is explained as dependent on one's will, and that the energy expended is the same as if the action had been done physically, and that attempting to perform a magical act beyond one's limits will result in death. familiar yet?
i'm gonna keep reading just to see how much was ripped off from eddings. oh, there was a character called Gareth, for what it's worth. what prompted this blog entry was the introduction of another character, named Brand. i'll still read it because there be dragons in the story. or, actually most of the dragons are dead. the main character dragon left is a she.
yo ho ho
so i should blog. taking a copout and writing about pirates 2. it was a good movie. definitely deserved my 9.50 and not 3 stars. the action sequences, any of them, could have been the climatic ending of any other lesser action film, but no, this one has to mash them all together. oh, and davy jones is cthulu, lol.
wikied the movie to read more crap on pirate lore. somehow i ended up at the 28 days later page, cuz the actress who played ms. jamaican voodoo witch is also the black girl who survived the rage virus thing. hawt.
code: zqmgkbm!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
foxtrot continues its amusingly unoriginal, mundane strips about WoW gold farming. garfield was - what's that! - mildly amusing today.
'Donald Rumsfeld briefed the President this morning. He told Bush that
3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq.
To everyone's amazement, all of the color ran from Bush's face, then he
collapsed onto his desk, head in hands, visibly shaken, almost whimpering.
Finally, he composed himself and asked Rumsfeld,
"Just exactly how many is a brazillion?"'
ha.. ha. ...
nothing better to say
least i have chicken
i think maintenance is over. i'll go check later. there's not much left for me to do on my rogue, being 60 and guildless, all i have left is to join pickup groups and make sure i'm top damage. which is easy since i'm a sword rogue and all the epixxed people are in actual raids zzz
maybe i'll spec daggers and see if its as easy
having (finally, finally) done the rookery a few times now, i actually know what's going on during the leeroy video. now its hilarious because of the obvious staging.
oh yeah, i can slowly save my way to an epic mount. damn, thatll be fun.
new rogue talent trees revealed. changes are few but those changes are pretty big. my combat build is hardly touched, in fact i think its debatably worse off. there's a build i want to try but i'll need two fast daggers with decent dps. i haven't respecced in my entire life as a rogue so i might make use of the free skill reset from the patch to try it out.
i think max payne is going to give me nightmares tonight. fuckit
noir noir nooiroiroirroirroirrrrr
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
wtf is noir? campy dialogue and scratchy film? in any case, max payne is a freakshow of awesome. i feel like i've been mindraped... while most of the game is a rather mundane action-game environment, some levels are truly excellent in their innovation. bullettime is overated, though, imo. repetetive after awhile. although slowmo diving into a room and taking out three people with a shotgun is pretty fun.
okay, so that's for mortal kombat but WHATEVER

today's code: SUGQIL
are you ready?
loituma ftw
Saturday, July 08, 2006
code of the day: nbjyhmkc
blizzard fanart contest. i thought it'd be like the comic contest, only open to US residents, but then i flip to the rules page and
here we go
now. NOW. the prizes. the FUCKING PRIZES
they're all super hot shit but holy crap they have a cintiq up for grabs.
will i take part? MAYBE!
will i win? HELL NO
entrants from america, canada, australia, nz, france, the uk, and singapore. and this is fucking blizzard for fucking fuck's sake.
omg i'm a spam blog!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
apparently i've now got this word verification thing where i type in a code before i can post my blog entry. blogger's anti-spam superrobots have correctly identified my blog as a piece of trash! TECHNOLOGY PROGRESSES
anyway the russian is to celebrate my changing of the blog template's preset character encoding to unicode, you you can actually see all the weird non-standard ascii i use lolololol
۩۞♠♣♥♦code of the day: nmgxtaoi
havin' a party
Союз нерушимый республик свободныхСплотила навеки Великая русьДа здравствует созданный волей народовЕдиный, могучий Советский Союз!Славься, Отечество наше свободное,Дружбы народов надежный оплот!Партия Ленина - сила народнаяНас к торжеству коммунизма ведет!Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,И Ленин великий нам путь озарил:На правое дело он поднял народы,на труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил!Славься, Отечество наше свободное,Дружбы народов надежный оплот!Партия Ленина - сила народнаянас к торжеству коммунизма ведет!В победе бессмертных идеи коммунизмаМы видим грядущее нашей страны,И красному знамени славной ОтчизныМы будем всегда беззаветно верны!Славься, Отечество наше свободное,Дружбы народов надежный оплот!Партия Ленина - сила народнаянас к торжеству коммунизма ведет!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
OH YEAH, school. dammit. month of holidays + week of semi-school (tests) + monday break for marking = fuxxored student kthx
i've hit the wow pretty hard. completely ignored anime and manga for more than a week now. as a result my rogue is finally 60 and my priest is 40. burnout is fast approaching.
i can only ever hope to be as
sexy as this guy. i need to watch that movie.
white vs blue?
Saturday, July 01, 2006
that's how i saw the germany-argentina match. there weren't many tackles from behind, how boring.
so the exams are over, i'll laugh if i pass history. maths is at best a D, lit is up in the air. econs is shit.
went to william's house. he's got a fooseball table, it rocks. cuz of the exam week i'd been pulling late nighters the whole week, so as usual i went to sleep sometime after the penalty shootout.
blizzard's holding a wow comic contest, the entries so far have been pretty mediocre.
this month's winner is pretty good tho