booking out....
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
...see my laptop..
...saw it with.. internet connection...
i am typing this in my room right now. i will get my wow account reactivated tomorrow and see how
much little time i can get in tomorrow before book out.
sit test is over. i get the feeling that ninja field camp should have been around that standard. ninja fast marches are hardcore endurance tests. i'm not sure why i didn't fall out. i'm a weak person. which is why.... WHICH IS WHY.... i paled when they read out "Detail Alpha tag 1.... h... hoy? hoy han seng edMOND". my spirits improved slightly when i found out i was only the admin IC, and that the ic would change for missions. it wasn't fun being in a detail full of chinese speaking chinese (as opposed to.. the other kind - me) and getting a hokkien peng of a sergeant. i'm sure they were all wondering why the IC was the only cockster replying with english in every chinese conversation.
i think i can pass ippt now. i missed the diagnostic though, so i'm still not sure about that. i managed to scrape 5+one kicking pullups, but that was after my birthday when we did a couple hundred pushups in the evening and strength training the next morning with another hundred pushups. i hope i can hit 8 rested. i'm not sure about my running either. i flew for the first 20 mnutes of the last agr, but i developed a massive stitch for the final ten minutes and limped around the parade square pathetically. in any case, i can run at a decent jog for 20 minutes, if i push abit i should be able to pass. i was pretty happy about this until i read gary's blog and he nonchalantly tossed out "physically i'm fitter (9+ mins for 2.4)". phoo.
man i'm hungry. we got to cook during sit test and i heated up a packet of japanese curry noodles. ripping open that green package to a steaming hot meal is so much better than squeezing mush into your mouth.
soc... i hear we just have to complete all the stations. which is good, if i can rest in between each station. i timed myself for the last soc lesson, with a 100m rundown... i took 7 minutes to clear everything and run back to the start point. not good.
results on friday. too soon.
you know what i've got?
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
someone once said that a dream fulfilled is a dream lost.
how emo is you
know what i've
got? i'll tell you what i've got. i've got it made.
today's post involves birthdays, and the presents thereof. i do believe that a number of days ago i made a list detailing my sordid material desires. two of them have been answered. at the same time. scroll down to the second item on the
following page.
so. i ought to feel disgusted with myself. i don't deserve this. when my a level results come out i will feel even worse. and i'm booking in tonight, so the thing is going to idle in my room for more than a week, because i'm getting confined for sit test. and there is only one internet-enabled computer in my house, because the wireless modem isn't ... i dunno, broadcasting magical internet particles or whatever it does. so no WoW till mid-march. after pop. eh...
fuck you stop complaining.
chinese new year is as good as over, and my total takings this year amount to S$140 and RM20. O_O
midnight groove
it seems safe to conclude that i have, once again, reverted to a nocturnal lifestyle. seeing as bookin day is tomorrow... this is not a good thing.
it started when i got supremely
supremely bored, and i fired up shining force neo again. i'd forgotten all the controls and all of the storyline, but it's a mindless hacknslash dungeon crawl so no problems there. i rediscovered why i stopped playing (i kept "
dying") and discovered how "
not to die" (train more and get a healer,
noob) . in any case it worked out fine and i happily blew a couple of hours on it.
eventually the repetetiveness started to outweigh the fun... it wasn't exactly boredom, because i know i'll be playing again tomorrow. on bookin day. fuck. anyway, i saved and switched off the ps2 and started getting ready to sleep. went to shut down the comp and what do i see? my download of the genshiken vol 8 raw has finished. so i sat down and... looked at pictures.
alright! and i've just found out that there's a volume 9. and i am psyched. i'm not sure why i enjoy genshiken so much.
zzzz i need to go to sleep now.
osu!on a side note, my evil plans are coming to fruition. if all goes well i can report a disgusting bit of news tomorrow.
it's boring just to get tired
Monday, February 19, 2007
one of the two groups of relatives of my family that lives in singapore came over for dinner tonight. as usual (i think this happened last year too..) i didn't know about this until it was time for diner, and i emerged from the computer room to the sound of unfamiliar voices. around strangers, i am a deaf and blind mute, and the fact that these strangers are supposed to be
family makes it so much worse. great.
whatever, dinner is over and i have retreated into solitude once more. i'm drinking vodka, grapefruit juice and cranberry juice, which i have come to understand is a cocktail named 'seabreeze'. i'm sure i got the mix ratio wrong though, since most bartenders probably don't use
florida's natual cranberry ruby red. so i just threw in more vodka and hoped it turns out alright. and strong enough to knock me out.
i really, really want to play wow. but the cny break is coming to a close and the ouside com still has no internet connection. fuck. i've been tiding over with kingdom of loathing, but it only lasts for so long... mspaint stick figure 'graphics'...
back to reading negi magi. it's hard to imagine the same guy who penned out the fluff of love hina could come up with as solid a storyline as this. i bet ghostwriters are helping him.
so... what now
Saturday, February 17, 2007
i resumed my search for a way to play nds games on my com. in particular, i resumed my search for a way to play ouendan on my com. the torrent for the rom got a sudden burst of speed and it's now at 85%, so i was pretty optimistic on that front. so i turned to the problem of the emulator. and what i've found seems to indicate that there is
no emulator that currently works. wtf? torrent sites have 5 gig packs of nds roms and there's no emulator that can play them? yeah, each game is about 50mb but still... why the hell rip all these roms if there's no way at all to play them..
okay, i lied a little. the emulators that are out can play some roms. but it's pathetic. the most successful of them, DeSmuME (btw, typing that name out made me feel like an eleven year old girl typing on the internet wtf) has a
page showing which games work. it adds up to less than a fifth of the games listed.
0202 - Kirby - Canvas Curse (E) -
Fully playable!! There's a few gfx missing, such as the rainbow lines, but otherwise it works!!
holy shit, the game is about using the rainbow lines to do
stuff with kirby and you're trying to tell me it's fucking "playable" without them? and with double exclamation marks? not working!!
so, i'm seriously getting a ds.
the ninja ifc diet
holy fuck, i've lost 9kg
i'm 72kg now
useless internet
spent the day trying to find nds roms. torrents are a lost cause. singnet's dynamic IPs mean i can't use filesharing sites. fuck.
i want to play wow but
- i don't have bc yet
- the decent com has no internet connection cuz the wireless crap crapped up
- the old com was uninstalled of wow
so... i'm bored. tired and bored with my computer. i'd better find something to do soon or i'll be apt to go crazy and do something stupid... like, go exercise or something.
reunion dinner tonight. steamboat at home. dad came back from brunei. i just realised he's now 45 and has to retire. i'm about to spend my last year as a teenager. of consiousness going on right now... better stop blogging
Sunday, February 11, 2007
....girlycard is weird. surfing a coffin with arms on a wave of blood... okay, that sounds rather creepy and gothic and crap.. but it looks retarded...
but now time runs short
i must take a bath to get
ready for book in
hurray, a haiku
i think i will write one more
you know, just for fun.
blooming twit!
it's always in the dying hours of my free time away from the army that i manage to find something spectacular enough to hold my attention. finally got back up while i was away at ifc, and i've been happily downloading nhk and eureka and ouran and all the little series that i havent been able to catch up on. and then i realise i missed out hellsing the dawn. the translators did a fine bit of work with the dialogue - british accents are always funny.
scooters, vacation, fall
went for the NTU talk at suntec. the Art, Design & Media stuff is highly,
highly attractive. but a portfolio.... damn, i don't have shit. and a 3 minute film. dammit.
i think my fever is coming back. i feel sick.
on an unrelated note, i've been getting bouts of... some sort of mental imbalance or something. i'll be looking at something, say, half a room away, and there'll be something blocking the view of one eye. like today, at the talk. i was watching the guy up front and someone's head was blocking my right eye, so i watched him with my left eye while both eyes were open. gradually, something starts to go haywire in my brain and i can't judge distance and dimension any more. it starts with what i'm watching, and it seems (i can only guess) that the automatic mechanism that tells my brain "that guy looks small because he is far away" starts to work overtime, and spreads to my other senses. everything gets automatically magnified. my hands were clasped together at the time, and from the pressure of my fingers against each other, my brain was telling me that my fingers were as thick as tree trunks. i shook my head and my brain told me my head felt like a hotair balloon. then the visual effect starts to get worse, and my brain tries to hold simulatenous images of an inch-tall guy and a size-corrected guy and a zoomed up picture all at once.
i sound like i'm babbling. but it's hard to describe. and hey, i'm sure my sleep paralysis awareness babbling sounded pretty stupid too, and i found out what it was eventually. unlike sleep paralysis though, i don't think i'll be able to get used to this weird disorientation. i used to get it when i was younger, in primary school and stuff, but it went away after P5, and all was well. the cases back then were really bad, all i would be able to do was lie in bed curled up with my eyes shut tight.
oh no, booking in. hand grenade throw tomorrow. good morning sir. i s8805234z recruit hooi han sheng edmond no sweat palms request permission to enter the bay.
hi, guys
Saturday, February 10, 2007
so i put my blog add back in my msn nick. if any of my bunkmates happen to be reading this now.... man, i thought you guys had lives. go away.
no, seriously. go away.
so, ninja field camp is over. to be honest, it wasn't as murderously horrible as i thought it would be. i did not cry by day three. in fact, day three was the most sian and super fucking slack. in all honesty, my platoon is super welfare by ninja standards. anyway, i've just thought through the whole of IFC and i've realised i don't want to blog about all of it, after all, most of you have done/are going to do more or less the same ol shit. so..... highlights!
- absolute worst part of field camp has to be field discipline. high kneeling everywhere is so much of a fucking pain that i have to use annoying font changes to emphasize the fact. wearing a helmet and lbv everywhere is shit.
- no rain for the entire field camp. fucking lucky. honestly, what the fuck. no rain. no mud.
- day three. admin cockup, no tonner to transport us (only platoon 1) to the new campsite. we slack around for eight hours doing absolutely nothing and reach the new site at 4pm. we get our lunch resup, we eat. an hour or so later, we eat dinner. fuck!
- i didn't take a crap for the whole field camp. seriously, no shit. omg i'm hilarious, rightrightright. anyway, by the last few days my body was sending all kinds of warning signals. "nature's call" itself was well suppressed, if you know what i mean, but i could feel that my gut, the internal fabric of my being, had slowly reached maximum capicity. i had no appetite. there was no space for the food. i subsisted on pocari sweat and biscuits for the last two days.
- and about the food... rations are... overhyped. for all the bitching and moaning and defending and support for combat rations.. well, it's just food. the noodles are all pretty decent, but for some reason the ones that taste the best at the start of the packet progressively get harder to swallow down. and the rice ones are okay too, despite all that's said. except maybe for chicken pongtay rice, wtf. i didn't get to try it... but still. wtf. the ascessories packs were pretty decent, pocari sweat kept me alive. the biscuits are really beautiful. amazingly filling. and making cake with the biscuits is another cool army-style once-in-a-lifetime experience.
- night movement. ooooh shit, what do i say. especially when the guy that i have to follow has 'the eye'. truth be told, i was just pissed about having to bash through all the vegetation and how our sergeant was getting us lost.. and i didn't notice the 'significance' of his little actions.. like asking our sergeant not to point his torch so high. (the light was pissing the ghost off) or asking us to number off again. (he heard an extra count right before his turn to number off) there are other instances but i'm honestly trying to forget them. our sergeant must have noticed, though, because he got freaked and started smoking. in the middle of the forest. ..well, whatever calms you, dood. i spook really really easily, but only when i'm alone. one thing i've learnt about myself: i don't get scared when in close proximity to others. without my buddy, i'm sure i would have gone mad at night. seriously.
- ah yes, the nights. as long as i can't hear stupid insect buzzes by my ear, that's all i need to fall asleep. without rain, life was even easier, like i said. it's weird to wake up, feeling fucking refreshed, and then realise you've only slept an hour. and then go back to sleep and wake up tired in the morning. oh, and every night, at least once, i would wake up, and get freaked out by what appeared to be some figure standing nearby and watching me, before it turns out to be a tree or something. i mention this because there was one night♪ (there was no light♫) where the figure that i saw was actually a prowler guard on duty, and he FUCKING MOVED. TOWARDS ME. holy shit my balls dropped. anyway. i felt stupid afterwards.
- attack drills! GROUP!!!!!! STRAIGHT AHEAD!!!!! 100!!!!!! ENEMY BEHIND TREE!!!!! REGULAR!!!!!!! FIRE!!!!!!!! GROUP!!!!!!!! ADVANCE!!!!!!! ON!!!!! ENEMY OVERRUN!!!! GROUP!!!!!!! ICE!!!!!!! GROUP!!!!!!! SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!! GROUP!!!!! ICE!!!!!!!!!! GROUP!!!!!!!!!! ORANGE!!!!!!!! NUMBER OFF!!!!!!!! 1OK! 2OK! 3OK! ALL OK!!!!!! GROUP!!!!!!!! BACK TO TRACK!!!!! MY 6 O'CLOCK!!!!!!!!!! FOLLOW ME!!!!!!! MOVE!!!!!!!!!! it's so easy to blog sometimes. oh, oh, how bout this: ARTILLERY!!!!!!!INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING ARTI LIFTED!!!!! *chiong*. fun. oh, and everyone's favourite: IA IA IA IA!!!!! *bang bang click* IA IA IA IA!!!!!!!!
- powder baths. bloody hell. powder baths rate a close second to field discipline for the most annoying thing about ifc. it's troublesome. it's a hassle. it's fucking annoying.
- third comes hangnails. half my fingers have hangnails. i hope i don't have to explain how annoying they are. i have no blisters, even after digging (and refilling and digging) my shellscrape. but hte hangnails, fuck, they just keep appearing, and surprise, no one brought their nail clippers to outfield. so i'm left with my jacknife and my jacknife can't cut it. cut it. holy fuck, i'm a professional joke maker. or even a joker. just like sergeant ghanim. although i can't talk like a robot here. or... type.. like a robot... wait a sec... this is getting nowhere.
- BIC. basically it was just tiring. leopard crawling is fucked up on burning hot sand. forget the explosion pits and the live rounds overhead, that's just background sound. but inching along and wondering why the fuck you're moving so slowly and why the stupid sand path never seems to end and why you didn't tape up your sleeves and why can't i just baby crawl for a bit, just a few metres, i mean it's so much faster, please? but i must admit it was pretty funny to crawl through the wreckage of previous details. stray comms corde spools and eating utensils and a thermometre... they added that tiny bit more... 'atmosphere', shall i say?
anyway, the best thing about field camp is that it's over. am i a better person? honestly, i don't think so. but i know i understand myself better now. i'm not sure how to put it into words, but i know how i mentally cope with tough situations, how i deal with stress. and i must admit, it's not a very postive thing about myself that i've discovered. i.. just suffer. okay, this is starting to sound stupid. like i said, i don't know how to put it into words. i guess i was expecting to, i don't know, find some inner strength or some shit. or come out of it a stronger person. with some sort of discernable character development. and i can't see that in myself. for the past week, i've just suffered.
endured, if you want it to sound nice.
but, i haven't changed. i'm still the lazy, complacent bastard that i was before i left for outfield. for a few moments after coming back, for like half a day or so, i thought i had learnt to appreciate the little things like flat ground to sit on and light clothes. but right now i'm starting to wonder if i still have that with me. if, a week from now, i'll be back to taking everything for granted again.
i guess, at least, it's good that i'm thinking about this stuff.
Labels: bmtc2, field camp, ninja
fighting fit yah
Friday, February 02, 2007
anybody not feeling well?
anyone have sever diarrhoea or vomiting in the past 12 hours?
everyone have seven hours of sleep?
you all know where's the medical centre?
in the case of an emergency you will be evacuated by stretcher immediately.
i can do their damn safety brief.
still feeling a bit shaky. the fever came back with a vengeance in the afternoon, though not as high as before. i read over the last entry i made and i'm starting to think that by brain was still pretty fried at the time. "my mouth is completely dry and tastes like dry leather"... even by my usual low blogging standards... that statement is abysmally repetitive.
i've been drinking cooling water. what the fuck. is cooling water. sorry, i'm not particularly inclined to trust TCM, especially with brand names like '
three legs'. in any case, closer inspection of the bottle indicates some stuff called 'gypsum fibrosum' in the water... and a quick google search does not give encouraging results. it's a type of mineral. used in cement. so i am drinking dissolved building material.
...well, it worked, anyway. either that or
the magic of western medicine.
still, what the fuck possessed my ancient ancestors from china to dissolve some random mineral they found in water, and then drink it? and somehow identify that it had cooling effects?
i better get to sleep soon
need to be at the ferry terminal by 0700 tomorrow
sweat! more sweat!
i somehow went to sleep again last night. my nose is more blocked than KL traffic so i breathe though my mouth the whole night. every time i wake up my mouth is completely dry and tastes like dry leather. i woke up this morning at exactly 0500. fucking army life. i went outside to get a drink and flush out my mouth, and took my temperature. 38.6. great, it went up. i felt like shit so i slept some more. sometime from then till now, my temperature peaked at 39.2, and i started getting quite scared. but anyhow, the fever seems to have broken and i'm sweating again. temp is down to 38.1.
buhhh duhhh buhhh
Thursday, February 01, 2007
i've just discovered that i have lost the ability to sit in front of a computer and find things to do. i'm bored.
chinese new year is coming. i spent the last hour or so trying to research the types of fireworks i used to play with when we went down to ipoh every year. in particular i was trying to find info about this firework with 'snake' in its name. basically it was this little tablet that you set on fire and a long black piece of shit comes out.
my brain is still fried. i slept the whole afternoon away so i'm not sleepy now. i just feel like shit. this is great.
suck thumb
cry more noob
i am home cuz i'm sick with a 38.4degree fever. i'm dissappointed because i was one of the two people in my section that hadn't reported sick or fallen out.
also, i'm missing my IMT. fucking fuck. i'm going to have to retake it with some other company. or recourse - seriously fuck. worst case scenario now is i don't get better by saturday and i can't go to field camp. again, i might end up going with another company or recoursing. and that's retarded.
but i guess i'm lucky that i get to book out before field camp. and that i didn't fall sick a day later, or i'd surely miss field camp. so i should be sleeping and trying to get better. zzzz.
i can't think straight.