secret to success
Thursday, January 31, 2008
so said the head of the vehicle workshop to me,
"you know how i managed to survive for so long in the army? i work hard, i train hard, i FUCK HARD. YOU BETTER WAKE UP YOUR IDEA."
wow, no one's told me to wake up my idea since tan liang soon. ah, softball. fucking softball.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
everything i said in my last entry, is still in effect. this past week, i got fucked left right centre. my vehicle is in a fucked up condition, and yes it's my fault. i took a risk. i've had to take ownership of four different vehicles since coming to 40sar, and it pissed me off to constantly find myself with a new vehicle in total disrepair, and then having to fix it up, only to have it swapped away and getting a new, equally fucked up one again.
also, i'm fucking up my job as statement IC.
i wish i could watch the machine girl now.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
i havent felt this miserable since j1. army life is going downhill. responsibility is a bigger burden than tough training.
i'm going to start trying to chao geng. next weekend is burned AGAIN for another field camp. then, on the OIL that they're repaying us, i have cos duty.
sigh. i want my headphones.
how much???
Thursday, January 03, 2008
so it's that time again. i need new headphones. with the christmas period just over, and the fact that i didn't get any major presents weighing heavily on my mind (now i understand my dream), i've resolved to spend more money on headphones this time. but not that much. i'm not an audiophile, thank fucking goodness.
i've been to forums and whatnot and i've examined threads about headphones, with what limited knowledge i have. in the end, it just came down to ignoring all the threads about thousand-dollar headphones, ignoring all the flamers, ignoring all the elitist audiophile pricks trying to show off, and finding something that seemed to be getting shot down the least.
so i settled on
this shit. wtf, i havent even heard of the brand up till now. and wtf it sells for like 120 sing. okay, i expected that. i'm willing to pay. now, the two obvious shops that sell it are in causeway point in woodlands and some place called adephi. help, i don't know my home country well enough to know where that is.
and the last day of my break is tomorrow. and this weekend i only get sunday off because i have guard duty on saturday.
my dreams are shot down once again.
back to wow. my shaman is lvl 52! i'm playing all the bits that i went through after i restarted my rogue. ah, nostalgia bomb crits me for 2k damage. i die.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
oh, right, i just remembered. life! columnist mr tay y k, whose writings i quite enjoy reading because he's so blatantly unfunny and cringe-worthy, actually reviewed an anime. a fucking anime. holy shit, i do not like this, please keep my prime hobby away from the prying eyes of the singapore public, i do not need another shitstorm like the odex issue mucking up public perceptions and whatnot.
but anyway. he reviewed jigoku shojo. thumbs up! "
at least it's not naruto/bleach!" the funny part is that it was in some 'best of 2007' collection that life was doing. um, welcome to 2005, folks.
anyway i mention this because i've been browsing boxtorrents and i noticed season 2 of jigoku shojo, and i was reminded of the fact that i didn't finish season 1. oh bollocks, now i have to go watch it or people (
normal people) will be like: "hey have you seen that anime that was in the papers?" and i'd be like "um... no" and they'd be all "ha ha ha you call yourself an anime fan" and i'd have to cry. it's a tough life to lead.
on a side note, my trip to box also resulted in 3.6 gigs of manga queued up for download. dammitall.
oh whut? it's morning
i've been awake since 6.30am and i finally managed to recall my first dream of the new year. it involved some expensive plastic gadget of some sort. this is a sign. a call. i must answer it, and spend some of my money soon.
the reason i was awake at 6.30am was because i went to sleep at 9.30pm the night before. the year before, too. so, for the first time in years, i've slept through new years day. fuck you, army, fuck you. we went for another live firing on saturday, 29th, and again we ended up staying awake for more than 24 hours. i think it was 10am on the 30th when we booked out, and i'd had about 3 hours total of disrupted naps to keep me going. neverthe less, i played wow the rest of the day before i finally collapsed at 8pm. then i woke up at 5am yesterday and continued. till i collapsed at 9.30.
a haroohi fighting game. hmm... no thanks.
back to wow! i have no life. NHK! NHK!