in other words
Thursday, December 20, 2007
i finally remembered about eva rebuild, i do a little searching and holy fuck there are trailers out aleady.
i'm just so... happy.. right now. i know i keep saying that eva was overrated and that i like rahxephon more and whatnot... but.. it's eva. again. new.
the cg looks excellent and the animation style looks picture perfect. utada hikaru... not so good. i keep thinking of kingdom hearts, because that was the first time i listened to her music for an extended period of time. i have to admit... it sort of fits.. her voice is heavy enough... but it's just weird.
higurashi no naku koro ni kai is excellent. or maybe i just get attached to characters too easily. speaking of characters... i finished off baccano the night before i left for field camp... sacrificing precious sleep hours to complete the anime before i had to leave for four days. it was totally worth it. i'm gonna eagerly await another season.
anyway. i'll get rid of caramel dansen now.
home alone
home on a thursday. sort-of-block leave for christmas.
i just finished a four day three night field camp. i didn't prone a single time and i'm rather sure i travelled less than 500 metres on foot for the whole duration, but i'm still amazed that i managed to survive it. thanks to my company's fucked up administration, we went on the camp a day or two right after section live firing.
section live firing was a total pain in the ass. besides having to stay up 24 hours again, i also had to do demonstrations for the men which means i went through the course a whole fucking seven times. one dry run, one dry run with blanks, one with live rounds. then i took my section for
their blank run and actual run, because my section commander is on course. then i did another blank and live run for the night shoot. for the demonstration i was in the lane at the edge of the course, which collected nice big puddles of water right where we had to prone. so three runs of throwing myself into puddles. then, for the actual runs, i was in the centre lane, which was dry sand. but since i was already soaking, i just picked up a frontfull of sand. other people just get a little bit of orange colouring on their uniform, i get sand in my balls. then, before the night shoot, the skies opened up and it started to rain and thunder. for a whole 15 minutes. now every single lane on the course is a swimming pool. fun! we got back and cleaned arms and slept at 6am the next day, after having woken up at 4am the previous day. i caught a cold and kept sneezing. whenever i sneezed, my stomach hurt because the muscles were sore. try soaking yourself with freezing water and doing burpees for half an hour. that kind of sore.
anyway, with barely enough time to recouperate, we get pushed off to prep our vehicles for field camp. i deeply appreciate my driver. he's the second most hardworking guy in my section and willingly does all sorts of shitty jobs for me. also, he is eurasian and doesn't understand a word of chinese. PERFECT COMBO. thank you, SAF, you are finally giving me a bit of a break.
anyway, prep done, we had out for field camp. remember how i said my section commander was on course? let me clarify. the armoured infantry section has two commanders, a vehicle commander (me) and a section commander. the SC takes care of the men when they dismount. i take care of the vehicle and my driver and my GPMG gunner, and EVERYONE ELSE when they're on the vehicle. in my matchbox, i am king. (except... i'm the PC vehicle so my PC is on board. er, yeah.) anyway, my SC is on platoon sergeant course. so i'm the only commander for my section. now, there are very, very valid reasons why an AI section needs two third sergeants. one by one, i found all of them out when i was slowly forced to do two times the work of an average AI commander. it was painful. my 2IC was the stand in SC, and i'm proud to admit he's the most hardworking guy in the section (platoon soldier of the month, too!) but in the end, the fact is that there's very valid reasons why he was posted as a man too. in short, he tried his best, but he wasn't trained or ready or, essentially, up to the job. and i got the heat.
my body was sore and cramping up all the time on the first day. the heat was intense and oppressive and we had two cases of heat exhaustion. but that was okay, since my company indented 30 IV drips to give our newly-trained medics a lot of practice. then, as singapore monsoon weather is wont to, the heat broke suddenly and a thunderstorm started. water got into my boots. on the first day. of a four day field camp. oh, no.
memorable incidents this field camp were ones such as:
- my PS throwing a smoke grenade under my vehicle. i nearly got an asthma attack and he happily cried out Medic! Medic! Give him an IV! i fucking despise this guy. he's a fucking slacker who we see less than half the time and when he shows up it's to give problems for us to solve. he's 29 and only a first sergeant and he can't - and has never ever - passed his SOC. when he starts ranting at us he once mentioned how he didn't need to take our shit because of his possible "better prospects outside the army" and i had to try very hard not to laugh.
...but, he really knows to to wayang and all the men and all his superiors love him. it's so bloody unfair.
- i slept on top of my vehicle at night. no mud! no insects! super cooling! but in the wee hours of the morning the pervasive chill of cold metal on your back really saps all the heat out your body. also, if i got caught i would have been in shit soooo deep.
- combat rations! finally!
of course, now that we've finally done some serious training, my secondary job of statement IC is now starting to call upon me. it is extremely,
extremely, trying to help mono-intake people write their statements. i'd type one out for you to see, but i think my keyboard would melt in shame.
as for now, to the half a handful of people who i assume still read my blog, i am home alone. my entire family is overseas visiting my father so i am left to fend for myself here. i got home to find the kitchen stocked with snacks and canned/instant food. instructions on how to work the washing machine were written out on a memo on top of the machine. (yes i do not know how to work the thing) i washed my clothes last night. i dried them and folded them.. right now i'm thawing out some curry that my mom froze and i will eat it with instant noodles for dinner tonight. oh shit, i haven't boiled any water. fuck.
this is an adventure!
also i am wowing and watching anime nonstop. i have 25 eps of a
second season to watch! i'm watching a
show about talking microbes and fermentation! i'm going to finish MAR and see how horrible it is! i need to boil water!
train of thought interchange
Saturday, December 08, 2007
i checked with my mom and yes the bottles are older than i am.
anyway i saw a flash banner ad for enchanted. which reminded me of a line in the movie involving red riding hood and how she axed the wolf, but "that's not how
she tells it" or something like that. in turn i was reminded of a quaint little webcomic called
no rest for the wicked that i last read in j1... anyway i'm catching up on it now and it's actually quite good.
my shaman is almost, almost, fucking ALMOST level 40 and so i can finally dualwield...
only i can't because i'm too fucking lazy to level another half a level after rushing five levels this morning and afternoon.
so i came across two bottles of baileys cream in the house. the bottles looked older than i.
....doesn't this stuff have an expiry date? they were unopened bottles, and while i don't make a habit of stealing my dad's alcohol, i was pretty sure these couldn't be drunk any more.
fistly, because it had definitely gone bad. secondly, because it was entirely solid. i had to use a chopstick to poke around and break it up before some chunks fell out the bottle. not nice.
on the topic of expired alcohol, i still have a can of beer that gary brought over for my roomwarming... how long ago was that... i'm sure it's gone flat.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
stay for over 9000 seconds and you win
things and stuff
blackrock is full whut.
i can't get the aquarion opening out of my head.
berserk finally made me touch my ps2.
i forgot how to solve a rubiks cube.
field camp starts tomorrow.