low morale low morale
Sunday, January 28, 2007
book in timing draws near and i'm freaking sad that two continuous weeks of army confinement are staring me in the face.
went out yesterday, watched the illusionist. it was pretty good... but it seemed to last about half an hour? didn't feel like watching a movie. the magic tricks also pissed me off because they were either simple sleight of hand or full-blown cgi fakery.
ate at carl's after that.. had the burger they keep advertising with 'texas toothpicks'. two years in texas, and i've never heard of them before. in any case breaded jalapeno slices are great.
played more Kingdom of Loathing. i made a spanking new place to live in for my campsite by sticking a piece of anti-cheese and a bowl of cottage cheese together.
i've made a simple list showcasing the depths of my selfish greediness. in rising order of cost, here are what i'd like to own sometime soon:
1) WoW:BC
2) a DSlite
3 either) a Wii + zelda
3 or) a laptop powerful enough to play wow on max settings
birthday coming soon!
once in our lives
Saturday, January 27, 2007
two years of our time
had a nice lunch of a humongous pork chop slab.
it's not chicken or fish.the past week was pretty slack. in fact, fucking slack, by ninja standards. there was even a day where we had a totally free morning cuz all the commanders went off to conduct BIC for Onion Coy.
confinement was successfully averted by acting blur. the sergeant that told me to 'bring more clothes' seems to have forgotten about my confinement. i'm not saved though, because it's written down in the company office whiteboard that 1103 (me) is getting confined. just that the message hasn't been passed down to my platoon office, so my platoon sergeant who handles discipline crap wasn't informed. so, a week went by and no one told me anything. so last night i supposed it was too late to suddenly whip out a confinement on me so i brought it up to my PC, who called my PS, who was driving at the time... ah, whatever. i'll probably be confined the week after field camp, hurrah.
highlight of the week was the weekday guard duty i was slapped with a few weeks back. i didn't get to do the flag lowering ceremony cuz my platoon got assigned to the ammo dump! woot. we almost got sentry duty at the ferry terminal, but a last minute change saw us taking a landrover down past sispec to the ammo dump instead.
i'd be stretching things a hell lot to say that it was "fun". instead, i'll call it (as i do with many things in the army) an
experience. i'm glad i got the chance to go through with it.
...having to do it again, though... not so hot.
anyway, it was pretty uneventful. fucking eerie, though. the actual circuit that you patrol is about eight minutes walk away from the bunk where you get to sleep, and the circuit itself is easily covered in five minutes, so it's either walk r e a l l y s l o w l y around the place for two hours, or hide around back and slack till you hear vehicles approaching. with creepy forest surrounding you. kudos to my partner, without whom i would probably not have been able to stay un-freaked out. and i must also apologise for being a horrible, horrible conversationalist.
i suspect the experience was a walk in the park compared to the field camp that's up for me, though. i'll have to wait till then to
really find out what 'dark' is.
next week: IMT!
next next week: IFC!
as always in the army: A Lot Of Acronyms!
right. proper.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
okay, i've had time to accept that i'm going to be confined. i sort of knew the instant i stepped onto the mainland yesterday, because i remembered the key then. oh well.
fucking fuck.anyway. proper blogging. or as 'proper' as you're getting from me, anyhow.
the last five days were indeed much more bearable. my 2.4 dropped again to 14.47, from 15.14, lol. the good thing (i hope) was that i thought i slacked off that day and walked a bunch, cause the day before that was a real killer. must head for 12.20. it is a long long long, long long, long way away.
i can do one pullup! amazing. i did it while holding on to the bar with only four fingers of each hand gripping, thanks to the SOC monkeybars. during the SOC lessons i found that i have once more regained the ability play monkeybars. i remember swinging three bars at a time in primary school.. some time in sec 4 i tried it out to find that i couldn't even hold myself up. second pass on the SOC monkeybars (there's some fancier name that i can't remember now.. i'll get pumped for forgetting it probably) took a patch of skin off my hands, and i seriously don't know how i got through the next few times. i mean, consciously placing your open-blistered hand against hot metal and knowingly punish it
another time is bloody stupid. natural painkillers are pretty fucking scary. it also helped to have my PC standing beside the bars and hollering stuff like "you want to go to ocs? this is nothing! NOTHING!" and our commando OC telling us interesting stuff like "what is the pain compared to the pain of your mother giving birth? if she can do that then you can do this" and also telling us stupid stuff like "your sad story really touches my heart, but it also tickles my balls. i tell you go wash your bleeding hand and then do again" *points at monkeybars*
BCCT is fun. it's really fun. i am not a fighter and never will be, but i fully understand the instructors when they tell us to shout with aggression. "visualise your most hated enemy and just attack". right on, instructor, i know a bunch of fuckers who have been bossing me around and treating me like shit for the past five weeks or so, i think i can do that. i don't think anyone in my bunk has heard my original voice ever, since i didn't speak in the first few days and have been shouting it to pieces ever since.
my PC is a really great guy. seriously. he was from a past Ninja batch and he got "Company Best Recruit" for that batch. he walks up to our bunks to socialise, instead of just coming up to stun rifles. (this is a funny bit of singlish that i'd never heard of before the army. wtf? kidney shot my rifle!) he 'borrowed' an FHM from another bunk and
actually returned it, omg. he chatted with us and found that my bunk were all singles. (
gosh, we're also all JC students, how coincidental) he said, "Good!" and told us that he approved, and that girlfriends in the army weren't good, and that he had actually dumped his girlfriend because, you know, he think about it and he realise he love his recruits more than his girlfriend.
*we shrink back in fear* "fuck you all lar" , but no, seriously, he loves his job and he has no plans to use his block leave even though he stays in camp when the sergeants book out, and he even wants to extend his ORD date.
wtf, man. one of the few people i salute to in camp with full respect.
i'm learning a lot in the army. i've learnt what it means to be Tired, after AGR and BCCT and a 6km route march in one day. i assume this knowledge will be revised and added upon as BMT continues. i've learnt to respect other races. nawaljeet singh, another 'tall indian who can run' among the couple of 'tall indians who can run' that i know of (hi bhavan) proclaimed to our bunk one day that if we never do anything in our lives, just don't let your kid become a singh, as he retied up his hair and changed his turban because he's supposed to wear black with admin/pt attire and green with number 4. i've learnt how stupid some people can be. the platoon IC i mentioned a few entries back, the genius that wanted to march us into a truck? he still has problems with marching. left hand left leg and all that. five weeks of marching everywhere, you fuckwit, it should be second nature by now. he doesn't shout or even
open his bloody mouth when commanders stand in front of him. everyone's getting ready to water parade and he's already drinking. he gets shouted at. he does it again the next time. i fear for my PC's life because it will be him who has to be safty officer for that retarded fucker who'll be holding a live grenade with the pin out before instuctions are given.
okay, it's almost seven now. i just finished a brilliant dinner of seafood pasta and i'm warming up an instant pizza. weekends are about food, and eating meats that are NOT fish or chicken. (i don't consider fish as seafood, btw, it's too healthy)
my birthday is in exactly one month's time exactly. should i ask for a DS? my father has made comments along the line of "hey, the psp looks nice", to which i have tried my best to reply along the lines of "FUCK,
NO", only more politely.

fuck fuck fuck
i'm getting confined next week
i can't wait that long
this better finish by 7pm tonight
fuck fuck fuck
oh bollocks
Saturday, January 20, 2007
my weekday guard duty has been confirmed for next week. and i just got confirmation that i'm going to be confined next week. short story. i accidentally took the annex room key home after doing area cleaning. one of this week's confinees just called me and told me that the sergeant said to bring more clothes for next week. yes, sergeant, i get it. your incisive wit is almost more than i can bear.
my mood has been ruined.
bad idea BAD IDEA
hi, guess who. i made a bad decision today. just now, actually. i visited this web sight. the web sight was called thottbot.com
i cry tears of blood and anger and jealous bile
oh, right.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
burning crusade hits singapore in two days.
oh, look.
stuff is happening. STUFF IS HAPPENING. and i'm stuck in army.
if you asked me to pinpoint this "stuff", exactly, i wouldn't be able to, but i know that whatever it is IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE ARMY
iPhone!!!!! like, zomg. also:
599 us dollars, loland i also want a laptop and an easy way of disguising cdr's as legally bought music cds so i can listen to them on my cd-mp3 player.
i'm totally out of touch with whatever anime is being watched right now.... wtf is code geass? and... fuck i can't even name any more. although i've tried visiting 4chan's /a/ and i can still follow most of the threads because theyre all about past anime. guess nothing good has come out.
and i am prepared, at this time and at this place, to say that ff12 is not a good game. prepare yourself for a big rant. or skip the next few big, chunky paragraphs.
the story is painfully boring. even by j-rpg standards. everyone's jumped up about Nethicite but it is never, NEVER,
NEVER EVER EVER explained how the fucking shit is supposed to be used, and what makes it so powerful. the party gets a piece, and it stays in your inventory as a nigh-useless ascessory. you go on a stupid journey to see some dude to find out how it's used, and the dude says "oh, i don't know". everyone is sad. then they apparently don't care anymore. and the other three quarters of the storyline continues. it meanders along, and i seriously cannot relate to you what the fuck the party is trying to do. i've got some general idea that they were heading after more nethicite to either get it and use it to "fight the empire" or destroy it because it's evil. sorry, but if i don't know how it's so powerful, both those reasons aren't reasons at all.
so i've just hobbled along, listening to some repetitive setup about how one nation is going invade another by pretending to asist some 'resistance force'. over and over. for fucks sake, i think i've just about summarised the background story right there. throw in the nethicite crap and you've got the whole mess. sixty hours, and i've just found out i've stumbled into the final boss, and all the while listening to a crap history lesson.
the voice acting is superb, but what spews out of the characters mouths is... hold on a sec. i'm going to have to branch off and describe a purely imaginary scenario where
shit, perhaps watery
diarrhea, is beaten with an egg whisk into
a frothy consistency.that is what i'd liken the dialogue of ff12 to. it's shit. but not solid shit. it's boring fluffed up shit with absolutely no meaning.
facing a boss characterguy: "Ashelia Bal-something Dal-something! What are you? A demon of vengeance? Or an angel of salvation?"
(ashe has never displayed any characteristics other than 'useless-princess-with-no-clear-objective' - see the nethicite crap above)ashe: "I am... me. That is ...all. *
pretty little princess sigh* I just want to be... free."
what???? connection? are you two even talking to each other????
moving on to the graphics... omg, how can i criticize an FF game's graphics?? i can because they're boring. i love the designs, yes. the floors and the walls and the doors and the sewer gratings and the lightings and the gates and enemies and the weapons and the pillars and EVERYTHINGS are intricately designed.
and then mercilessly repeated. over and over. it doesn't help that dungeon design is extremely boring and based around room-crawling. in fact, the detailed designs eventually start to emphasize the fact that you're doing the same thing over and over. this doesn't affect towns, which are wonderfully unique, but once you hit the next dungeon it's seriously mindnumbing.
fuck, i've typed too much. book in time is drawing close. fucking fast. sigh. now i must change into my smart 4. i can use army terms freely because i'm absolutely definitively 100% sure that no girls read my blog. and that the number of guys who do can be counted on one hand. whine whine whine about how no one reads my blog, boo hoo. hurrah, that's over. i'm writing this crap for myself, not for you, ha.
okay, back to army. i'm pretty sure that the amount of pain experienced in relation to time spent in army is expressed by an exponential function. five days will be a fuckign hell lot more tolerable than seven straight days.
seriously, new game
Saturday, January 13, 2007
i've found a new game to play. it's called Kingdom of Loathing, it's partically text based and has got mspaint black and white graphics. it rocks.
what the flying fuck
the last seven days has seemed like a month. a fucking month. seriously...
there's a bunch of stuff i wanted to blog about but it's all flown out of my head now. i'm just totally numb from seven fucking days of army life. and it almost became eight, cuz i narrowly excaped wekend guard duty. i got weekday guard duty. nfi what that will entail but apparently i will stay up later and sleep in the next morning. THAT'S NOT A PUNISHMENT LOLOL.
oh, right, i got the punishment because i was sitting down. in my bunk. in Ninja, that's not allowed. well, there was also the fact that everyone else was practicing rifle handling, but still. i can strip and assemble the pos in less than half a minute and i don't feel the burning need to take that down to twenty or ten seconds. IA drill are second fucking nature and if you can learn untuk diperiksa(?) datang senjata then loading and unloading your rifle is a fucking joke.
sorry, i got sidetracked by elite beat agent videos on youtube for a second. i mean, a minute. or 30 minutes. it's DDR!!!!!!! WITH YOUR HANDS!!!!! fucking fuck PoP please and let me buy my DS.
my body is wonderfully adaptive. i am coming to realise this more and more in NS. in the past seven days of hell, i shat once. one dump. in seven days. and i swear, the instant i stepped into my house, my gut started churning. it's churning right now. but i'm eating lunch so... right. it will have to wait.
so, life in NS. ptp phase is over and bmt has started. i cut my 2.4 timing by two minutes, but that's still 15 minutes, what the fuck. i'm cursing a lot more, too. i'm still a zero-fighter for pullups. need to break that magical barrier of ONE.
life as the annex room IC was smooth as silk after the first two weeks. my efforts polishing the trophies and the windows and the tv and the radio and the plaques and the ping pong table paid off, i barely did any work on it at all after that. AND THEN. yesterday. yesterFUCKINGday it was raining and we were due to cut our hair (1cm???? TOO LONG RECRUIT) and the barbers couldn't find a place. you can probably guess what i'm driving at now. they fucking shaved the whole platoon in my annex room. and as people walked in from the rain-slicked corridor, the annex room floor got damp too. not wet. damp. so the hair sticks. to the floor. and the broom. FUUUUUUUUUUCK
so far i had been viewing things in a positive light. with a good attitude. eating outrationed food from the cookhouse out of little paper boxes, on the ground floor walkway while the monsoon rains pound away around me is fun. being given five minutes for our first time putting on camo cream is
an experience. life is hard, but, in a sense, interesting. but cleaning up a whole room of hair that is STUCK TO THE FLOOR is not fun. it is not an opportunity to grow, to gain positive life skills that will improve me. and whatever does not make me stronger will
somehow, i passed area inspection. i owe a treat, and i will willingly give it, to all the wonderful souls who helped me out.
i leave you with a pop quiz on giving commands. everyone has a chance to be platoon IC! here's a simple test to determine if you'll do well.
examine the following scenario. you are marching your platoon back from dinner.
what command do you give?
a) dari kenan bilang!
b) kekenan durus!
c) impit kiri!

if you answered (a), you're a fucking idiot
if you answered (b), people will laugh at you, you fucking idiot.
if you answered (c), like MY last platoon IC, you're going to GET US ALL KILLED. YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
Friday, January 05, 2007
so like half of tekong has a cough. we had another talk yesterday in the auditorium, and there were three companies there, but for the two hours or so that we were in there, the sound of coughing was continually echoing around the place, nonstop. i've heard theories of this, including one blaming tekong's water, but i think its a rather simple result of the cocktail mix of having us shout our throats out, stressing our physical limits, and weakening our immune systems while training in the rain. or maybe i'm just weaksauce.
also, we heard one sergeant shout to another, "OI the suspected TB case was from your platoon izzit?"
lol, being paranoid
i'm out today because i'm going in again tonight to get confined for the weekend. swell.
oh, before i left last week i said that i had gotten tsukihime book3. this was a lie. i got book 4. on a side note, i do not have book 3. i did not realise what i had bought was book 4 till i got home, read the first few pages, and realised there was zero continuity whatsoever. smart.
sigh... barely have half a day left
( ◉_ゝ◉)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
( ◉_ゝ◉)
( ◉_ゝ◉)
( ◉_ゝ◉)
( ◉_ゝ◉)
( ◉_ゝ◉)
( ◉_ゝ◉)
i'm removing the face from my msn nick
consider this a goodbye gesture for an ascii thinggy that i found weird enough to keep around for so long
stuff and stuff
went out yesterday. went out today. i don't go out much. so i guess i'll blog about them.
...now that i've said it out like that.. i've lost interest.
everybody currently in NS went in today, i get to/have to book in tomorrow at singapore discovery centre, for some national education thing. cool.
went out yesterday to watch a movie. i didn't bother finding out which movie because i the last movie i watched was miami vouses, so there was no chance of watching something i had already seen. or something.
met up with 'the gang', plus gary's gf. four of us were sporting the wonderful recruit hairstyle. oh wait, maybe not waileong. he's got... a mane. and a wicked widow's peak. if i were to rate his hairstyle i'd give it OVER NINE THOUSAAAAANDD

no one in my section/platoon/company has even
breathed a word to me about my bald spots. i suspect it's because of my friendly and open attitude. oh, and probably because i saw chiang in the canteen and he asked me about them, and i told him to fuck off. lol. anyway, it's good that i know dudes who can be open about my glaring head aberrations with me. i quote daryl: "it looks like mickey mouse!"
thanks, man.
we watched .... oh wow, i forget the title. i was thinking lost in translation, but No. stranger than fiction? ah yes. it was good and funny, but needed more polish. firstly the 'most important piece of literature of the decade' or something like that wasn't particularly impressive. secondly, it didn't even make sense. it's a book about a guy who dies without knowing it? then what's all the stuff about hearing his narator? so she doesn't know he can hear her? why'd the author put in the bit about Harold calling her then?
i am confused. but i don't really feel like clarifying anything, so whatev.
Maggie Gyllenhaal was ...interesting.. to watch. i'd seen her in another of her films before. a quick imdb search will give you a list of her movies, and no it's not world trade centre. your eyes are probably lingering on 11. The Pornographer: A Love Story (2004) and 12. Strip Search (2004), but no, it's not those either. freak.
went out today to buy stuff from beach road. i wasn't told the updated timing so i went to the meeting place two hours later than everyone. somehow, as serious luck would have it, as i reached lavender mrt, they were moving off (after already buying their stuff), and i was saved from having to stand around wondering why no one was showing up. times like these cause me to wonder why i don't lock myself home.
anyway we went to play pool and i, wonderful son that i am, delegated the task to my parents who had dropped me off at the mrt station and were off to visit my grandaunt who lives around the place.
pool was fun. played crappily as usual.
after that we parted ways and i went over from lucky plaza to taka to kino!!!! and i bought tsukihime book 3. they didn't as to check my age, i guess my hair told them i was 18. on the way out a spinrack caught my eye, or rather BLAME! volume 6 on the spinrack caught my eye, and i went 'omg!' and rushed back to find volume 1. i bought it too. 16 bucks, there was a 20% discount thing going on so 14.50+, hurray. ouch.
it doesn't matter! my first english translated manga purchase, woot. tokyopop holds my money now. i can illegally download manga all i want from now on.
ahhhh, booking in tomorrow. i seriously want to bring my ipod in, or at least some form of music player. finally found a source for YUI's songs, actual http downloads from one of those filesharing sites. about those sites... it pisses me off but the biggest site, rapidshare, doesn't work for me. anyway, back to music in NS. cd players are allowed, but only original cds because cdr/w's are 'storage devices'. and in any case my cd player is missing its gumstick batteries. gary has them. i have his powerball and geforce3. lol fair trade?
this blog entry ends here!
see you in... i'm not sure when i'm booking out again, lol.
Monday, January 01, 2007
ninja platoon 1 HEADS OUT
OH FUCK i was playing ps2 and i missed the heads out oh noe going to get pumped now zzzz
kk going out tonight