yeah here it comes
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
so i come back from vacation and nobody's blogged. except daryl, but one 'merry christmas' entry don't count. jeez, it's like you all have... real lives... away from your computer... or something.
i have to say, again, that i wonder why i still blog. i wonder this while typing out long entries. here goes the recount of Corea. honestly, overall, i'd have to rate it a 6 out of 10. the sort of mark that indicates 'yeah i don't really want to say it was bad.... but it was bad'.
well first of all the most obvious problem is... it's korea. and let's just say... i'm more of a japan person. that sounds horribly pathetic, but you know what i mean. korea. that's like giving an alcoholic a lifetime supply of shandy. everytime i see something drawn by koreans, like all that kmmorpg art, it just seems like they're all standing up and shouting 'look at us! we can do anime too!' actually that's something i read online, but i can't remember where.
but anyway. it's a holiday. go have fun, you asshole. okay.
so. holiday starts the moment we get on the plane. hurray for SIA. so first i wached Wanted, because i'm stupid that way. it was fun. and made me stupider. thumbs up for having the balls to try and pull off a 'i am your father' twist. then i watched wall-e. it was awesome. pixar are geniuses. unbelieveable geniuses. amazing background work. outstanding emotion from a little robot. great use of reflected stuff in wall-e's eyes. subtle and magnificent. then i watched a bit of densha otoko, but i couldn't finish it in time. i'd heard about it before of course but tried to ignore it, because liveactionlol. but it was great. it was like genshiken with no anime references. i promised myself i wouldn't finish it on the way back because i'd go home and download it instead. which i'm doing. along with the tv series. 8 gigs. gogo.
so yeah, plane lands. merry christmas btw. left on the 24th on an overnight flight. first step out, into the tunnel thing that leads to the airport. BOOM. it's cold. last time i experienced winter weather was... age 9. i had on a t-shirt and a hoodie and it was still a shock. all the koreans were wearing jackets already. wow, guess they know the drill.
clear customs. meet the tour guide, and he only speaks chinese. turns out the tour will be conducted in chinese. i'm the only one who didn't know this beforehand because loluninterested. oh boy, six days of china mandarin! and i noticed right off the bat that he had a habit of repeating the last few words of every sentence. of every sentence. i guess it's a decent tactic to stall for time when you're doing explaining and tour guiding and stuff.. but it got really irritating after awhile.
then we met the rest of the tour group. when we finally all assembled i was in for another dissappointment, cause there was no one else in my age group. serious bummer. only couples and families with only babies. what's that you say? in two month's i'll be 21? fuck that, i'm not old yet. deep sigh.
tour guide tells us to get our swimming stuff out from the suitcases because first stop is... a spa. so we get our stuff out, along with the winter jackets, because we're gonna have to step out of the airport and walk to the bus. and it's time for another shock, because the windchill is seriously something else. no joke.
so, the spa. and as he explained on the bus on the way there... i gradually realised that by spa he meant... a bath house. and then he explained some bullshit about korean culture and whatnot and in the end explained how basically what he's trying to say is ALL THE KOREANS R GONNA BE NAKED, K. oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
okay, okay, i know japanese do this too. but japan is known to be weird. korea is not. and in any case i wouldn't willingly step into a bath house in either country.
but i did.
oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit seriouslyyyyyyy dude wtfffffffffffffffffffff
so i went in with my dad. we had trunks on. now, we didn't get stared at at first, because the structure of the place was as such: men's bath area on one side, women's on the other, and in between is a sort of swimming area that's connected to both. so we didn't stick out the moment we stepped in because the swimmers had to go through the bath area anyway. so i had every intention of heading straight to the swimming area. girls in swimsuits or naked men... holy shit this equation is hard. but... i couldn't go. tour guide told us before we were about to head out 'hey rmb to bring your swim caps' and every single person was like 'wtf swim caps?' because no one brought any. so it's time for korean culture lesson no.2: you can't go swimming without swim caps. because, you know, your hair falls out. and that's unhygenic. well, you
could, actually... but it would be as rude as say.... swimming in your underwear. and i'm here silently going 'wtf you guys bathe naked together don't you need crotch caps or something there'll be pubes floating around the place if you think like that. and that's unhygenic.' that mental image was brought to you by the letter p. for pubes.
so... long story short, no refuge in the swimming area. and after about five minutes we stick out like sore... thumbs. yes. i could sense them wondering wtf we were doing.. and then we'd speak a few words in english to each other. i curbed my antisocial nature and i swear i most almost downright chatty... because speaking english was the easiest way to broadcast: "I'M A FUCKING TOURIST. LEAVE ME ALONE." reverse anti-social behaviour. deep. in any case i still tried not to do anything that might offend some obscure korean sensitivity (LIKE STARE OR EVEN GLANCE AT THEIR DONGS) in case i become honour-bound to commit ritual suicide or something. hara kimchi. HUR HUR HUR. i want to cry.
anyway, sticking out... i mean, standing... i mean,
attracting attention aside, there were a lot of different baths to try out. there was a mint bath. yeah they had lables with english translations. and the water was green. and wtf, mint. you know what they say about mint. there was a 'korean herb bath'. the water was black. what the flying fuckshit. there was a outdoor section. winter air and a jacuzzi. and there was a sauna. woah. that was a serious sauna. not the weak 'heat the rocks and pour your own water on them' type of sauna that we get here... they must have fucking pumped steam right into the room. breathing in there is like, woah, are my lungs filling up with water. one big slap in the face: stay out if you're too pussy for this room. and now i must mention the fact that everyone is naked again, because, in the sauna, there was this man, lying on his back, in the corner, doing bicycle kicks, in the air. THANK YOU FOR THE STEAM. MORE STEAM,
eventually we got out. it was cold in the lobby so we bought coffee. korean coffee comes in stupidly tiny disposable cups, about 60% the size of the smallest cup you can find here. if they use bigger cups, then the cup is less than half full. more than half empty. double pessimism. and while waiting for the others i watched the other koreans walk out. obviously we don't see any winterwear here, so the impression you get from a black trench coat is pretty cool in real life, actually. except for the fact that i can no longer look at another korean guy without thinking about how they can happily prance around naked. not cool.
ah, it's midnight. happy new year. aren't you glad you have real lives... away from your computer
i'll continue this later
i'm back
no, really
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
at the airport. okay, bye
okay bye
see you a day before 2009
fuckity fucking fuck part 3
been trying to set up mobtv for my mom. long story short, vista sucks balls. mobtv sucks balls. and
they don't care.strike three, technology strikes me out
fuckity fucking fuck
can't get mkv to mp4 with subtitles intact without doing some complicated shit that i really can't be fucked with right now
16 slots
kay i'm done. that was quick.
dl lite.
multicharger. korea's voltage is the same so i just need a pin adaptor.
book, catch 22. figures that i'd ord before finishing it.
spare glasses.
maybe i should bring stuff like nail clippers, or a lighter. or a smoke grenade.
ah wait i just realised i might as well convert all the anime i haven't watched into mp4 for my ipod
i'm going to pack my bags. then i'm going to play wow till i feel sleepy. then i'll go to sleep. and i'll wake up and go to the airport. then i'll spend the whole overnight flight watching movies. then i'll land, and the itinerary begins. i guffaw at the thought of jet lag.
keanu reeves
so, like, converting is slowing my comp down for the next... six minutes.
there's an interesting thread on the internet somewhere
the posts are all like
"stewardesses" is the longest English word that can be typed entirely with the left hand on a keyboard
"typewriter" etc etc.
most are pretty famous yeah
but there's a few nuggets i hadn't heard before:
nothing rhymes with purple, orange, or silver
twerp'll (eg. that twerp'll do anything) doiwin
Prd krt skrz drn, zprv zhlt hrst zrn is Czech for "A mole farted through grass, having swallowed a handful of grains"
monosyllabic has one syllable
Nope. It's a nonselfdescribing word.
Exercise: is nonselfdescribing nonselfdescribing?
i must be sleepy if this shit is even vaguely interesting
bed looks like a bed
while i'm at it, i may as well mention another tale of dissappointment. i got this new ipod with the hopes of putting rockbox on it so i could play flac files. then i learnt that rockbox doesnt support the newest ipod. bummer.
so since i'm being active and all right now, i'm going to find a converter and get the flac files on my comp converted to mp3.
maintenance should be over by now.
so yeah i was pretty dissappointed back there. just as i gave up and closed all the search windows, my download of "EXIT TRANCE PRESENTS SPEED アニメ トランス BEST 5" finished. oh well, maybe this will cheer me up. if you've forgotten what exit trance is, i'll remind you: trance remixes of anime songs... and i'm happily in the middle of that venn diagram cigar that indicates these two things are things i thoroughly enjoy.
sadly, though, there are like 5 songs i recognise. not good. especially when one of them is
yet another haruhi song remix. another of those is the main theme of the gurren lagaan movie... which i've been trying not to think about because fucking fuck the movie aired in september and there's not even a cam rip up anywhere and we're going to have to wait for a dvd release omg wtf going to starve and die before then. gainax! fucking milk this cashcow plzzzzz release dvd plzzzzz forgot eva rebuild 2 plzzzz just get this outtttt
fuck this
so i'm giving up now because
A. can't find a program that analyses my ipod data. found a small handful of programs that can analyse my itunes library and find the cover art, but since i keep all my music on my ipod and none on my comp, they're totally useless to me. itunes won't even let me export a playlist from my ipod to be analysed online, and 3rd party programs export the music itself, not a playlist.
B. the bloody ipod saves album art to each song, so for eg. a whole 15-song album gets 15 images tacked on and snowballs into a huge size.
so, this is a waste of TIME AND SPACE
this is as hard work as manually adding images
can't find shit
thanks apple
you suck
fuck my brain
early morning rambling time again
so with maintenance leaving me eight hours of nothing to do, i decided to manually update all the album art in my ipod. it occurred to me after i finished the A's and was halfway through the B's that there might be some automated way to do this. but i was lazy to google... which is like being lazy to be lazy... and so i went all the way to the F's. and i found an FFX-2 song on my ipod that i listened to like, once. and i realised i still don't know wtf happened in ffx-2 because i never played it. and so i went to wikipedia. and got crosslinked to the FF wiki. and then i got hopelessly sidetracked.
so now i'm going to look for that automated way.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
oh... i am leaving
tomorrow. strange. need to pack.
i have four series to catch up on, about eleven episodes total... but instead i'm watching some sort of live action jap series.
live-action. this is, like, another big step into the cesspool that starts with anime and ends with moving to japan because you think japanese are the most superior race on the planet.
hold on, i smell something burning
false alarm. think it's coming from outside.
wasn't that exciting???? not as dramatic as 'afk tornado', but what can you do.
anyway, the series is
Maid in Akihabara, and if you should be able to guess the setting already. grabbed it because iichan trans is doing it, and they were the ones who brought the world Emma scanslations. sadly, it doesn't seem to be very good because the actors can't act for nuts. i guess i'll stick with 2D.
my priest has officially returned from exile on another server, and is plodding her way up to 80. my coffers are still drained so i'm dreading the point where all the quests and the zones themselves start requiring a flying mount to have decent mobility. i lost interest in my shaman after finding that she doesn't even have TBC flying, which means i'll eventually have to spend 1000g(basic flying)+5000g(fast flying)+1000g(northrend flying)+200g (mount). cut out the fast flying to be excruciatingly slow and i'll still need 2.2k golds.
altaholism is bad, and destroys your finances. but i really can't stop. i won't quit wow till i've created one every class of my own.
kay, it's 8am. having breakfast. second meal of the .... waking period. i'm going to try not to sleep and hard reset my body clock. i can't really remember, but i'm pretty sure it didn't work the first time i tried it. the second time i crashed and burned after lunch and slept till midnight. and started my day at 1am.
i'm leaving
Monday, December 22, 2008
on a fucking jet plane, yeah.
this wednesday.
downloaded CHRONO TRIGGER DS OMG so i'm set for a week without my laptop.
it wouldn't be right to say it's a nostalgia bomb... since i've only ever played it on an snes emulator. but still, ten seconds of the music and i'm like.... i painstakingly went through the fair, doinig all the things so i won't get slandered later in court... and then i die at the first fight because that stupid karaoke robot left me at 4 health and i got hit ONCE before i could down a potion. fuck. so yeah, i'll leave this for the trip.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
good morning!
so i slept five hours.
11am in singapore is midnight in
this time zoneso currently i'm sleeping like a greenlander or a brazillian
go go power rangers
there are like ten million videos on youtube of people playing their own arrangements of pachelbel's canon on electric guitars
i was going to post one
but yeah there are ten million of them
and they all sound pretty good
need a new plan
okay looks like alcohol definitely won't work or at least won't provide consistent results. came home totally buzzed out and expected to collapse into bed. well, which i did do, actually. but then i got out again after 15 min because it wasn't working as usual.
so i went and downloaded all the yotsuba chapters that have built up. can't describe how awesome it is. it's as awesome as calvin and hobbes (which you must agree is awesome or you are a huge retard) but it's got a cute little girl instead of an obnoxious little snot, and without the world-weary jadedness of a ...six year old.
now i'm going to dig out my azumanga omnibus.
no. no.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
i give up
Friday, December 19, 2008
third lvl 80, here we go.
i fail at sleep.
eyes... closing
so instead of going to sleep i went to the zelda wiki. and now i'm still awake.
read all the stuff on zelda64, and i realise again how A)epic and B)traumatising it was.
ah, the memories. a little boy of eleven, i was.
getting lost in the forest trying to find a sword (B).
watching a humongous spider collapse in blue flames (A).
stepping out of the starting area into a MASSIVE open field. (A)
walking over to a big plant in the ground to have it FLY UP in a WHIRLING MASS OF HELICOPTER-BLADE-SIZED FLOWER PETALS and chase after me and running and running and running. (B)
reaching the castle for the first time just as dusk falls and the drawbridge goes up, stranding me outside. (B)
with endlessly spawning child skeletons. SKELETONS OF CHILDREN.
surviving till dawn. (A)
this will go on forever.
i still haven't played wind waker and twilight princess. this is abominable. i feel physically sick. (this may be due to sleep deprivation)
i have a five digit sum in my bank account from unused army wages.
i'm going to buy a wii, original. buy twilight princess.
get the wiishop shit working.
buy wind waker.
buy buy buy.
i'm going to sleep.
whu whu whu
so like i've tempoarily given up again on controlling my sleep cycle because my method didn't really make sense... like, i want to sleep normally to have a health lifestyle and all that jazz, so to be HEALTHY i decided to DRINK. uh huh.
and it wasn't really working too well either cuz my brain was groggy, but definitely not peaceful. stuff still buzzing around. in there. stuff. whatever.
so.. back to my original pattern. which isn't really a pattern. sleep when i'm sleepy. brilliant. hopefully when i start exercising and, yknow, being HEALTHY FO REAL, dawg, i'll sleep better. damn, that sounds so pathetic. exercise? me? willingly? i've been toying with the idea of going running at night, and by night i mean MY night, which is 3am, because the only way i'll feel natural exercising is if i do it under really bizzare circumstances, like at 3am. am i make any sense at all? probably not because it's finally approaching bedtime.
it would have been earlier but i found that i missed the release of the two new chapters of franken fran. and then i read them.
why look
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
maybe i should stop snacking at night. maybe the extra energy is keeping me awake.
my first day as civilian in two years and i'll be... doing what i've been doing for the past month. cheers.
Monday, December 15, 2008
reports of success were greatly exagerated
alcohol makes you sick.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
good morning. looks like this plan is a.......................
give this a go
okay i will now try to go to bed
vodka neat is tough on the throat
Friday, December 12, 2008
is this stuff decaf
what the hell
going to bed
good going blizz
so i just opened wow and the launcher is advertising a new service that blizz is offering: CHARACTER RECUSTOMIZATION. first name changes, then the lame barbershop, and now full blown transgender plastic surgery. seriously though, this is just
screaming to ebay account buyers 'hay guys we're making it easy for you'
Hippogriff (also spelled
Hippogryph and
Hippogryphe) is a
legendary creature, supposedly the offspring of a
griffin and a
this is getting tiresome
i'm sick of my sleeping habits. i'm now moving on a sleep/waking cycle that doesn't add up to 24 hours, so the time i hit my bed and the time i get up are continuously shifting around. and i want this to stop.
i tried going to bed early(1am). i lay in bed for an hour or so before i gave up and slept at 5 eventually.
today i woke up at 6.30am to grab a lift to camp. total zombie mode. i tried to stay awake once i reached but i didn't make it. slept, till 2pm.
and now it's almost five again and i'm finally starting to feel a bit tired. starting. and i got to thinking. and i've figured out a solution to my problem.
coffee in the mornings, a shot or two of vodka at night. i've got like six bottles of absolut lying around since i lost my taste for alcohol about half a year ago, long story. recent events have led me to find my stomach for booze again. i think.
also in other really important news

i've bought my second epic flyer and am totally barrel-bottom-scraping broke.
no hippogryph this time, it's just a normal basic gryphon. also, this one is female, because Misssterr Antlerson needs a ladyfriend. her name is Cerise the Rufescent, Red for short.
if a hippogryph and a gryphon mate, would it be three quarters gryphon and one part ..hippo?
hiho hiho
Thursday, December 11, 2008
i was at the medical centre doing my ffi and chatting about bmt, and in walks DYS4, charles lim, ex-ninja bunkmate. i finished up my ord clearance. packed up, and brought everything home.
there's some sort of university special term thing i can opt for, and i just had an evening of frantic online research about it, because i honestly have N F I what is going on. as usual. primary 3 i was "what's streaming?", p5 "what's psle? applying for sec school?", sec3 "huh? points system?" and jc was a blur because i was too busy being miserable and pathetic.
oh shit! life is changing. again.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
i found the sol system. no people, wtf.
somehow it's three in the morning again... which wouldn't be a big deal if i hadn't thoght it was like 10pm or so
so my bloodthirsty race achieved spaceflight, and i went around blasting other people to bits, and eventually i decided to go to the centre of the universe. eventually i met The Grox, who are even more bloodthirstier than my little pets, and they own every single galaxy around the centre of the universe. like, thousands of millions of randomly generated galaxies. thus i had to give up my plans of subjugating them. so i blitzed through their territory, eventually reaching the centre, where i got a little cinematic, and met this guy called Steve, who gave me a staff of life. this staff instantly terraforms a barren planet to the max level. it has 42 charges. ha. ha.
Friday, December 05, 2008
what, it's three in the morning?
i installed spore around lunchtime... and somehow it's now three in the morning and i didn't quite notice
it's like playing with legos again
damn i loved lego
my first creation was, natually, a bloodthirsty race of savage, scythe-clawed, triple-mandibled demons that evolved from overly aggressive carnivores into a warmongering military society.
but the replay value is about dried up now
Thursday, December 04, 2008
why am i awake? i can't get back to sleep. this is strange.
i'm trying to remember how to type
it's harde
good night
this is the second time in my life that i've been drunk
21 in 2.5 month's time
i should stop typig now
i can see all my typos i'm just too
too something
to correct them
Monday, December 01, 2008
i went awol today. booking in tonight.
the other dec ord specs are booking out tomorrow night. hm.
anyway. i'm worried about WoW. my rogue is now 80% purple. but that's not especially good, because i'm still not raiding. blizz put in too many welfare epics, and while i'm pretty sure i'm currently one of the better-geared rogues, it's only because i've been playing a lot and i have a lot of time. in a few weeks everyone who has decent motivation should be as geared as i am, if not better. i'm going overseas for a week soon, so that's another week where i'll fall behind. sigh.
my new laptop is awesome. i can play wow on max settings now, huge difference. i used to mount up and fly into a sky full of dull fog, with the environment suddenly popping into existence as i move around. now i can see for fucking miles into the distance. seriously, one zone to another.

and that glowing hole in the clouds is caused by this:

sitex was annoying because all the vendors were my age. or younger. and they were either poorly prepared but hyper, or super smooth talkers. there was one idiot at compaq, john his name was, using phrases like '
seal the deal' and '
i'm prepared to offer'. get away from me, man. i haven't written an essay in ages, but the basics still sticks with me: you can't just give one side of the arguement. which is why i can't trust the smooth talkers. who knows what they're covering up? if i had met someone who told me A. what's good about their stuff B. what others do better and C. given a fair comparison and still firmly proclaimed they had the better deal, i'd be really impressed. but i guess that means we'd all only work at places that we'd actually buy from ourselves.
in any case,
john, it was definitely a bad idea to give me a flyer with your name and number on it. smart move, really smart. i'm sure the internet could do something with that information.