wut wut wut
Saturday, October 27, 2007
i'll blog properly about the second week of sergeanthood soon enough. right now, i'm going to be shallow.
completed puzzle quest on my friend's psp. once my warrior hit 30 she became an unstoppable death machine so the storyline breezed by. the only problem i had was how the psp kept crashing because it couldn't handle my POWER. cmon... it's only half a screen of exploding skulls...
zelda is over. sort of. the game keeps hanging during the final cinematic, so... er. whatever. it was too short. excellent touchscreen gameplay, but it fell short of what i was expecting. cmon, it's zelda. and the bosses were a joke. puzzle solutions were spoonfed. sigh.
thrashed the elite four, finally. no, wait, i didn't thrash them. it was a tough fight, because of the weird pokemon types that the elite four used. my crobat was brilliant as usual, and getting ice punch on my weavile was a worthwhile use of a weekend day. roserade was an unexpected powerhouse and my starter penguin dood was a decent meat shield to throw out revives behind. stand-in-for-jolteon luxray was absolutely worthless. jolteon would have been worthless too, come to think of it, since thunder wasn't needed at all. sigh.
afro samurai costs 1 million per episode and has a sufficiently gimmicky theme. recipe for success? not when gonzo's in charge. it's turning out to be little more than another advent children, sweet flashy action scenes interspersed with cringeworthy 'plot'.
higurashi is an intriguing story marred by QUALITY animation. will keep watching for the storytelling. oh, and the gore. oh yeah.
clannad is 100% essence of kyoani. slick animation for the weirdest of things. and there's that ending song. fucking ending song. get out of my head.
military sekretz
Sunday, October 21, 2007
oh look.
book in timing 2359. excellent.
ah, internet
i remarked yesterday that i don't have anything to do... how foolish of me. so foolish.
i don't think i feel safe about bringing my laptop into camp yet. need to test the water more. all the enlistees had to open up their bags at the guard house for inspection while booking out... as a sergeant i just breezed past the big queue but who's to say it'll be as easy next time...
it's gonna be a long week... i hope we get a nights out on wednesday.
sharken shooter!
it's pi time i stop using this joke
i was going to go to sleep an hour or two ago but then i thought i'd watch a couple of eps of higurashi before bed... dumb idea. had to read some yotsubato after that to feel calm enough to sleep. which i plan to do, right now. really.
delicious cake you must eat it
i have thought with portals.
great game. too short. sweet ending song.
now i'm out of new stuff to do again.
sleep now
Friday, October 19, 2007
my first week as a sergeant
i will not speak of it now because i am smashed out on likker and i just read a bunch of kotonoha manga
my head hurts
Monday, October 15, 2007
you know your afternoon nap lasted too long when you wake up and then have what was supposed to be your dinner for breakfast
so i'm booking in in the morning. and i'll be out after lunch, to come back home because 40 SAR is having off.
i am posted to 40 SAR. i was told originally that i was going to MSU to be a taxi driver... then suddenly our LSM tells us that our course commander wants to see the whole course. "hur hur i bet he's gonna say our postings got change" <-(me)
ah, wonderful. dumb jokes coming true ftw.
so now i'm going to a unit. apparently the change was because 40 needs more people and they want the top 50% of the course, cuz they fuck care to MSU and somehow HQ manpower agreed with them. so they read out the namelist of new postings. the golden bayonet dude was the first name read out. then all the silvers. my name was eleventh. fuck! senseless ego stoking. i'm still going to unit.
i am so fucking sleepy right now. which is weird because i just slept from 5pm to 2am.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Dango ('')
Dango ('')
Dango ('')
Dango ('')
Dango daikazoku
Sunday, October 07, 2007
so by next week i'll finally PoP. technically i'm already a 3sg.
sigh. i think corporal was the perfect rank for me. not totally a man but not a commander.
one thing that's been bugging me for a long time is the fact that i've never been a senior. got kicked out of softball, into red cross where i joined the sec ones. fuck that. and JC life... no, i had no JC life.
i've never bossed around juniors, or been looked up to. can't say i don't deserve it... but what the hell, it unnerves me when everyone else i know, in camp and outside, all have had some sort of experience with this shit before.
ah, crap. i meant to use this three day weekend to set up a gurren lagaan layout for this blog. didn't happen.
man, i'm so bummed out now that lucky star and gurren lagaan are both over. i've picked up zero no tsukaima and i'm going to try watching shana again. at the same time. the combined effect should destroy my brain again if i'm not wrong. against my better judgement i'm also going to attempt watching higurashi, and hope i don't go mad. kyoani's doing clannad now... but the key universe is as disgustingly big and convulated as type-moon's... and i don't think i could survive stepping into yet another world like that.
kara no kyoukai is moving along
fucking slowly. as expected. it's chinese, after all. last bookin was three days and two nights... in two nights i finished... two chapters, that's 25 pages or so. about three hundred more to go...
i checked the translations at baka-tsuki and i'm glad to see that i'm somehow not off the mark as i pick my way through the 繁體字.
now i've got zelda, though, so i don't think i'll have much free time in bunk now.
more thoughts about taiwan and the aftershocks thereof:
i need to stop looking out window, look at the setting sun, and think, oh, it's only four o'clock.
i don't really spend my time "wisely", as such, but i like to know how much of my time is running out.
i'm glad that i can now say 'thank you' to people without them suddenly rearing back in shock like i've bitten them. or stare at me blankly. or, in other words, react like i do when someone speaks chinese to me.
i'm not sure how long i should save my 45NT bowl of instant noodles (with real meat!)
i charged my phone yesterday. the last time i charged it was before ROC. shows how much i use it.
i cut my hair today. the last time i cut it was a week before ROC. i only cut the back and sides. i can almsot hide the ginormous baldspot on the top of my had now! almost!
i need to reinstate my standards of hygiene. while never really exemplary to begin with, my level of personal hygiene went all to shit in taiwan. i remember using my metal fork and spoon in my first outfield training, then i just tossed them back into my lbv without a ziploc, thinking i'd wash them later. i never did. i ended up using the torn-off corners of the paper ration boxes as a spoon for a week or two afterwards. on another outfield training trip, they served us with a different type of box and i was left with nothing to eat with. i dug in the magazine pouch where i kept all the miscellaneous crap and i pulled out my metal spoon. it was shiny. it was grease free. it looked clean. it had been in the same pocket as a matchbox, a jacknife, a cigarette lighter, several umbrella nails and a handful of broken mosquito coil pieces. i used the spoon to eat.
on a
totally unrelated note, i finally broke my clean sheet of zero dumps taken in the field. twice. on the same day.
totally unrelated. anyway, i guess it was because in taiwan, there's no hole digging or whatever. just walk as far as you want/can away from the sleeping area and get down to business. that's right, some poor taiwanese dude could be doing foot navex and suddenly oh boy oh boy there's 星光 all over my boots. singaporeans overseas, how wonderful.
oh, back to hygiene. bathing... another fun issue. when the bathroom only fits 5 at a time and there's six sections of people that need to bathe and half an hour to do so... that's, at most, three minutes per person. er, no thanks. i'll just go to sleep first and wake up in the morning to bathe. really, i will. i promise.
it worked, sometimes.
eventually bathing became a luxury, not a necessity. i mean, if it works in the field, why not in camp? right? right? right.
now, i only did it because i could roll up my thin foam mattress and sleep on the wooden platform below it. seriously. i wouldn't sleep on a mattress with proper sheets while grimy. that's just plan icky... i'd rather sleep on the floor.
Friday, October 05, 2007
back... to camp...
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
so in twenty minutes i'll leave the house. for camp. i've had less than 24 hours at home and i'm heading back in. ftw.
it was time well spent. finished off lucky star and gurren lagaan. the combined awesomeness dissolved my brain so i'm actually already dead, and this blog entry is from the future.
i now know that the SAF has brainwashed me suvvessfully because i'm happy about going back to bunk. having my own bed and my own fucking locker to put my fucking stuff and not have to sleep in between stupid fuckers who don't know how to organise themselves... is a nice thing. why the fuck do you bring a dozen hangers when you only use four at a time and the others are only hanging around to smack me in the head? why the fuck can't you use the dryer room instead of hanging your socks and underwear in my fucking face? i keep my area (relatively) neat and tidy because i like space to move around sleep like a human, not so you can dump your stuff somewhere when you realise your own area is so fucked up that you can barely sit down. fuckers.
so.. who am i talking to? not you, dear reader. i'm sure that if YOU had footrot, you wouldn't powder your feet on my bed, right? RIGHT?
random tidbits before i leave...
day 2 of ROC, i learned how to solve a rubic'c cube.
day 26, i learned another method.
singapore needs papaya milk.
and one-dollar bags of deep fried chicken skin. stroke-inducing goodness.
during RnR i bought some sort of phoenix wright guidebook. and a haruhi figurine. and a bunch of eva gashapon keychain thinggies. and kara no kyoukai. the book. in chinese. in traditional mandarin. and i won a little tony tony chopper doll from a ufo machine. whee.
it's 10pm and i have to go
see you thursday night
september is over
but no one woke me up till october 2nd
hello i am back from the R of C.
i am back. I AM BACK.
i could blog about the month of shit i went through but i dont think i'd sleep till the next bookin timing.
i am glad to be home. lets just leave it at that.