Tuesday, June 24, 2008

it's a tuesday
i'm COS
everyone else booked out for nights out
i'm stuck in camp
i have internet
wow is down for maintenance




Monday, June 23, 2008

officers are officers after all
listening to my father talk to the singnet people... jeez. i think my passive, wimpy character is an outcome of my father's overbearing personality. he's doing the "oh i'm talking all polite to you but you know i'm actually fucking pissed and i'm not going to stop hounding you until i get what i fucking want" thing. uhuh.

you know, maybe i'm being childish. i can't keep linking everything to the army. and that this sort of behaviour is common elsewhere also.

er, whatever. (there i go again)
my sim card's not activated yet. woohoo.


drink more water!

my mobile broadband hasn't been activated yet. stupid singtel. 3 days my ass. i'm booking in tonight, hey! and it's maintenance tomorrow, ffs! sigh.



Sunday, June 22, 2008

marks & spencer ginger snaps
arnott's ginger nuts aren't crispy enough and mcvities are even worse.
i miss the big economic size store-brand bags of ginger snaps... what was that place called? applenorton?
anyway, those fuckers were rock hard. you could break teeth on them.

oh, it was Albertsons. i remembered some long word starting with A and the blue font, but that was all.

i went to google maps to find that store. i found it. i also found the sidewalk that i used to wait for the bus at.



Sunday, June 15, 2008

so i just booked a cab for tonight. yes it is expensive. no, i don't care.

those cabbies have some pretty good technology. i guess they recorded my info the last time i called because they answered "hello mr. edmond" (SOUNDS WEIRD MAN) the instant they picked up.

okay! i got till 10pm as usual. what to do. geass raws are out.

i swear, by next weekend i'll have mobile broadband. wow in camp or bust.

the hulk was decent. didn't feel like a two hour movie. more like 45 minutes or so. a lot time spent on chase scenes. it was also vastly inferior to iron man because it had no funny bits. final battle was also boring. in a battle of strength, it's not cool if you win by strangling the other guy. unless it's with your bare hands, while dangling him in the air or something. no, hulk used a chain. and got pummeled all the while. strangling is a rogue attack.
Hulk used Garrote!
Abomination is afflicted by Garrote.
Abomination is afflicted by Garrote - Silence.
Abomination suffers 9000 Physical damage from Hulk's Garrote.
Garrote - Silence dissipates from Abomination.
Abomination suffers 9000 Physical damage from Hulk's Garrote.
Abomination suffers 9000 Physical damage from Hulk's Garrote.
Abomination suffers 9000 Physical damage from Hulk's Garrote.
Abomination dies.
Hulk gains Stealth.

that's no fun!
the hulk should be a warrior. with unlimited rage. i assume he'd be fury because he kept dualweilding.

on the way back gary mentioned shia lebeowulf for some reason. interesting, because i just watched channel 5's late night movie last night because i was bored, and it happened to be the first movie he did. it was weird. old-school stuff. like something i would have watched in elementary school in america.



where did saturday go?

round 2 field camp 1 starts next week. armour infantry SECTION training. fuckit, i've finished my battalion proficiency test and you want me to do this shit again.

i think i might have pink eye. conjunctivitis. the past week, everytime i wake up my right eye is swollen and itchy. gunk at my tear ducts. another spec in my bunk started experiencing the same symptoms on friday. while i was in my old company, i heard news of how this company (my new one) got quarantined for a conjunctivitis outbreak among the men.

hm. the company is great.

did i blog thouroughly about this new company? i can't remember. but the men are annoying pricks. seriously, they make my old men seem like mature, hardworking individuals in comparison. they're 19, finally younger than me, as opposed to the 20+ guys i had to deal with before. okay, they're teenagers. they act like thirteen-year-olds. noisy, stand-offish, and pointlessly rebellious even to the most benign of instructions that, if simply followed, would make life easier for the whole company. but no, they're selfish fucks.
i hate these new guys, i really do.

fortune has smiled upon me again, i don't know why. my driver is once again a nice, quiet, hardworking guy. a lot quieter and less proactive than my last driver, but that's fine with me. listen to and follow my orders and on my part i'll be polite and calm and i'll make sure that i get as dirty and oily and greasy when the need arises. i've had a lot of time as a trainee to see what it is i hate about annoying commanders, so i try to be the type of commander i wouldn't mind serving under.
specifically, the type that dissappears and leaves me to my peace when there's nothing to be done.

tomorrow's schedule will be packed. i'm wondering if i have time to make it home again after the movie to grab my stuff for camp, or if i should just bring it with me. and if i should just take a cab.


how on earth

Saturday, June 14, 2008

an hour or so ago i started up my oldest computer, circa 2003 (i think) onwards. my intent was to condense all the stuff i still wanted and move it via my ipod to either my laptop or this new comp.

and hour later, and i am nowhere near completion. my manga folder is 42gigs with a little under 221k files. i deleted series that i downloaded but never got round to watching/reading finish, like shinobuden, PSME, UtaKata... others that i can't remember anymore... because i deleted them like half an hour ago...

i have msn convo logs of discussing D2 with waileong. i have a pic of Rhoninn standing atop the ZF stairs.

okay. i've consolidated everything into two folders. let's see how big they are. rightclick->properties. wait.

that's a lot of crap.


stopthat you FREAK

i'm bored at home and i'm watching borat. i watched the second bean movie earlier cuz i found it lying around the house.

i think i'd be enjoying this more if i didn't keep pausing the video out of embarassment. there's nothing to be embarassed, i know, but i just keep cringing.



Friday, June 13, 2008

it's become a ritual to take off my cheap black army watch when i get home. a symbolic unshackling.

so i'm home. alone. for the weekend. again.

yay singtel! $17.42 a month for 12 months. 50gb a month cap, but i have to ask myself if i'll actually traffic more than 1gb a day. probably not.

oh nooooo
what to doooooo
i can afford that shit! i really can!!!!!!!!

who wants to go to the IT fair this weekend


what is this shitttt

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

research done. singnet's offer, starhub's.

for $38.72 a month, starhub gives faster speeds and unlimited access. singnet is slower and capped at 50gb, with a surcharge of a 0.0005cents for each kb over (a buck for every 2mb). and the minimum contract is 12 months. starhub doesn't show if they have a similar contract requirement.

fucking singnet! and if i were a maxonline subscriber, i'd get 50% off that 38.72. wtf! fuck you singnet!

that geass ep is finished. elapsed time: 28m 27s. average download speed: 210kbs.
fourty bucks a month.
for internet in camp.
for WoW in camp.

my csm knows about my laptop.

my brain is boggling. pros and cons. weigh them. can't think. need sleep.




i don't know how this little thumbdrive-looking portable modem works, but i sure as hell am going to find out. i'm downloading geass r2 ep 09 at 100kbs. in camp. if there wasn't maintenance tonight, i'd be wowing.

i still don't believe this.


look back on this moment

Sunday, June 08, 2008

six months and eight days

i have a memory of my primary four year, during chinese new year and walking to class. we were walking in line like the kids we were, and i remember staring at a row of red plastic lanterns over the heads of my classmates, with the central garden on my left and classrooms on my right. "i can't wait to be over and done with the streaming exams", i thought.


dennou coil

i missed this anime, understandably, because it was playing at the same time as gurren lagaan. it's awesome. it's like serial experiments lain without senseless imagery and faux attempts at being DEEP. it's like that animatrix short with the little kids flying around and warping reality, but a starring schoolgirls, which is of course a lot better.

last week, horror of horrors, my (new) csm walked into my bunk while i was using the laptop. bizarrely, all he did was ask me "Who allow you to bring laptop into camp?" then moved on to "Do area cleaning! Commander bunk so horrible condition" and walked out. what in the fuck? am in deep shit or not? my fucking CSM knows. i didn't even tell my ps or pc in my old company. second week in my new one and my csm finds out. fuck!
but he didn't fucking do anything! what the fuck!
the shock is coming back.

i'm still bringing it in this week, though, to watch dennou coil.



Saturday, June 07, 2008

this blog entry would otherwise also have been titled: "recently ex-teenage male's sojourn in the Miss Clarity Cafe".

first, the background: upper thompson road, a five minute drive from my house, suddenly sprouted a huge stretch of restaurents and eating places, an expansion which at first seemed benign but interesting a year ago, but now is horribly obvious for what it truly is: a cancerous growth that holds the area in its petrifying grasp. i don't venture to be more than passingly familiar with the area, but i can see that there are now three hawker centres, at least two prata places, a handufl of pubs, and restaurents featuring fare from a number of different countries or fusion cuisines of said countries. trivial trivia: the amazing race season that contained singapore had a group getting lost and seeking directions at the shell station next to longhouse.

in any case, this still seems all fine and good. more variety? excellent! my nearly-forgotten economics lessons tell me this is a desirable thing. and i'd have no complaints, either, if not for the fact that places such as the Miss Clarity Cafe have somehow managed to spawn.

i went out for dinner with the family. as usual, i was just blundering along; i didn't even know where we were headed to. warning bells sounded, however, when we were looking for the place and my mother said something along the lines of "there, that pink restaurent over there".

pink. what? i really should grow up, but pink is still not for me. i don't think i've owned a single pink shirt, save the white one that got mixed the wash with bleach and a pair of red pants a few years ago. so. a pink restaurent. i calmed down and thought about it rationally. surely no restaurent would be so bold as to... and my eyes fell upon the actual establishment in question. the website i linked earlier should give you an idea of the presentation they chose. the site could pass for the myspace page of a easily-stereotyped brand of girl, i'm sure you know the kind i'm talking about. the actual cafe itself is just as... luminescent.

what could you be thinking, to order your big main signboard in hot pink? to dot your i's with snowflakes? to use comic sans for an actual business? to hang shiny dangly heart streamers over your main entrance? and how could you end up opening three branches?

actually, i have an idea about that. see, the food was honestly pretty decent. i'm not a foodie so i won't bother trying to sound sophisticated about it, but the squid ink pasta was good. "Chef Jonathan Koh specializes in Southern French Cuisine & cultivated his fine culinary repertoire from 3 star Michelin Le Jardin de Sens in France, Raffles Grill, San Marco, Saint Pierre & Le Saisons." i don't think that's wuteng.

even so, sitting at that place was almost agonising. i was almost bursting with the need to write a stuffy, longwinded blog entry about it. so i did.


i sat there oh wow

that bus stop on the front page of the newspaper. it's the one outside my camp. i've sat there on a regular basis. interesting. or not.



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