Sunday, July 27, 2008
back to army. with my..
it's funny, and by funny i mean pathetic, that i no longer have a rifle, since i'm armour. my rifle is for guard duty. i no longer have a buddy, cuz it's a ruthless, spec-eat-spec-eat-man world out there. and in five months, there won't be me, either. hurrah.
i haven't gone on a route march in months. i haven't sung marching songs in a year.
purple lights used to be my favourite.
a week of break. it's like my month-long att c again. i can't bear going back. oh! but i have internet in camp! well, i also have on average one field camp every week for the next month and a half. crowning event is EX KING CUP which is some sort of division-level exercise, wtf, that only my company out of the whole battalion is taking part in, wtf again. and - get this - it's a week long, but no, no five day work week thank you, this is a solid monday to sunday affair. harsh. well, not so much, because it won't be a nonstop LETS GO LETS GO NEXT MISSION kinda thing like the last few outfield proficiency tests. won't have to pull more 24 consecutive waking hours out my ass. but still. seven days, geez, that's not counting the prep before and the washing+maintenance afterwards. do i have enough uniforms? even taking into account i don't change often... urg. double urg to the thought that i'm definitely not going to be able to avoid using the shovel, if you know what i mean.
i just reread the deathly hallows. it was good.
kinda makes you wanna...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
break into song?
here's a
video of a vampire squid.
when great whites fly
i'm awake before noon. high five. this entry is all about manga. warning given.
i'd like to take a moment to examine the latest chapters of the Big Three shonen manga, bleach, naruto and one piece.
it just so happens that we're getting some new enemies. lets have a look at them, and compare.
first up is one piece.
we've got a guy who somehow has an armada living in his body, which is some sort of ship/fortress. his tiny army shoots little BB-sized cannon shots out of hatches that appear on his shoulders and chest, which grow back to full size a few cm away from his body. he also dispatches mounted calvary from another hatch in his chest. his right eye seems to house the main bridge where the little people look out of.
next we have naruto.
it's a rapping black man.
last is bleach.
we get four more random rehashed fodder that are soon to be defeated and forgotten, by four minor goodguys that no one cares about, no less.
when you don't take yourself seriously, it's an open avenue to be TOTALLY AWESOME.
let's look at other the other fightan mangos.
gantz... they're still fighting the same enemy they have been for the past forty chapters. i think it's in its fifth or sixth form by now. no idea if it's the FINAL FORM, but they just struck a killing blow (like, the fifth of sixth one, jeez) and another main character just died, so it might really be over now. oh, who am i kidding.
air gear... doesn't make sense, as usual.
claymore... is slow.
berserk... is slower.
fma... is awesome. and it's ending soon. hurray for GOOD WRITING and COHERENT PLOT.
negima... i haven't read recently. it's the only manga i'm still sticking to the let-it-accumulate plan, because it's necessary to speed through the annoying manic love hina harem hijinx before the great shonen action appears. not that a little harem fun isn't welcome at times.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I was gonna tell you a joke about pizza but it was too cheesy.
I was going to tell you a joke about a drill, but it was boring.
I was going to tell you a joke about a bank, but it didn't make sense.
I was going to tell you a joke about the Special Olympics, but it's retarded.
I was going to tell you a joke about an ass, but it had a shitty ending.
I was going to tell you a joke about an unsharpened pencil, but it was pointless.
I was going to tell you a joke about a desert, but it was too dry.
I was going to tell you a joke about a dog and a stick, but it was too far-fetched.
I was going to tell you a joke about window frames, but it was too silly.
I was going to tell you a joke about pet dogs, but it was too tame.
I was going to tell you a joke about Michael J. Fox, but it was too shaky.
I was going to tell you a joke about Al Qaeda, but it would have bombed.
I was going to tell you a joke about Helen Keller, but it was dumb.
I was going to tell you a joke about comic books, but it was too graphic.
I was going to tell a joke about how to spot a blind guy in a nudist colony, but it's not hard.
I was going to tell you a joke about burnt steaks, but it's been overdone.
make yourself taller!
so i'm trying out persona 3. the reason for this is simple, but stupid: persona 4. english release in december, but let's hope there's another undub. because. be fucking cause. the seiyuu list for persona 4 is the big honking reason i'm playing persona 3.
yui horie! shinku!
ami koshimizu! kallen! nina! sifr!
rie kugimiya! shana/louise/nagi!
paku romi! edward elric, lol!
that's a pretty short list but it covers a good chunk of the main characters. and they're all awesome voice actors. throw in satsuki yukino, chiwa saito, mai nakahara, ayako kawasumi, yukana and ai nonaka and i might actually be uncontrollably forced to buy an imported version of this imaginary game and then play it in jap.
persona 3 isn't too bad either, apparently. rie tanaka, shinji ikari and OMG MAAYA SAKAMOTO.
i need to sleep though. guard duty yesterday gave me about two+four hours sleep the whole 24hrs, that can't be good.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
so school rumble ended. i deleted it off my com a week or so ago in anger when the raws of the final chap came out. the townsocks scanslation is out, but there's really no point because a translated script was posted the same day as the raw. it's a big kick in the face to everyone who's been following the manga. both the western and japanese fanbases flipped the internet hate machine into high gear for a few days. for the most part, they, or rather WE, are over it. but seriously, it's total bullshit.
think ranma1/2 without WACKY KUNG FU FIGHTANZ.
then the last few chapters we get ACTUAL PLOT PROGRESS. main character's object of affection chooses The Rival and goes off to live with him IN AMERICA. holy crap folks, she fucking moved to america, in anime terms that's as good as cueing the EMOTIONAL GOODBYE, YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN AND I AM TOTALLY WRITTEN OUT OF THE PICTURE REMEMBER ME IN FLASHBACKS, K?
and then that leaves Protoganist in his love triangle with two
other girls who both have the hots for him BUT OH HO HE DOESN'T REALISE IT WHAT A FUNNY THING THAT. and then he starts living with one of them while being engaged to the other. erm, more hijinx there, i didn't really pay attention.
and then second last chapter we get a TOTAL OUT OF LEFT FIELD RESET/TIMESKIP and it's a year or two in the future, Protoganist is wandering america, playing guitar and doing caricatures. what?
and last chapter we get a BIG REUNION where EVERYONE FROM CLASS OH WOW HEY HELLO jumps up and flies to america and incidentally they're all wearing their school uniforms from the past.
and they have a pie fight. with cream pies.
and the last line is "2-C Forever!" with a fucking MONTAGE PICTURE of all the characters. yay!
so. we all got trolled. by a master. a true master.
so you thought this was the last chapter? so did i! so did everyone!
announcement after the chapter: Hey guyz now lookout for School Rumble Z! 20/8!
chapters double the length! hurray! releases half as often! what?
RAAAAAAAGEZ oh bloody hell why Z is this dragonball or something
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
time to go back to camp for guard duty tomorrow
ORD is coming. it's close enough to smell.
it's getting harder to go back every week.
i downloaded corel painter a week ago. and i tried to make a picture the past few days. with colour, this time. colour is hard.

it's a rogue, yes. i suppose it's william's rogue because that's the only undead rogue i know. his name is Usopp.
sniper island is in my heart
what to do at guard duty... i guess i'll play POKEMON MYSTERY ADVENTURE DUNGEON EXPLORER JEWEL MAGIC, if that's what it's called.
i did the little test.
BULBASAURthis is awesome. i mean, i was set on being dealt some annoying shit like mudkip but NO i get to be my favourite starter ever. thanks, nintendo. i owe you one again.
also, i could play etrian oddysey. the only thing holding me on to the game is the map makingz. i am manly chartographer, hear me roar. now wait while i warp wire and go heal.
ffta2 has stalled since i started to wow. but now william's back in australia and waileong's account ran out. WHAT THE FUCK I'M ALONE AGAIN FUCK THIS SHIT WHY DID I REROLL IN THE FIRST PLACE
i watched the machine girl. for a movie with GATLING ARM and DRILL BRA it sure was mediocre. no, it wasn't even mediocre. plain horrible. should have watched the trailer and called it quits.
moved on to SAKIGAKE! OTOKOJUKU. it's got the same aesthetic as Ouendan. but live action, with cheesy plastic costumes. i thought it would be cheesily awesome, but the cheese is really, really overpowering the awesome.
maybe i'll download versus next.
oh, right, one last thing. today will be remembered on the internet for ages to come (meaning a few weeks or so) because some fuckers (raidchan) managed to DDoS all the *chans. now, 4chan, 7chan, 12, 420, 711,, and encyclopediadramatica are all down. good going, internet tuff guys. i'm now a refugee at iichan until this blows over, but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens at their anime board. more like anime BORED. oh, time to go.
Monday, July 21, 2008
i can't play wow now. all the australian/sg schoolkids are home and stv is a retard house

Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!
good morning
i just woke up
why hello thare
Sunday, July 13, 2008
hello from camp
hurray i can download geass tonight
another successful major security breach for my camp
fall anime:
today in class 5-2... redone! hopefully with a bigger budget this time. COLLARBONES.
shikabane hime... GAINAX! if it's only 40% (lol) of gurren lagaan then it'll be awesome
jigoku shojou 3... i need to watch the others!
bonen no xamdou... BONES!
also, i dunno when but umineko no naku koro ni anime confirm aw rightttt
i downloaded corel painter, attempting to kickstart my tablet usage again. it's looking good. a thousand times more fun to use than photoshop.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
make that two in the morning
this can't be good
it's one in the morning and i'm typing this while alt-tabbed from wow while running wailing caverns and i have to wake up at 5.15 to draw arms to go outfield
what do am
Sunday, July 06, 2008
goodnight from camp
older school
Saturday, July 05, 2008
slayers revolution is a glimpse of an era of anime that i'm too young to have partaken of... and that's more than mildly annoying for me. the art and music both so oldskool that it hurts. then and now, big eyes and chunky hair, how different can it be? but it is.
i never picked up any gundam series because i'd invariably go and pick up everything else... now i might have to do that with slayers. something decent better come out soon or i'll have to go watch macross frontier. and then i'd have to buy an external hdd. which i should.
booking in tonight for COS duty. another reason my new company sucks is that there are always a handful of SOL people at any given time. control your fucking tempers, you jackass kids, and life would be a lot easier for everybody. weekend COS is no longer worth doing in light of the imbalanced weekend-burned:lack-of-work-to-do ratio. in my old company, weekend COS just meant a day of kicking back in camp. with internet in camp this should be a bearable scenario. not here. now i've got to stay in boots and bring those fuckers to the guardhouse every two hours.
tiger trail next week. 12km run. or is it more? i took my ippt. 12 min run. decent, considering i hadn't exercised for three months. i almost died.
i'm on the verge of dropping WoW to play FFTA2.
so moe. this would be awesome if they used sensible phonetic equivilents. and spaces. where are the spaces jeez
coming up: block leave from 21st(monday) to 25th (friday)
9 days! with one guard duty in the middle.
mou ikkai
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
low quality blog entry GO
internet in camp has changed my life. seriously.
i spent an annoying weekend doing live firing. the block leave that they're supposed to return us is getting pushed back.
FFTA2 is awesome. even with nostalgia glasses on or off. i can't wait for disgaea ds.
diablo3omg i'm slow. goodbye wow? probably not. if there's no assassin/rogue class i'll be perturbed. but that's not likely.

dj sharpnel was mildly dissappointing because it had too few anime songs. this is nothing BUT anime songs. all right ima do a little dance hurray!
oh you silly japs. this stupid craze is yet another weird example of a japan-inspired-western-to-japan fad. and leekspin just died too, sigh.
i hope
double arts gets animated soon. by a decent studio.
i forgot to bring my headphones into camp last week. i borrowed
these from someone. damn me to the nine hells for using audiophile talk... but they sounded muddy. everything sounds muddy now thanks to my grados.
also, a week or two ago, i was at the bus stop (THE OLDEST ONE EVAR) outside my camp and some random guy i didn't know was like "can you hear your music on the bus with those grados?"
lee mee alone you freaky freaks