gee pee
Monday, August 28, 2006
10.11pm or, 22.11
gp was a steaming pile of turds.
...wait, i've run out things to say.
oh, i'm drinking milk right now. but not
normal milk. its pimpin'
oat milk. like, with oats. instead of chocolate milk or strawberry milk or whatever, its
oat milk. maybe you've seen the ads around the busstops. its good milk.
what, again?
Sunday, August 27, 2006
so, poised on the edge of exams again. fuck.
finally downloaded every kotoko song ever, like i've been saying i would since listening to re-sublimity and princess bride. 1.4 gigs, 99 songs, 8.9 hours.
listening to "agony" now. its anything
but hur hur hur
k, i guess i better blog somewhat properly. don't know why i bother.. why i even think i have an obligation to blog. oh, yeah, i don't!
/delete blog
but i wont ;_;
took my final napha retest on friday. sbj 229, a personal best or something. then i went off expecting to pwn 100m as usual, instead i got pwned by the sand on the track. bent down, picked up the stupid little block, and attempted to push off and slid on the sand/tiny bits of red crap that the track shat out. not enough to land me on my face straight away, i just lost balance, forward-ly. omg my englandese is going to shit. anyway, what do you do when you realise that you're falling forward? stop, and land? speed up, and hope that the extra kinetic energy will right you? i tried option b, surprise, it didnt work? ta da. fell, took the scrape on my forearm, and rolled a couple of times for good measure. now i have the type of annoying minor skin wound that scabs up in a gigantic patch that hurts whenever you bend your arm. one on my left knee too, so i walk funny. i can't pull off my left sock with my right hand anymore, cuz that involves both the bending up of said knee and the straighting of aforementioned arm.
after that i contemplated running without shoes, but it was on the track at 3++pm when it had been baking in the sun for a good part of the morning and afternoon. after akesh tried it and ripped off respectable part of his soul (a
pune! or
playe on wordes!) i decided not to. sec0nd trial 9.8secs, fuck. situps, sit and reach not a problem, notice how anything involving sitting is so easy to me? i should just sit around. i do that quite well. pull ups, 3! yay that's an E. 2.4, 15++ minutes! that's.. um, what on earth could it be?
army here i come!
first, gp paper tomorrow.
melty blood+kotoko session tonight.
needs better soundeffects
Monday, August 21, 2006
so, JFK reloaded. its old and will probably amuse you for about 20 minutes before you get bored and never touch it again. in the mean time, you get to shoot american politicians.



i want that shirt.
baa sheep ram
was that the magical sheep password? or was it baa ewe ram? in any case, this blog entry is not about babe the pig, its about my new computer problems. can you spot the clever
pune, otherwise known as a
playe on wordes? omg i'm brilliant, you see, it was the ram that was giving all the problems. not, like, male sheep ram, but random access mammary RAM zomg i r lit student heer me rwarr
yes, anyway, its still under warranty and the replacement ram is coming tomorrow. just in time for maintenance night! woo! at least i can play more max payne 2.
i'm starting to wonder why i go to school nowadays. today i had three actual lessons, tomorrow i'll have lit lecture, civics, and GP. wednesday is wednesday. i'd skip the next two days if i could.
melty blood for the ps2 is excellent, but i am a biased source. took me about 10 minutes to translate my favourite arcueid combos to a ps2 gamepad controls and off i went. arcade mode beaten on 3/5 difficulty, will jack it up to 5/5 when i'm more used to the controls. gameplay is more or less the same, at least for arcueid, though for evil arcueid they changed some bits that i was using to pull out unblockable combos on the pc. oh well. shiki is currently impossible to play because i can't dash and backdash fast enough using the Dpad.
enough of that.
kk nvm i got to eat dinner now.. tonight i will do something anime/manga related. i haven't watched/read anything new in ages.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
sunday times does it again! its another report about making money off the internet, and what an amazing picture they used. go look for it. oh, sph, please tell me where i can buy a grand marshal's longsword for ...a handful of chocolate coins.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█▒▒█░░░░░░░░░░░░█▓▓▓▓█░░░░░░░░░░░░█▓▓█░░░░░░░░░░░░░█▓▓█░░░░█████░░░░███░░░░░█▓▓▓▓███░█▒▒█░░░█▓▒▒▒▓▓▒▒█▒▓▓█░░█▓▒▒▓▓▓▒▒█▒▒███░░█▓▒▓▓▒▒▒█▒▒█▓▓█░█▓▓█▒▒███▒▒▒█▓▓█░█▓█▒██▒▒▒▒██▓█▓█░█▓█▓▒█▒▒██▓█▓█▓█░█▓█▓▓█▒█░█▒░▓█▓█░█▓▓█▓▓█▓░█▒▒▓█▓█░█████▓▓▒░░▒▓█▓█░░░░██▓██▓▓▓▓██▓█░░░█▓█▓█▒████▓▓██░░█▓░█▓▓█▒▓▓▓▒▒█░░░█░░████▓▒▒▒▓█▒█░░█░░█▒▒█▓▓▒▓▓▒▒█░░█░░█▓▒██▓▓▒▒▓▓█░░█▒░█▓█▓▒▒▒▓▓██▓█░█▒▒████▓▓▓██▓▓▒█░░█▒█▓▓█████████░░░███▓▒▓▓█████░░░░░░█▒▒▓▓█████░░░░░░░░███████░░░░░░░my new com is still broken. playing wow on my old com is painful. i don't know how i lived with this before.
the power of technology
yes, aye am.
so, i downloaded melty blood act cadenza, wow its only 350mb! it can fit onna cd!
unextracted it becomes 1.4 gigs! wtf! WTF!
so i cant play it cuz i got no dvd burner.
Friday, August 18, 2006
remembered some old anime i used to watch on axn. youtube is helping me relive those times. most excellent. browsed thru a couple before searching for recca, best for last and all that. the comedy is.. quaint. if it were released today it would definitely be jeered at. ranma-era overstated gestures of surprise and all that.
ah nevermind.
deleted a crapton of stuff that i've reconciled to myself that i will never watch, so now i have 6 gigs of free space on my old com. goodbye madlax season 1, blood+.
patching wow. i'll have to get used to the crappy fps and hte horrible lag again. for the time being.

an essay. deserves at least a B imo.
a little bit of my soul
just got a blue screen.
my new com crashed. the com that i was playing wow on, the com that had space to download shit.
the dirge of cereberus rip came out yesterday, and snakes on a plane starts screening today, so it'll be up for download soon. oh wait, i just checked the torrent sites and its up already.
i can't even turn it on. i was getting a blue screen before with the message Page Fault In Unpaged Area, which as close as i can glean from the internet means that something is wrong with my ram, and i should open up the com to clean it off and check that its plugged in properly. but i'm not sure if the warranty is still valid. zzz
flamingos... scary.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
seriously, they are. from afar they may look like interesting pink things, but up close, their beady little eyes conceal depths of madness and insanity unreachable by man.
it's maintenance night on wow, but that doesnt matter much because i'm rather certain that i've hit burnout point on wow. i've gone from 100g to 860g to 7g in a week, bought my epic mount, which isn't epic, completed my shadowcraft set, and generally tried done almost everything available to a non-raiding 60. today i couldnt even be bothered to do anything serious, instance runs and farming just seemed so damn boring. so i went exploring. i went on the underground tram and hopped off halfway thru the ride, at the spot where the tram passes underwater. there i found a gnome deepsea diver, a naga explorer, and two level 62 neutral boss monsters named "Nessy". also, if you take the in game world map and draw a straight line between ironforge and stormwind, there is no point where the line passes underwater. also, ironforge is north and stormwind is south, but the tram runs east-west. apparently the in-game map is not accurate as each zone has to be roughly square. or something. there's the real, official, map at whatever.
so i spent awhile hopping in the lava in ironforge, then decided to go swimming. a leisurely 25 minute swim up north from westfall brought me to a freaky spot along the coast called Newman's Landing that seems to have no use at all. 25 minutes of swimming along the coast and suddenly a dock appears in front of you... damn, that's cool.
oh, right. just remembered i was going to talk about max payne. anyway, after my discovery i took a 20 minute nap where i had a nightmare that involved playing pool with my father on a table that was floating in the ocean, as we finished the game and tried to lay the cues on the tabletop, the pool table suddenly became a hollow log with golf clubs inside, that began to sink in the water. it was scary. you wouldn't get it.
then i ate dinner and maintenance started and i played max payne 2 again. its a supreme mindfuck. an experience that i won't likely have again in a game, perhaps not until the max payne people release that thriller game they're making. not much more i want to say, an experience like that would be ruined by putting it down in words. exemplified somewhat by a certain someone who tried to describe the final stage, like like a room, with four walls, and air in the middle. holy crap i think i've been there already.
back to wow. when i start playing again i will farm for more money, to undertake the disgusting quest line that will upgrade my shadowcraft set. its a disgustingly ardious taskfest that requires time and money in large amounts, and its rewards are a set of armour that is barely comparable to stuff you can get by raiding. good job blizzard, i guess you just want to keep the casuals like me busy so we keep paying your damn money.
i should edit my posts
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
i should go to sleep
cool flash animation
er wait
wait... dirge of cerberus is out
today?holy shit! torrent sites here i come!
just.. wrong
Monday, August 14, 2006
more whose lineyoutube banzai
bleach 238 omake
winsschool was stupid. three hours of lessons, because i spent my free time from ex-hisotry lessons rereading sandman comics. and batman:year one. i downloaded dc's all-star batman and robin series, which is supposed to be a spiritual "batman: year two", but the links between the two are pretty weak. especially in the case of bruce wayne's character, he's a punk ass immature arrogant bastard in the all-star series. which is
kinda cool sometimes.
most excellent
Sunday, August 13, 2006
people who are having fun
a boring video.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
jack thompson again, debating videogames on a gaming program. the guy arguing For videogames looks and sounds like a stuttering idiot. i'm definitely playing bully when it comes out.
ouch. OUCH
Thursday, August 10, 2006
so, like, i'm never getting high.
Monday, August 07, 2006
zomg everyone is blogging! EVERYONE!
gj pehpeh i think you started it.
hm.. what if maybe, maybe, FTW came back to life!
nah never
i love my nation and the three days holiday it is giving me. thanks, singapore. i'll be wowing away while millions gather to celebrate your 41st birthday and watch fireworks.
i may have been imagining it, but today during flagraising i actually think i heard some people singing. very softly, but still. or maybe it was just the retarded j1 morning announcement guy singing loudly enough to reach the mike.
tomorrow, the hapless fools in my class who still take history have to do a test.
i've run out of things to say
oh, more on wow. continuing my string of good luck, i got my sc chest and shoulders. super windfall. now all that's left is my pants. pants please. i need the pants. pants are all that is left. go pants.
actually, they suck.
er whatever
i think i'm pretty stoned now, lack of sleep probably. went to bed with a headache last night that actually woke me up around 4 so i had to pop some paraparaparacetamol
i can feel it encroaching on my temples again right now.
bb i'm off to get my onxyia key
in other news...
Saturday, August 05, 2006
now for something from real life.
history has been officially dropped. i predicted that i needed a shock of some kind to scare me into doing work, i think it's working. did my first econs essay of the year (not counting common tests) and i'm planning on doing my first PC esssay since sometime halfway thru last year.
on mondays, first two periods are a history lecture and tutorial, consequetively. i still have to come for assembly tho, wtf. tuesdays i skip pe then go for break then skip maths lec, three hours off. fridays i skip maths lec then go for break then skip hist lec. another three hours.
i must do extra work during my newfound free time! i must!
did i mention about my rogue? yeah.
pimp my rogue
gonna be a nerdy post again. woot.
over the last two days i got a bunch of new stuff for my rogue, guess losing the
felstriker roll a few days back my have given me a karma boost. ha ha, my karma ran over ur dogma.
so in return for losing that epic i got my shadowcraft cap, which honestly isnt that big an improvement or even a downgrade.. but whatever. black hood ftw. on the same run, from the same boss i got a chest armour upgrade, yay.
next day, today, finally managed to kill the boss of blackrock depths, after joining 22324232567 groups that died halfway. first time, and i got a
HoJ which rocks so hard i couldnt believe it. a pally rolled 93, i don't begrudge him because he led the group excellently. of course, i'm not pissed also because i rolled a 100 lol. blizz puts this trink oh test realm pre-built rogues with 8/8 nightslayer cmon!
so then killing that boss also completed another quest that got me a blue ring to replace an old green one, so now i can happily claim i'm wearing all blues. except my ammo.
500g, 300 more to go for epic mount.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
ahahahafcking hilarious
good one man