nnihgjb vntyghjfrt
Saturday, September 30, 2006
today's blog entry is entitled "i hit my keyboard with my forehead ten times", or "i got my keyboard oily".
that link i posted in my last entry is dead now. don't click it anyway.
in the process of rereading all of prince of tennis. i found a site that gives DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINKS to a whole crapload of manga. links are to individual pages, but if you have a decent download manager then that's no problem at all.
keep it quiet so the leechers have more time before all the bandwidth gets eaten!
i can link it cuz no one comes here lol
Friday, September 29, 2006
oh, i know i'm going to get backlash for linking these.
so.. you know
grouphug? place where humanity reveals its darker side or where idiots go to make up stuff.
4chan had an interesting idea.
i hold no responsibility for anything you see on either of those pages.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
in MC, not me.
remind you of
stuffs to link
oh wowan actual reason to get a ps3!
seriously, that fantasy shit is hot
also, try
this online game
hafta go and bathe now. school tomorrow and i want to get some okami before i sleep.
oh no
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
paula danziger is dead? oh damn it. like two years ago. sigh.
next thing it'll be k.a. applegate dead. i just found out that most of the animorph books were ghostwritter under her name.
i just deleted a really huge post that was just a copy-paste of the current gamefaqs character battle standing, with my predictions filled in. it didnt fit, and screwed up the spacing.
cliff's notes version:
the top half with all the girls will come down to chun li vs aeris. the guys will go down to gordon freeman vs master chief. anyone except master chief could win, i'm guessing aeris.
anyway, after tomorrow the marking days are over, back to school. still got tuition tomorrow, ...
should i go to sleep now? i am rather tired from massive okami overdose. i might go play wow
because i am addicted. or i could go to my room and finish rereading a wrinkle in time. NEWBERRY MEDAL WINNER
i miss the reading programs they had in america. elementary school english was taught using stuff like charlie and the chocolate factory and other such books. in singapore.. well i missed that part of singapore education, but i guess it was mostly PETS. whatever they call it now, don't know, don't care.
anyway, excellent book. it begins with 'It was a dark and stormy night', how hardcore is that hello
another hardcore story
It Was A Dark And Stormy Nightby Snoopy
Part IIt was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out! A door slammed. The maid screamed.
Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared on the horizon!
While millions of people were starving, the king lived in luxury. Meanwhile, on a small farm in Kansas, a boy was growing up.
Part II A light snow was falling, and the little girl with the tattered shawl had not sold a violet all day.
At that very moment, a young intern at City Hospital was making an important discovery. The mysterious patient in Room 213 had finally awakened. She moaned softly.
Could it be that she was the sister of the boy in Kansas who loved the girl with the tattered shawl who was the daughter of the maid who had escaped from the pirates?
The intern frowned.
"Stampede!" the foreman shouted, and forty thousand head of cattle thundered down on the tiny camp. The two men rolled on the ground grappling beneath the murderous hooves. A left and a right. A left. Another left and right. An uppercut to the jaw. The fight was over. And so the ranch was saved.
The young intern sat by himself in one corner of the coffee shop. he had learned about medicine, but more importantly, he had learned something about life.
so after dinner, i went to play okami, apparently. next thing i know it's past midnight and halfway to one am. it's still no zelda, but it's slowly getting there as i play more. first real boss was simple but fun. lots of stuff to explore and secret hunting. backtracking is going to be a problem pretty soon if they don't unlock a teleport system of some sort. the world is structured like FFX, largely linier, it'll take insane amounts of running to get back to the start from where i am right now.
five hours of sqeaky noises.. holy crap i need to hear REAL VOICES right now
early entry!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
haha! thwarted!
actually this is a late entry about yesterday, watched miami vice. i read everyone's blog entries about it and yeah, basically that's it. thumbs down. had some nice atmosphere shots that showed real nice scenery.. but then they try to mix crap romance with action with witty(not) dialogue and [crack about gong li speaking] and its just pretty shit.
oh noes, maintenance night. okami will have to do.
ok, going now
Sunday, September 24, 2006
couldnt resist trying out my weapon
screenshot of dmc4!

ps3 graphix man
extracting okami took over 10 minutes.. will burn it now. i might not sleep tonight if it turns out to be as fantabulous as i hope. so.. i hope not to sleep tonight? am i talking to myself?
okay, solitude and sense returns
tis been a
good day. ill round it off by taking a bath while okami burns and then giving it a spin.
three msn windows open (most in like MONTHS) and listening to aussie guildmates chatting on teamspeak and i can't DEAL WITH THISSS
i got a brut blade so i don't need a social life
bugger this
i've got to be on wow by 5.30 to make mc. tuition starts at 1.30. worse case scenario: late start at 2pm, three hour tuition till 5. best case scenario, starts at 1.30, ends by 3.30, i'm home by 4, make the sign-up time by 5, and get by brutality blade by 6.
realistic scenario: tuition starts round 1.45, three hours till 4.45, home by 5.15 to find my sisters on the computers and refusing to leave. FUCK
maybe i should.. disable.. the computer in some way. removing the keyboard sounds attractive right now.
world of senselessmurdercraft
Saturday, September 23, 2006

my life is pretty boring right now. disgaea 2 is sucking me back to my ps2 in ever-increasing blocks of time. by the third time i had to wrench myself away from the console to check the time, and subsequently realise that ~5 hours had gone by without me moving from my wretched little corner of my room... well, i've placed a clock next to me so i can know how much of my life is being wasted away each and every second. i expect this will make me slightly more guilty, and draw me away faster. ...to move to the computer and blog/wow/surf.. oh noes i'm going to die
okami's plodding along.. eta lists it at 1d 5h, but optimism never got me anywhere. hm.
i wonder what would happen if i said 'pessimism never gets me anywhere"? uhuh this sentence is a lie.
to the polyphasic sleepers... i hope you're having fun at least. congrats on adding another schedule to your lives :/
so if you acheive effective mental regeneration in half an hour of sleep.. does that mean that in the space between naps it will take 4 hours for alertness to deteriorate completely? and isn't it kinda dangerous to fall asleep like that cuz you might get STABBED BY A STINGRAY

k i lost the will to write anymore
i'll go read THE AUTHORITY omg american comics
starring two characters in the stereotypical superman and batman mold that are GAY FOR EACH OTHER and have adopted a singaporean child who is the living embodiment of the 21st century
the story's going to shit
stewpid briish accents
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
science!no idea why i searched for that.
I CAN'T PLAY WOWprelims are over! see the last line i typed!
my eyes have not hurt this wonderfully for some time
38 chapters of naruto
letting huge backlogs build up good sometimes
tomorrow we have hxh, one piece and fma
also, i reread "Gyo", find it if you can. just don't take a dump after reading it.
hello, it's tuesday
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
in preparation for the xpack, blackrock is down for 36 hours, starting 3pm today and lasting till 3am tomorrow. on, 3am 11/19, whatever.
prelims are almost over. holy shit, how did i get through them without studying? honestly, if not for tuition i wouldnt have touched my books at all. literature today was crazy. probably mostly because i still havent finished reading my texts, so shoot me. my frost essay, however, was one of the most inspired things i've ever written... but of course, this being lit, my opinions don't matter. it'll probably come back with a D on it. the other essays aren't even worth mentioning. seriously, don't.
so, who wants to go with me to NAFA to listen to that anime talk thinggy? actually, scrap that. some old guy who helped with some long forgotten shojo schtick is not my idea of a good representation of today's anime industry. oh wait, i just went to read the article
ow, i just bit my lip.
where was i.. oh, yeah. seems i misread the article when i skimmed thru it this morning. since i was so focused on the coming paper and all. yeah. uh huh. anyway, no talk, just some exhibition. if i want to look at anime pictures i'll stay at home.
oh, joy, what to do till thursday... disgaea 2 probably. but... they removed the training stages, wtf. waiting for okami. waiting for wii. waiting for ZELDA
so now everyone's picking up on the wii story. TOO LATE, FUCKERS
When the power of Nintendo rises anew on the Nineteenth day of the Tenth Month of the year Two Thousand and Six of our Lord, the unbelievers will tremble as the wrath of the shunned generation finds new spirit and strength in the bastion of

And when Nintendo bestows its cornucopia of gameplay upon the barren lands that hitherto greeted staunch faithfuls, it will be those that held undying faith that will receive the gloriously bounty that is so rightfully deserved. Blasphemers will be struck down, or starved in their own foolishness and blind allegiance to prodigal
others. When twenty years of the Moon's reign have passed another will take up his reign for seven thousand years. When the exhausted Sun takes up his cycle then my prophecy and threats will be accomplished.
So sayeth Michel de Nostredame
or at least the last few lines, wot.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
haha, killed rag.
took screenshots, finally looked into my screenshot folder, found out that each pic is saved as a 5mb tga file. 180mb of screenshots.
found a 87kb program that converts them all to 200kb jpgs, so here goes a pictorial guide to my recent life in wow.
first, tonight.

first attempt, i pulled aggro and died. look to the left, you'll see rag crit me for 3k damage. paltry, but my health was worse.
i took the opportunity to take some shots of rag's insides

next attempt, i got a soulstone. a rogue, me, got a soulstone. what does that say? that i'm noob and keep dying? that my dps is
essential to the raid? er, whatever.

i didnt get to use it

that is eminence, premier blackrock guild. those two mounts are.. very rare. very.

those are some shots from my past, when i was still on my beloved normal mount and in teir 0

that's my horde counterpart. undead castertype thinggy.

these show the unadulterated power of my new computer. flying out of IF at 40fps is the BEEs KNEEs

these prove that leeroy was not a rogue

these are from a time long, long past.

these are Now.
hi, lit is over. it didnt go very well imo. surprise.
that's me, third in place for dkp. if
this actually drops tonight, i may get it because the other two are sword rogues. so am i, but what the hey. my repsec cost is still 1g.
of course, if garr drops a brutality blade next week..
i sound pompous talking about raiding when only a few weeks ago i was bemoaning how a stupid nightelf rogue would never get in a guild
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
MC REPORT6g repair
no lewtz
top dps
must go study three plays that i havent touched at all
suddenly, lit is my worst subject
waiting for MC
bash to the rescue
let me try.
Scud: The other day, in the park, I was wondering why frisbees look bigger and bigger as they get closer to you
Scud: And then it hit me
okay, one more time
new template, as you can see. its come to my attention that IE, or at least the version i have, doesn't display the transparencies of .png images. it works in mozilla, so i'm assuming it works in firefox to. if no one says contrary in the shoutbox, i'll assume it so.
i don't really like this template. needs more bells and whistles and similar crap.
this time i geared it towards even larger resolutions, past 1024x768, cuz i'm wowing on the new com with humongous dimensions and my previous template kept screwing up on it.
will tweak.
now, will sleep.
er, wait?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
if you are online and reading my blog now, and one in the morning, you are weird.
but you will see this
link.it is... strange.
dividing by zero
Friday, September 08, 2006
common thread on 4chan - arguments over dividing by zero. variants go along the lines of 1/0=infinity, or 0/0 =1.
my postreal life:
8 apples divided between 8 people -> each person gets 1 apple
2 apples divided between 2 people -> each person gets 1 apple
0 apples divided between 0 people -> each person gets... there are no people. undefined.
lol retards
i subsequently won some internets and a dozen apples. then they started arguing again.
then someone showed an example of two apples divided between zero people.

truly, all the proof you'll ever need.
another truly flameworth type starts like
"diamond is one of the hardest, if not THE hardest, metals known to man."
okay, shut up, yes, diamond is not a metal. and of course there are people arguing that it
is. so, see you in 200 replies, half of which are by two or three people.
click these

so, another australian is dead? peter brock, some race car driver (backwards: revird rac ecar!) from australia that no one cares about.
the fucking green turtoises are irritating.
that said, i'm going to miss steve irwin. ;_;
i just want to keep joking.
he should have worn stronger sunscreen.
to, yknow, protect him from the rays.
i hope they never show the footage of his death. burn the damn tape.
heee heeeee
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
grinning like an idiot. like a total idiot.
while watching
so, disgaea 2.
oh yeah.
omg australian server
Monday, September 04, 2006
steve irwin is dead? on austalian new sites about 15 minutes ago. blackrock is being lagged to death by australians mourning/pissing mourners off.
[Headlock] he didnt have his soulstone up
[Flowera] ROFL sif
an hour in and the comments keep coming
nah, he's a shaman he'll self rez in a while
He just had too much aggro.
WTB [Stingray Barb]
FrAlThLiIvTa, JuLoFoThTr
Saturday, September 02, 2006
last entry was a bunch of typemoon model figures, too lazy to find the pic now. hotlinking is bad, ooo.
white ren appared in melty blood, got my ass handed to me. was owning up battles 2-0 up till that fight, then i lost 0-2.
more than $41

guess which one i want
ardvarks lol
anyway, if you didn't get my earlier post, i am now the certified holder of
something purple. grats to me. joined a public MC group and rolled an 87 to beat five other rogues when this baby dropped. joy.
but that was awhile ago. i'm watching hellsing ova ep 2 now, its 43 minutes long and fucking excellent.
bloody blue plus fucking red equals?
Friday, September 01, 2006