Sunday, June 24, 2007
er. theres a lot of stuff i could blog about... mostly involving army life and stuff.
but i have no time.
so... bye!
oh, hot fuzz was the best movie i've seen in ages. witty humour and a slow, steady descent into pure absurdity. brilliant. i was grinning through the whole thing.
twelve oh six
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The 0.5 HMG (serial no. 1667) was drawn out along with seven other weapons. I signed out for it, and together with the other members of the armskote party, we moved the weapons to the training shed by trolley. Once there, we placed each weapon on the tables provided and our armskote IC removed the feed adaptor from each weapon. At this point, all adaptors were accounted for. From then on, the whole course used the weapons to practise the various 0.5 HMG drills. At the end of the day, when we began to pack up and prepare to wheel the HMGs back to the armskote, we realised that one adaptor was missing.
this is my statement. teh adaptor costs teh five hundred dollars.
moving on.
armour training is moving along slowly. still learning the vehicle mounted heavy weapons. automatic genade launcher next week. driving even later. 18 week course ftl.
armour is dusty. at the end of each day, i wipe my face with my sleeve and it comes away with a grey patch. my hands are also forever grimy. i assume it will get worse when driving starts and vehicle maintenance comes in.
my bunk is on the fifth floor. quite a change for someone who's always been in platoon one section one.. one flight of stairs has always been the limit i've had to climb. so... coupled with the dusty air... one day i will reach teh fifth floor and collapse from an asthma attack. and OOC. that is plan D.
plan A is to pass out with high weapon+vehicle competency grades and become an instructor. 8 to 5 job. sergeant kevin sin, otherwise known as mage class leader of elementium aka waileong+pehpeh's guild, is pushing this option to me.
plan B is to pass out with a medical problem and be held back at ATI to become an instructor. this is the scenario that one of my current instructors managed to achieve. asthma, in this case, is not a feasible 'medical problem' because holding me back in the place that's causing the problem doesn't make sense. so, plan B is somewhat difficult.
plan C is to pass out and become an instructor, because i volunteered. sergeant kevin sin, otherwise known as mage class leader of elementium aka waileong+pehpeh's guild, told us that last batch only one person volunteered and he got it. this time... now that people have heard about it... less chance. more people will volunteer? hope not.
plan E is to go to get posted to a unit, which i guess would be alright. i think. i will now voice my worries about being a sergeant:
- i only speak english. i can forsee communication difficulties.
- i'm not a good leader. i'm not commanding. people walk over me, and frankly, i don't really care.
- i don't like responsibility.
from what i've seen of my previous sergeants though, the second two problems didn't seem to stop most of them from becoming commanders. so... I ONLY SPEAK ENGLISH. and, another thing, people in armour are ALL CHINESE. the minority races all went to infantry. so. my armour unit will likewise be ALL CHINESE.
this is a problem.
oh right. one bigger problem.
- i am an reclusive social retard who has no interpersonal skills whatsoever.
right now i'm going through the phase i went through at the start of BMT and sispec, the one where i speak less than five words a day and keep alone to myself to the point of ridiculousness. as usual my bunk probably think there must be some problem with me. but i don't act like a selfish prick, help with area cleaning, like sweeping up the rivers of birdshit (fifth floor, baby. half of singapore's bird population roosts here) from the area assigned to us, fall in on time and generally ensure that other than my inexplicable silence, i'm a decent person.
i hope it works O_O
breakthrough came around wednesday afternoon, if memory serves me right. a couple of guys from bravo coy, who i knew passingly, were talking about wow and i chipped it. it was a small chip, but it opened more opportunities for talk.
eg., later, with other people i don't know
'eh who else plays wow arh'
'this guy lor'
*points to me, sitting nearby*
etc etc
it's pathetic, really.
anyway. highlight of the week was sergeant kevin sin, otherwise known as mage class leader of elementium aka waileong+pehpeh's guild, shouting out "
6/6 SSC 3/4 TK!" when asked about his guild. pfft... well, they weren't from blackrock so i can't blame them.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
there will be no proper blog entry this weekend due to extreme wowing and a general state of miserableness thanks to the prospect of booking in to face a group of people i don't know
just watched hellsing ova ep 3 and otome zwei ep 3... so much
raw awesomeness compressed into an hour was almost more than i could handle.
i should blog about ATI but i don't want to kill my good mood.
i bought new shoes today! hurrah.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
i hope to blog next about how slack my new vocation is, etc etc
not likely
no seven hours of sleep, oh noes.
The Melancholy of Susan Harriet

when i first saw that picture, i was stunned. i sat there and stared. and thought about it. about the possibilities. about its meaning. i tried to find fault with it. i couldn't. it transcends wrongness by being both a viscious aberration and eerily matching.
eventually i got round to reading the hoaxed-up backstory: haruhi gets liscenced, plans are underway to
entirely westernise it.
oh.. um.. okay.
oh lordie
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
there are times when you have to stop and wonder if the entire western anime fanbase are a bunch of retards...
but then again, is it hypocritical to think that if it were
japanese people doing that shit, it would be perfectly fine? possibly. but it's still pathetic to see such gutwrenchingly repulsive adoration of a culture that's not their own.
what's this? more hypocrisy! i'm not japanese either!
but i rest easy in the knowledge that i am at least AZN. can't call me weeaboo, whew.
oh good lord it gets worse. my attention was drawn to the image of a man dressed in a big red polyester dress, so i clicked
another video. to be greeted with footage of... um, glomping. read the
wikipedia entry. ...anime.. community?
ANIME COMMUNITY? forfuckingfuckssake dont make it sound like some fucking posuer counterculture gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
'anime-watching community'
'anime convention-going community'
'freaky shameless costumed exhibitionist community'
but DO NOT AUDACIOUSLY CLAIM 'ANIME' IN ITS ENTIRETY for your fat, pathetic, brazenly vaunted 'lifestyle'.
wha... what?
what in the world is oldenlandia? i found a bottle of oldenlandia water in my fridge so i decided to drink it. its fizzy and cold and mildy sour. i feel lightheaded from drinking it. um. weird.
wikipedia says its some medicinal herb. hurray. google has a picture of the very bottle i'm drinking out of,

. ok reading more. apparently its famous. maybe i just dont know my chinese traditional drinks.
i am trying to evade reality.
i think i will go fold up the sleeves of my No4 uniform now.

its time for bed
arrr me eyes yarrr
tuesday maintenance. a woe that i have not had to deal with in ages. and it figures that of all days, blizzard picks
this maintenance to do a do a really long one. i had to stop at six, wtf. so... somehow i've managed to keep myself occupied for the past... OMG EIGHT HOURS
a bit ridiculous. the servers are even coming up now. sigh.
anyway, i realised i hadnt touched tsubasa chronicle in ages, so i figured there'd be a pretty big backlog for me to dig into. but... don't you hate it when you try to catch up on a series only to end up rereading everything from teh start? oh, silly me, you're not
me. (ie, retarded.)
my eyes are totally unaccustomed to staring at a computer screen for fifteen hour periods now. this is unacceptable!
gurgling at the mouth
Monday, June 04, 2007
i'm booking in on thursday morning, into ATI. it seems like a pretty long break, but thinking about it... i only have tomorrow to play to my hearts content. wednesday will invariably be spent halfheartedly playing while worrying about packing for tomorrow. the evening will be wasted. the night will be unbearable.
i've played so much wow today. so much. i could cry. i woke up early today, at round 8am. i fell asleep without knowing it last night, since i brought the laptop over to my bed and snuggled down in my blanket while the air conditioning coaxed the room into a scaled-down state of winter. i was trying to read the haruhi novel translations, since there are like, what, eight? nine? nine of them out and the anime only covers two or so. anyway, like i said, i fell asleep without knowing it. it was ...painful.. to read. i'm sticking to it for the story, but the english is.... ugh.
first of all, while i cannot realistically claim myself bilingual, i
do know how two different languages can be drastically different. the haruhi translations, and come to think of it, the fmp translations i read a while back, both more or less simply convert the meanings of the words from japanese to english and then shove them into grammatically correct arrangements. horrors. this is a novel, a storybook, not some practice for your japanese class in school. i want rythm, i want pacing, i want a text that flows along with the tale. and the problem is compounded by the fact that the story is told in first person, making linguistic speech differences between japanese and english even more obvious. direct translations don't work. some nouns are just plain unweildy when translated.
easy example: sailor uniform. (! now why would i pick something like that hmm hmm.) in english it is five syllables long and sounds fucking stupid and forced when said aloud. in japanese there's the simple abbreviation to seifuku.
whew, off track. where was i. oh yeah, wow. er, i'm tired, so, short version: i ran liek the saem instance like seven times you know and i got so bored and like the stuff i wanted finally dropped yeah all at once on the last run. wootzorxzz for me, yay. /wowquit
holy vocabulary batman i used the word 'snuggled' today
i'm thinking about starting pheonix wright 2 again, but after the gut-churningly convulated final story of the first game, the starting stages of Pw2 are... too straightforward? lol. and the sharp return to gba-quality graphics doesnt help either.
never thought i'd see the day
so, um, wikipedia. front page. featured article. excel saga. wtf?
i believe i can touch the sky
Sunday, June 03, 2007
70, check.
flying mount, check.
no, wait, correction: slowass flying mount that moves through air like a basketball through butter, check.
leet purplz, NIL.
all my golds, GONE.
hours of my life, WASTED AND UNFULFILLED.
my brain is fried from all the wow today.
where was it
Saturday, June 02, 2007

get it? GET IT?
i woke up today from a really weird nightmare involving a worldwide zombie infectation masterminded by a powerful corporation of gun fanatics. there were underground motorised waterways involved. i've said this before, but:
i cannot make this shit up.no, wait, i
am making it up... aren't i. or is it my subconsious? er whatever. the dream ended when i broke through a glass window and jumped down ten stories. then i woke up and realised it was 10am.
my nocturnal grove only took one day to come back O_O
it seems like i will forever sleep at 3am and wake up at 10. the harsh conditioning during my formative years guarantees it.
anyway. ep 8 of lucky star and i've lost count of how many fumoffu references they've made. at least one an ep, wtf. the haruhi references are less, but abound as well.
i wonder if other countries find it mildly frightening how there's a 90% chance that whatever singapore male they talk to is/was at one point a soldier... i'm sure most of the youth of america hasn't ever lived in mud and filth in the field or fired off 5.56 rounds.
lol hwzxuan88 could, for all intents and purposes, even be
me.anyway life doesn't look good...