wow servers down, can you guess?

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

on a totally random note, i must say that justin timberlake's new "hit" is ridiculous
i don't believe i've listened to a worser piece of crap since... his previous album's songs.
on the other hand i enjoy techno and j-rock/pop so SUCKS TO MY MUSIC TASTE

word verification:
but cheapshot only stuns for 4 secs! unless you mean counterstrike. or whatever.


search and download!

kujian OP done by.. i dunno! no idea artist/song title but it's the same one as the singer who did midori no hibi and genshiken, which were great. gogo!



so the kujian anime is out grumble grumble grumble instead of more genshiken grumble fucking idiots grumble grumble

finished ouran a few days ago. first anime completely watched without downloading since the far away days of axn anime! long live youtube!


happy halloweenie

so it's october 31st, hurrah. a levels are two days a way, hurrah. i must start studying soon, hur
the first, last, only time i dressed up for halloween was, of course, in the US. it was third grade, i was the red power ranger from season one. do not talk to me about this ever. ever.

on an unrelated note, i must salute dan piraro for today's strip.

now i post pics because i have nothing to say
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welcome to

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Dream Theatre!

or not. i have to go out soon. synopsis: i found myself on a dystopian world, in the same class as lawrence fishburne's son. he told me to use coffee. righto.

sense! no make!



Friday, October 27, 2006

suga shikao - manatsu no yoru no yume
if anyone finds an mp3 of that, send it my way pleesse
caught the second half on the radio and it's one of those that i'm somehow interested in from the first time hearing

apparently it's part of the deathnote movie ost, too

btw, the word verification code thing that blogger forced on my still seems to be in place. today's code is "yorhx" and i mention it because it sounds like something dario would say.


more of the BOOM BOOM BOOM

as per usual downloading habits, i grabbed a gig or so of techno music by ATB. ATB? wtf? stands for some german name or something. heard one bit of a song used in a totally unrelated flash movie and thought it sounded nice. i don't really know why i'm blogging about it other than the fact that i feel really... mellow. no, not exactly.. more like.. diminished. or something. first time this music has managed to make feel anything other than braindead. oh, he can do some really cool things with synthesized guitar riffs



Thursday, October 26, 2006

it's a time and more!

guild chat
1- hey where's crazy tonight?
2- girlfriend aggro
1- he should ignore her calls
2- yeah l2feigndeath
3- he's grinding GF rep
2- the early rewards for GF rep are great, but they really don't scale with effort...
3- he's not even honored so he's getting shit rewards


oh noes

[insert intelligent, incisive political commentary here]

i'm too stupid, so just watch this video


counting the days


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note the number of replies.

remember that flash The Ultimate Showdown? there's a sequel, of sorts. don't watch it. it's on newgrounds. seriously, don't.


zomg quizzes

Monday, October 23, 2006

when ur too lazy to blog properly

1. how old do you wish you were?
14/15 so i can pilot eva

2. where were you when 9/11 happened?
on the computer... my father called me out to the tv

3. what do you do when vending machines steal your money?
i steal their "danger: do not tip machine" sticker

4. do you consider yourself kind?
eat shit and die

5. if you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
inside of wrist
dunno if that would hurt cuz the skin is thin as anything there

6. if you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
if you don't know which language i'd choose then you don't know me very well

7. do you know your neighbours?
i know OF them, but i don't know them

8. what do you consider a vacation?
sleeping late, waking up for lunch, WoWing the day away

9. do you follow your horoscope?
i'm pisces but i read them all and follow the ones i like

10. would you move for the person you love?
move? like... up and down? side to side? OH SNAP

11. are you touchy feely?
as soon as i get a DS

12. do you believe that opposites attract?
[something witty] NO

13. dream job?
it has to be something i enjoy and lets me keep my own sleep schedule.

14. favourite tv channels?
i don't fucking watch fucking tele fucking vision

15. favourite place to go on weekends?
wow, i have no idea. wow.

16. showers or baths?
baths are overrated when you can't find a bathtub big enough to fully submerge yourself

17. do you paint your nails?

18. do you trust people easily?
of course i do! oh wait i though it said Thrust

19. what are your phobias?

20. do you want kids?
[old joke about goats]

21. do you keep a handwritten journal?
this question is boring so i will skip it

22. where would you rather be now?
reading my new book

23. who makes you warm and fuzzy?
lots and lots and lots of manga to read

24. heavy or light sleeper?
ask Shawn Discodude

25. are you paranoid?

26. are you impatient?
no. yes. next question.

27. who can you relate to?
boring question. go away.

28. how do you feel about interracial couples?
i'm not sure let me do a quick google on 'interracial' HOLY CRAP

29. have you been burned by love?
not even toasted. or mildly warmed.

30. what's your pick-up line?
hello, you look marginally less fugly than the other girls i've seen

31. what's your main ringtone on your mobile?
"bzzz bzzz, bzzz bzzz."

32. what were you doing at midnight last night?
reading my new book

33. what did the last text on your mobile say?
pehpeh: Nah too tired

34. whose bed did you sleep in last night?
hm, first i went to sleep in my bed, then i moved to the sofa outside, then to the floor of the living room, then to the computer room sofa, then to my room floor, then back in my bed, then back to the computer room sofa. i kid you not
this is more or less every night

35. what colour shirt are you wearing?
orange lol
its a baleno shirt i bought ages ago when we went to lan and had no CV's
anyone remember that day?

36. most recent movie you watched?
Gong Li Mumbles and the Mullet Man

37. name three things you have on at all times.
slice and dice, elixir of greater agility, instant poison
seriously, what, clothes? my specs?

38. what colour are your bedsheets?
white with blue checkers, or blue with white, whatev
also another set of banana yellow ones
usually with bloodstains around because of my rotting sores

39. how much cash do you have right now?
in my wallet about 20
saved up around 270 OMG ENOUGH FOR A DS AND ONE GAME

40. what's your favourite part of the chicken?
i'm a fat bastard

41. what's your favourite town/city?
i just reflected a bit and realised that i like KL a lot. holidays there usually mean hours in bookshops, new clothes/shoes, and cheap games. but the AIR FUCKING SUCKS
so, singapore pwns all

42. i can't wait till:
i live in the present. the future holds nothing that i look forward to right now.

43. what did you have for dinner last night?
wtf? why not tonight? i can't fucking remember kthx. in fact i can't remember what i was eating tonight either. i was waiting for my bloody vis'kag to drop of ony but it didnt stupid bitch dragon

44. how tall are you barefoot?
a bit.

45. do you own a gun?
gun waileong hur hur hur

46. what do you prefer to drink in the morning?
i hate drinking in the morning. or eating.

47. where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
when i'm 28? probably dead.

48. last thing you ate?
chocolate+swiss mint ice cream. now you know why i'll be dead.

49. what songs do you sing in the shower?
usually i'm trying to remember what step of bathing i'm on, so no singing.
did i shampoo already? was i washing my face?

50. last thing that made you laugh?
guildmate mr. curse-a-lot over teamspeak
-ok guys lets buff up and get this shit going
-crap, sorry about my language
-ok we buffed now lets start this shi-
it was funnier if you were there

51. worst injury you ever had?
something with my knee. happened in sec1 house carnival. i was running and suddenly.. pop. or something. couldn't bend my leg for ages, and afterwards i couldn't squat properly for months
never went to a doctor to check out what happened

52. does someone have a crush on you?
in primary school i believe two or three girls had a crush on me. seriously. how stupid do you have to be, man? thank goodness they've probably grown up and wisened up.

53. what's your favourite candy?
no more candy i am a fat fat man

54. what song do you want played at your funeral?
Happy Birthday would be funny.

55. eight people to do this?
blog properly and stop doing quizzes


boom boom boom boom

i downloaded winamp for the 'new' comp that i've migrated to
i've had mindnumbing european trance/techno pumped into my head for the past two or three hours, courtesy of shoutcast radio

i spent 15 bucks and bought Lirael, because garth nix books are cool like that
i would have blown all my cash on three of the Keys books if mph had stocked fresh copies of the books. damn browsers


Friday, October 20, 2006



Okay. That's it.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

i offer this as evidence.
all stingrays must DIE, and i mean RIGHT NOW




it's a song about dota.


bloody stoners

[Blathnat] Ok guys, flying now, just having a quick smoke
[Valaris] hihi
[Valaris] smone in front of comp =P
[Valaris] smoke
[Blathnat] cant... not my house.. and not cigarettes
[Valaris] ohhhh...
[Blathnat] ok.. brb
[Valaris] toke it up fast, mate

come to singapore! death sentence for holding a baby's fingernail worth of drugs!



that entry i typed this afternoon looks absolutely retarded now =_=

so yeah, my enlistment is dec 16th ftw. cool.

this is a flash game.


The Legend of Shawn Discofrenz

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

so the wow servers went down at 8 last night and i decided to take a nap before finding something else to do. i woke up at about 9am today and found out i'd slept for a little over twelve hours. sigh.

today's title refers the the dream i had, in which i, in the character of one Shawn Discofrenz, was infected by some sort of alien parasite and subsequently expunged it from my system by stabbing myself in the heart with a shard of glass and pulling it out holes in my shoulderblades. oh, i forgot to mention that the rest of the galaxy was infected too, and the medical practice that i pioneered made me famous.

bloody hell, i can't make shit like this up. i'm never sleeping for half a day again. on a side note, this is the first time that my subconscious has seen fit to give me a name when i'm dreaming.


raiding with noobs

Saturday, October 14, 2006

raiding with a 14 year old...
raiding with another singaporean with a mike...
plus teamspeak...

mr 14 year old is the, THE example of 'annoying immature 14 year old on the internet who won't shut up'. breathes into the mike, people bitch at him and he blows his fan in there...

singaporean dude.. man, just keep quiet. pretend your mike is broken if you have to. i strange thing tho, i'm not sure if he's indian or chinese because when we all try to not talk singlish it just sounds the same.


black cats and stepladders

Friday, October 13, 2006

so, how's everyone's friday the 13th going?
i got into a car accident on a friday the 13th once!
but today is okay.
..well i'm out of things to say.


ha ha those silly malaysians

Thursday, October 12, 2006

so, people in KL rioting! bad air pollution! rah!
kuala fucking lumpur YOUR AIR IS SHIT TOO
fix your damn road systems too while you're at it

i hope this entry gets googled and i am flooded by angry malaysians



Monday, October 09, 2006

it's come to my attention that some people do not read Perry Bible Fellowship comics!
this cannot continue!


good job, stoptazmo!

so i checked stoptazmo today before zg and what do i find?
a fucking heap of new angel densetsu chapters!
and then i remembered i haven't caught up on one piece in ages!
they razed going merry!

i should stop shouting stuff no one else understands




why don't we get tv like this here? this was on cartoon network. cartoon bloody network.



Sunday, October 08, 2006

another rogue in the guild just informed everyone he bought his epic mount! after he luckily sold two items for 700g in the past week! one of those was evis9, fucker!
too many exclamation marks!



Saturday, October 07, 2006

PSI 150! fuck that shit! some people have to worry about dying a slow painful death by self suffocation!

sucks to my ass-mar!



Thursday, October 05, 2006

watched the south park WoW episode to commemorate pwning Rag like a little girl.
i'd post pictures of my phat dps but i'm too sleepy now.

Ishtori's Eviscerate crits Ragnaros for 1971.
Ragnaros attacks. Ishtori dodges.
Ragnaros attacks. Ishtori dodges.
Ragnaros attacks. Ishtori dodges.
Ishtori suffers 432 Fire damage from Ragnaros's Elemental Fire. (144 resisted)
Ishtori dies.
Terune casts Rebirth on Ishtori.



Tuesday, October 03, 2006

because i don't see enough of the real world to take photographs

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lava bath lava bath it's awwwright

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screenshot competition!

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outdpsed by a warrior!

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my delicious UI. nurfed and w/e can gtfo! yay

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my priest setup, but less important. note the damage meters. just finished a zg run with an epicced-out group. i can hold my own!


congratulations, straits times. congratulations.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

hurrah, it's another article about cosplaying. and it's so fucking hilarious.

1) mr. imported cosplay expert from OMGJAPANZX reminisces about his first costume. shin-fuckingemokidwhinercrybaby-ji from eva. so it took him weeks to sew it? what, THIS? a collared shirt and pants? congratualtions, you're an IDIOT
oh, wait, my mistake. he probably meant the other outfit.

uh huh. congrats, instead, you're a fucking FAGGOT

2) excellent last line: "I'm very confident that cosplay will become part of mainstream culture very soon."

3) Cheryl Tan as Gothic Lolita.
not, like, a gothic lolita. no, THE Gothic Lolita with Capital Letters. and i won't comment on the pink skirt. oh, and congratulations again for giving out your name and showing your face. even mr. "hee hee omg using a japanese name" koyuki tries to remain anonymous and hides behind more makeup than the average trannie.

4)"more than 150 new anime movies and TV shows being churned out every week in Japan"
oh wow, where do i get me some of that shit? 150 a week? that's, what, 21 a day? seeing how the average show is half an hour... 10+ hours of new anime a day? out of 24? if i move to japan i'm never going to get to eat or sleep.
points for not using "animes" at least.

ah, so much to make fun of.

Hi, I've got lung cancer.



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