Sunday, July 29, 2007

back in action!
fuck you singnet! stop DCing me off wow and download my anime faster!
umm... um.....
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
KYOTO ANIMATION I LOVE YOUi have a three day weekend.. no reason for me not to blog properly... right?
me throat hurts
Sunday, July 22, 2007
i wonder to myself sometimes, which is worse.. setting down rushed, half-completed memories into this blog, or not blogging at all. i want to remember it all..
writing stuff is getting harder now.
PT in armour is pretty scary, at least to me. on mondays we run. on tuesdays we have combat run in SBO. on wednesdays we have SOC. on thursdays we rest, and on fridays we run again. it used to be different types of running, like endurance and speed, but nowadays we just run two sets of 1.6km in (supposedly) 6 minutes. 1.5 minutes a round, righto, grow me another lung and i'll see what i can do about meeting that timing.
last week was really long. painfully long. tuesday morning came round and it felt like a thursday afternoon. SOC was pushed forward to tuesday because we had vehicle floatation exercises to get to, more on that later. i finished with a timing of 9.47. that's a 23 second deprovement from my sispec timing. still trying to get over the lack of a sloped running path to help.
oh bugger, i've lost interest in blogging. and the time to leave the house is drawing near. i have a lot of stuff to pack. i will be bringing in my laptop so i can read harry potter on it.
sigh. nevermind, N is for Never Quit
floatation was a disaster. a week of prepping and we still had vehicles breaking down. the day exercises went pretty well, though. individual emergency exit drill -> fully soaked, boots flooded. dried off a bit. sun did not come out, cat1 rains came. freezing. pants freezing. soaked again. huddled in a vehicle with section to keep warm. rain stopped and we jumped in the water again for section EED. why on earth does the SAF put a layer of cardboard in its combat boots? night came. halfway through, one of the vehicles threw track. yes, the whole track popped off. whole exercise called off.
oh shit, i'm really late. i apologise
Sunday, July 15, 2007
i guess i didn't get to blog this week. (this doesn't count)
which is a shame, because this week was pretty eventful. humongously eventful. i'll have forgotten all the finer points by next week...
prepping for floatation. vehicles failing and failing.
virtual reality gunnery lessons.
decapitated kitten corpses.
officer cadets coming in... hello charles, poon, quek, rong en. welcome to armour.
losing my house key + no one at home. went to my platoon mate's house to kill time..
"hey... this place looks familiar. one of my friends lives here. he has one leg. i think he stays in that block. 10C. oh, that's where you live?"
the world is small.
so... i guess i got to blog this week.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
why hullo there it is two in the morning. i was confined last week due to armour training institute's change of command parade. several bucketloads of stuff has happened in the course of two weeks.. too much to blog about properly. i will try to do it quickly, because it is way too late. and also because i just watched some new stuff from makoto shinkai. then some lucky star. then i rewatched hoshi no koe. my brain is on the fizz.
last week was the parade. stupid rehearsals, the rifle drills were entirely different from the ones they taught us in sispec. anyway. wed, thurs, and friday were all pretty slack due to the rehearsals. except for thursday... where we had a SOC trial in the morning and parade practice afterwards... our drill standard went to shit, and the SSM couldn't seem to grasp teh concept that making us hentak kaki for half an hour wasn't going to improve the situation.
but anway. the nights were all free. awesome slackage.
so... our lessons got pushed to the weekend. i dont particularly recall what the lessons were... but i dont think many others could either. weekend mood. everyone, even the commanders, was rushing for the day to end and so we could all go for nights off. friday, saturday, sunday. all nights off. three in a row., ok.
friday i shared a cab home with some guy who lives in bradell, we talked about anime on the way. liek, omg, can it be
me engaging in proper conversation and social interaction? next thing you know i'll be exercising regularly and watching soccer.
anway. i went home for about two hours... grabbed my laptop My Laptop MY LAPTOP and went back to camp To Camp TO CAMP. omg contraband!!!!!
saturday i stayed in and watched anime and played melty blood. ftw.
sunday i went out to watch a movie with my bunkmates OMG i just did like 500 pushups and ran 10km and um... man u just bought ...some guy... for like, a few million dollars....
i can't do this.
we watched transformers. it was mediocre. lots of pretty graphics that were too close up to make sense of. and prime didn't kick as much ass as he should have. and oh that reminds me, i must go google megan fox.
this week we had driving. it was fun, except i still don't understand how gear changing works. i'll be crawling along while the engine screams away at over 2000rpm and then suddenly the gear shifts up and hte whole vehicle lurches foward (note: the vehicle in question weighs 13tonnes) and the rpm drops and i have no fucking idea when or how or why the gear shifted when it did. i think i'll drive manual when i get a normal car.
those were the main events. its amazing how many noteworthy events can fit into a simple span of two weeks. like, my DS being appropriated and subsequently huddled over by four wannabe attourneys, trying to crack a case. i never thought pheonix wright could be a group game.
also, i touched a psp for hte first time, to play... puzzle quest. i'm downloading the ds version now but the graphics and the interface look pretty fugly compared to the psp's...
...should i buy a psp?, i should sleep.