urghhhh braiins
Thursday, October 30, 2008
...it was a fun event.
so i lied about not bringing in my laptop. and thankfully, too, because this week is brainrotting in a whole different way. remember that period after the major exams, like after psle, o and a levels... there's just nothing to do. while i was away at wargaming, the new specs have officially taken over. on monday night i booked in. i played wow till 2am, then went to sleep. i woke at 10am and started wowing again. and i didn't step out of bunk except for lunch and dinner, all the way till 4am, and then i went to sleep. and i woke up at 1am, realised i missed lunch, and started wowing again. till 5am this time. i went to sleep when someone's alarm went off, because he had to wake up for COS duty.
it's mindboggling. a month into army two years ago i was waking up at 0500hrs. now with a month to go i'm going to sleep at 0500hrs. and playing wow all day.
outside of bunk they're gearing up for atec. i'm farming gold. 300g a day, i'll need fifteen days for 6600g. i hope i don't burn out.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
i was lied to. this castlevania is looking pretty bleh. i mean, i've been through like eight areas and there's
still no castle in sight. if this castlevania has no castle i'm gonna be pretty bored. glyphs are also boring. it's like they condensed magic and weapons into one mechanic and made it really really simple to use. and this isn't particularly hard, not for castlevania.
i opened my laptop to clean the fan and found the exhaust vent thinggies clogged with dust. wow kept crashing and i have nfi why so i'm doing everything i can. new drivers, cleaning, etc.
nah i'll save those potions
Monday, October 27, 2008
fucking fuck i just died after levelling and getting two new glyphs. THIS IS CASTLEVANIAAAAAA
i go to configure the keys in castlevania and i see Voice options.
high five, konami.
so the wargaming thing ended on thursday morning, and i had thursday to monday as a huegg 5 day holiday because i went awol on friday without informing anyone. 5 days of solid wow time. i started to farm money with my 3 70's in an attempt to buy my rogue her epic flying mount. i only want
a certain expensive vanity one, though, so i need a total of 6600 gold. high hopes for someone who's only ever held 2k at maximum. if i only i could get my priest back, 1.2k languishing in some server on the other side of the world.
won't be bringing in my laptop. four days, how mad can i go?
and in any case i downloaded the castlevania. haven't tried it out yet but i heard it's good. and hard. a hard game is good to find.
so i'm eating some cup noodles right now. the flavour is supposedly 'singapore laksa'.
it is orange. disconcertingly orange. it it the exact same shade as the orange cloths used to clean rifles.
this is a highly meaningful blog entry.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
saw a flash ad on onemanga adversting some trash mmorpg...
old mmo's
not 'WOW'ing you?ha ha oh wow.
i respeced my warrior. now i can't smash stuff with two xboxhuge weapons in both hands any more, instead i get six whirlwinds in six seconds on a 90second cooldown. crazy fun as well.
this week's wargaming isn't as horrendous as last week. monday night was spent watching my units do a whole lot of waiting. real time strategy, in REAL TIME. also, i knocked back one single cup of 3-in-one instant coffee and i was up the whole pissing night. my resistance to caffiene is about nil right now.
9pm on tuesday night i took over from the day shifters. briefing was along the lines of 'oh we got pwned, your job's to retreat the batallion back 20 or so kilometres'. apparently easy, till i realised my forces were all fragmented due to nonmobile and/or unserviceable vehicles and i had to move all the idividual forces around, sometimes down to platoon level. support company had one driver left and one working jeep. their redcon status was '1'.
so go reread that list i made in the last entry, then reread it ten times or so. shit took some time. along the way one company got smasht by arti (KING OF THE BATTLEFIELD) and all vehicles were destroyed. they moved at a dismounted pace for about 2km, then refused to go any further. the little move icon was faded in gray every time i selected them. it was 'A' coy, just like mine, so i'm assuming the excellent simulation program was imitating Archer's men. sergeant, can smoke? we stop first can? i don't want to move anymore. not happy then charge me lor.
but then my little stranded company, in the middle of a road, no less, kept contacting enemies who were marching up on us from behind. and, inexplicably, we kept winning the conflicts. i destroyed like 8 155mm howitzers, 6 trucks, 2 cranes, 2 bionix recovery vehicles, 1 speedboat (on land!) and a shitload of troopers. simulated conflict report from the virtual company indicates that in one particular 10-minute battle, we suffered one casualty while destroying 8 of their vehicles and causing 123 casualties for blueforce. fuck you guys, you don't wanna move? then stay there. and, um, good job.
Monday, October 20, 2008
so i got selected for this wargaming thing. 3rd div told 40sar "we need some guys, like, right now" and the december ord specs are prime targets to foist useless tasks onto. so. i got chosen. two days last week, four days this week. oh well, i'll be skipping an outfield so thumbs up for that. oh, i'm also missing my second combat shoot that i missed earlier this year... so, what, i can't ord now. i dunno. take note that i have less than two months (others have three weeks) to ord and outfield still beckons. leave us in peace, ffs.
anyway. wargaming! vague idea along the lines of 'sit in from of computer and simlate battle'. in other words, an rts. now, this is an army thing so i had no delusions of going there and enjoying myself. hell, i don't even like rts's. but still, i'd have thought it would at least be interesting. an
experience. no. not so. it was boring and stupid and retarded as fuck.
yes, there are a lot of computers, linked up in one big lan network and there's a simulated battle going on. i'll now use a lan centre as the central metaphor, around which i will slap on all the steaming donkey shit, until successive coats of crap create a
thing which can approximately describe what a mess the whole system is.
so. a lot of computers. in an air conditioned room. similarity ends here.
first, the players. no teenagers. no primary school kids playing maple story or that dancing game with the name that escapes me at the moment. the room is full of nsmen lieutenants. they all (and i stress,
ALL) are fat. the sort of fat that comes about when your vocation is to sit in front of a computer the whole day. some are balding, and logically they can't be that old, but damn they all look 30-plus.
the atmosphere. no gunfire, no M-M-M-M-MONSTEtc. imagine the silence of a library. like, the corner with all the research books, where you won't find anything interesting. because these old men don't give a flying fuck about the wargaming either. they sit at the computers, but they read newspapers and investment books and self help books and make phone calls to people outside. usually about business. no one was listening to music, which i thought would have been an obvious escape. no psps. not even a single maxin or fhm or a bloody car parts magazine.
this shit is boring as fuck. these people are bored as fuck. and i, sitting amongst them, feel a sense of profound loss as my will to live seeps away from me.
however, these people behave rightly so, because the 'game' itself is another steaming pile of donkey crap. back to the rts. imagine playing on a computer four years old. because that's how laggy it is. imagine an rts that runs at... 0.0033 fps. because this shit changes only every five monkey fucking minutes. getting your units to move requires the following steps:
- click the unit (after selecting the pointer tool).
- click the move icon. -> a new window pops up.
- don't click Okay! counterintuitively you must now go back the the old window behind the new one, moving the new one aside if it blocks your view. moving the window from one half of the screen to the other takes 5+ seconds, because of computer lag.
- click the unit (again, yes).
- plot out your desired path. if you want them to move on roads, and since i'm armour i have little choice, you tick the little Move on Roads box and try to plot movement points on the road. you can't plot the points inaccurately or you'll get Error: Not on a road, or too far apart or you'll get Error: Not on a shoreline (???wtf???).
- so you zoom in the map (after selecting the zoom tool). this takes 10 seconds. you can go to viewing options and show 'display roads' to show the little vector lines where the roads are. this takes 20s. you plot out the path (after selecting the pointer tool). you have to drag the map around (after selecting the grabber tool) because you zoomed in and you can't see the whole path. this takes 20s as the map reloads while you drag it inch by inch down the intended path.
- click okay.
- wait five minutes.
- watch as the unit shifts across the map a distance that it would have travelled in five mintues of real time.
- or wait! maybe it didn't move. and you did something wrong. grats, try again and wait another five minutes.
you can't see enemies. recce units will only tell you 'troops spotted' without explicitly identifying whose troops they are. when your forces meet enemy forces a little golden star will appear on the map. you can click it (after selecting the view star tool) and a window will pop us showing your units vs. their units and a the estimated time of conflict completion and estimated possibility of victory. or rather, they just print 'unable to estimate', most of the time. well once, when i had one company vs another company, the possibility of victory showed '18'. what? 18%? we're equal sized forces! fuck that.
eventually (30min, 1hr, 2hr, who knows?) the golden star turns green, indicating conflict resolved. so you can click it again (after selecting the view star tool) so see who won. mostly i lose.
oh, i'm playing the OPFOR so maybe they gimp our stats or someshit. maybe. maybe. and apart from being maybenerfed this also means i'm in control of units from the 'SAF Training Agressor', which is some weird cobbled-together imaginary enemy. i'm controlling an armour unit but it's structured totally different from what i'm familiar with, and in any case the individual vehicles and weapons systems are all different too, so it's like the blind asking the blind to attack other blind people. everyone gets hurt. only i get hurt more, most of the time. since i'm the bad guy.
anyway, for this week my partner is from some arti unit. luckily he's a 3sg. unluckily he seems to be the sort that isn't too good around computers. haha, what a hypocrital thing to say. but it's true. he has a habit i've occasionally seen in others, basically, it's like after he learned 'double-clicking', he thought it was a skill applicaple to every button or key. most of the time it's harmless, but very annoying. it is painful, seeing him drag the pointer slowly over to File, pausing over it as if to make sure he's on target.. and then doubleclicking it to watch the box flicker, or open and close within a second. try it. and once the program crashed, when we were sharing a com, and i had the mouse. i closed the frozen program and we were at the desktop. the icon for the program was already highlighted, so he reaches to the keyboard... and doubleclicks the enter key. the computer almost hangs as it tries to open two instances of the wargaming program.
but at least i didn't get paired with the other arti spec, who was an alvis chioang-type hero. instead of enthusing about cartoon network or someshit, he was acting like artillery is the RULER OF THE BATTLEFIELD and exclaiming how OH THEY (the little enemy icon) WON'T LIKE IT WHEN THE STRIKES I JUST CALLED LAND!!!!
sigh. so, monday to thursday. i got the night shift, 9pm to 9am, which i'm pretty happy about actually. i'm hoping everyone will be asleep and i can play my ds and liten to music in peace. on friday i'll just stay home and see if i get into trouble. my CSM didn't even know about this exercise the day before i left for it, grats to him.
in the end, complaining is easy, aintit. so, i'll leave with a simple
nice wheels
Sunday, October 19, 2008
so wow v3.02 hit on tuesday and i didn't have my laptop.
it's been a busy weekend.
my rogue is more or less the same, i just have another spell to play with.
my warrior is dual wielding two handers thanks to Titan's Grip. tanking with a 2h axe that's bigger than my shield is pretty fun. and effective, surprisingly.
my noob, just-70 shamans were powerful before thanks to how our spell damage is planned by blizzard, but now they're ridiculous. i could just spam cast one spell and i do 660dps. and i get an aoe knockback.
my lvl 33 druid was painfully slow to level before but now they gave a lvl 50 rogue talent to lvl 30 feral druids so i'm 3x more mobile than my rogue.
my mid-level warlock was boringly easy to play, and it still is.
my shadow priest which is languishing on another server unplayed is also more or less the same. nerfed in some places, but overall improved. i get to implode myself into a ball of shadow energy.
wow rambling over. time for anime.
watched ep 1 of michiko to hatchin. i'd hesitate to link cowboy bebop to it, since samurai champloo was... mediocre, but if manglobe do this right then this looks pretty promising.
kannagi is JIMI DANE JIMI DANE FUWA FUWA. yes. formulaic moe animu. will keep watching.
clannad after story is more kyoani. lucky star animation style is leaking from one kyoani work to another, though. and there isn't enough DOZO.
toradora ep 2 crammed like 6 chapters of the manga into one ep. i don't know what they're doing.
i didn't know eve no jikan eps are only posted every two months. at 15 mins per ep, i am very sad. very, very sad. why toture me so ;_;
tomorrow morning before i leave for PLC i will blog about WARGAMING and how it is a big steaming pile of donkey shit.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Patch 3.0.2 will be happening on October 14thSHIT
to bring or not to bring....
if you don't hear from me by tomorrow, then i'll be fucking busy next weekend.
just read gary's blog. fucking fuck i am so fucking jealous right now. fuck.
new specs coming in tomorrow, 1400hrs.
TO 40 SAR.
i might not bring my laptop in. just a precaution. and i can focus on disgaea.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
takeshi obata is doing the art for castlevania wii.
ew. obvious similarities aside... that shit is gay. simon, in a vest with nothing underneath. and bicycle tights. with dracula it seems like we have sephiroth in a golden jumpsuit.
i need to buy a wii.
oh wow
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
i'm.. miffed... that there's no jap dialogue. but i'm not going to play this for the story or dialogue. i did that years ago. i play it now because it's TIME TO GRIND
oh dammit just thinking about the teacher system and the item world and the fucking geo panel shit and human totem poles and how pimp my gunner is going to be and and and
i got to go be safety for the bullet proof vest shoot tomorrow but I DONT CARE
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
no wow. the internet tubes are clogged again, though, so no big.
hyakko was boring. so boring. dropped.
i have nothing to do
anime rambling-
toradora ep 1. had my eye on this. jc staff + kugimiya rie = another carbon copy tsundere chara. but it's decently amusing and well animated, so i guess i'll follow it for a bit.
next up is hyakko. aya hirano and fumiko orikasa? definitely worth a look.
oh great, i'm back up to a steady 60kb/s. right after midnight. awesome, 8pm to 12am wasted. fucking hell.
Monday, October 06, 2008
nighttime, and my internet is slower than dialup. sigh.
suddenly there's a lot of eyecatching anime around. i wonder if they were waiting for geass to end.
watched the first ep of casshern. slick animation but the story is meh. megaman character designs with too much GRIMDARK gloomy emo shit.
also, Time of Eve. only watched six minutes so far but i am astounded. it would be easy to liken it to chobits but that's really not fair at all. it's extremely pleasant watching.
dancing! it seems that Number 1 on the list of 'ways to get your anime noticed' is for the director to do a dance sequence. thanks, haruhi.
i'm watching kannagi. its most interesting point so far is that it's helmed by the guy who got canned from directing lucky star after four eps, because kyoani felt he was 'teh suck'. noob he may be, but a look at the
stuff he's worked on shows he's had minor parts in a lot of my favourite series.
testing the water... again
Sunday, October 05, 2008
i stopped playing with fire a long time ago. i've been swimming in lava, and while last weeks troubles got me to keep my laptop at home for a spell, it's time to dive in again.
i got home this morning, at 11am. and i'll be damned if i get to spend less than 12 hours with my baby for the whole week.
today's bos, guard com, g2 and g3 are all from archer coy.
i am so going to db.
oh, i brought back two blanks. they're fired from
this. it's not a weapon system on my vehicle, no.
shit's huger than huge. seriously.
arup cha cha adippydappydill
finally watching the lucky star ova. my brain is telling me it is stupid and unfunny, but my mouth keeps laughing.
i forgot to blog about something that happened on friday. booked out for nights out since i had duty the next day. we went to marina square, or at least i think that was what it was called. the heart of singapore town beats within me, alright. anyway, while we were in muji, i was looking at the stationery while stationary (had to, sorry) while the others were looking at clothes. this old malay guy in a bright hawaiian shirt is standing nearby. suddenly he steps right next to me and smiles and starts beckoning for me to follow him. then he heads out the shop. i don't follow, of course. from outside, he looks back and gestures some more, but i'm obviously not following so he comes back in.
"come, come, follow me!"
"...um, no."
"don't be like that lar... what's your name?"
"...why do you want to know."
"just friend friend only~"
"....please." and i try wave him away. i walk off to the guys. when i look back he's not in the shop anymore.
i'm sure you're thinking what i'm thinking. he was a fag. and treacherously, the connections come to mind. he must be trying to hit on me. triggered by the fact that i never speak chinese, people have told me they thought i was malay. this train of thought is disturbing and disgusting. maybe he just wanted to conduct a survey. didn't see a clipboard in his hands. okay, backing out of this topic. too creepy.
ha, i'm attracting sexual predators. right, next they'll be recruiting waileong for traithalons.
i bought a brush pen eventually. it cost four dollars.
my ipod had run out of power by then so that pen was main source of entertainment for yesterday's cos.
river crossing exercise. driver pull left. okay release. countersteer right. enough. stop. ... driver pull left. okay release. are you pulling right? no? then our vehicle is drifting right by itself. in the water. awesome. driver pull left. pull left. pull left. pull left.
it's over! three weeks of vehicle prep for two 4 minute swims. alright, we're on our way to best armour unit wy 08/09!
saturday cos. humongous pain. stupid 3rd div rsm inspection. fucking guard duty men. family problems, booking in late k. call the bos yourself and ask to book in late k. leave your off your phone when i call k. press the answer button but leave your phone alone while i go 'hello..? hello? hello.......?' k. fuckers. have some crackers and cheese with my whine.
it's over. no more duties for this month, awesome.
it's been so long since i've been away from the laptop for a week. new chapters of all the wsj series all at once! even HxH, lol hiatus. claymore LOOK AT MY HAND. school rumble z, wacky hijinx. bakuman, death note minus killan ppls plus drawan manga, with no interesting story zzz. and an editor that looks and acts like ryuk. freaky eyes. oh, and highschool romance. ...so, nothing like deathnote at all.
fifteen new pages of [Rogue] PvE DPS / WotLK Discussion to chew through! combat has been fucking buffed ftfw.