
Saturday, January 31, 2009

[Tank growls]

they don't remove the skin from the calamari in manhattan fish market's creamy seafood pasta. and they fry it mildly or something, which is really tasty, but the skin is stringly and unchewable. i choked three times when those stringy bits half went down my throat while the other half clung to the back of my mouth. one time i couldn't control the gag reflex and started retching. haven't had that happen since i was young and i tried to swallow kang kong without chewing.
[Boomer vomits!]

no problems sleeping today



like, there's a zombie right here already



someone msg me round 11am and make sure i'm awake


no such luck

what now


against hope

so i should get to sleep soon cuz i need to be at ps at noon tomorrow. i'm going to finish off the half an inch of absolut ruby red i still have and see if can knock me out


that was bad too

Friday, January 30, 2009

just skimmed through the death note movies
if you're wondering where i got all these movies i copied them from someone's hdd in camp ages ago
anyway the two movies look horrible too
maybe i'm just being a grumpy asshole cause i'm too stupid to go and sleep
but really it's horrible
it looks like a channel 8 drama with mid-budget cgi
light is most definitely female in reverse drag
L's makeup is thickkkk

oh boy
i can only hope hollywood picks it up before zac efron looks too old to play light
ah scrap that
fuck hollywood
they ruined dragonball.. not that i care really
but they cast keanu as spike... and that i care about. seriously hope it falls through

right i think i'm tired enough to sleep now



i can hear the national anthem playing from pierce/bishan park secondary from outside my window

just watched 21. it really reminded me of wanted, with a wimpy little protagonist doing the whole bigshot act with his cheesy monologue. unlike wanted there weren't any guns or angelina jolie, so it was just really irritating. and pretentious. opening with the monty hall problem was really sad. "it's now sixty six point seven percent and thank you for the extra thirty three point three percent" am i missing something or are fractions not allowed at MIT



headshot! and my target bursts into a million pieces. gibbing is really easy in fallout.
almost done with the main storyline, one quest to go. i ran into that place full of slavers that gary mentioned. they were all like "holy shit it's you!" and "RESPECK." and when i bumped into them they're all "oh hey man sorry i'll get out of your way", cause i'm ranked as a Scourge of Humanity. i might go back and kill them all to get their leader's red pimp suit and hat, but then they'll all turn hostile and i will sadly be forced to butcher them all, which will pump up my good karma. and i don't want that, no.

so it's been a pretty fun game. no console cheats but i've managed to find a way to get unlimited ammo so i've at least got no ammo or money problems. also, my stress level is maintained happily low because i can take it out on innocent victims if i feel like it. like silently pumping poison darts into vendors. it also helps that they put a really sexy rifle into the game. lever action firearms are cooler than cool. one day i hope to buy a winchester. some freudian overcompensation going on here? maybe.

running out of things to do now that i've stopped wow, and it's only been a week.
the dexter books were horrible. really. the first two were shorter than most teenage fiction and while the third was longer, the story was pure shit. supernatural elements in a crime novel? possible, but it sort of destroys the idea that serial killers are inhuman monsters when the murderous impulses are all blamed on outside source. what, it's not their fault? oh boo hoo. and the jokes. yeesh. okay, i get it, you don't have feelings, but it's definitely not funny when you shove the fact in my face over and over. and there isn't a single character that i like. dexter is a serial killer but otherwise a total punching bag for the people around him. his sister is a selfish bitch who does nothing but demand that dexter help on every case, and seems to think that 'tough cop' means being incessantly rude and vulgar to everyone around her. this is a crying shame because in the tv show she's the most human imo, and my favourite character. in any case, the books really have poor characterisation. the only difference that i approve of is how his stepkids are little psychopaths too. cody and astor. astor is a really cool name. really.



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

so i just went running with my father round bishan park. i'd like to say that ogling that one hot rollerblader in her blue shorts made it worthwhile, but my entire lower body is too tired to react.


knock knock

Friday, January 23, 2009

so... if i keep this up, i can well and truly consider myself nocturnal. sleep from lunch till dinner. awake from night to morning. i'm like, what, a night security guard? graveyard shift gas station attendant? such great jobs would be open to me if i can maintain this lifestyle. maybe be a vampire.

before i knew it i'm hitting the end of season 2 of dexter. one hour episodes just take conditioning apparently. and also a completely broken sense of night and day. but anyway, i should have realised that i was running out sooner because season 3 is 6 gigabytes because each episode is 550mb. that's crazy.

also i'm getting frustrated with fallout 3. big bitch session coming on, skip it while you can. i knew nothing about it before i started so i guess it's my fault entirely that i didn't even know it's using the oblivion engine. and damn i hated oblivion. leveling up when you run and jump so your attribute points are automatically stupidly assigned to mobility. my brilliant thief character from the race with a racial nightvision ability. only it was a spell, so a big flashy lighting effect appeared whenever i used it while sneaking around in the dark trying to get critical shots off.
which links to one of my problems with fallout, the whole stealth thing. i prefer stealth not only cause i'm addicted to rogue/assassin classes but also cause i'm a pussy who doesn't like to get hurt. but stealthing is slow and tense and makes for a very tiring experience, when you've got a humongous map to traverse. and even when i get tired and just run around blindly till i get attacked, reload a save and then creep in, it just creates a very jarring game with no flow whatsoever.
and it's impossible to create a melee character since everyone uses guns. and while there's guns, there's also an abitrary dungeons and dragons dice roll system, which means two things: if your cursor is not on the enemy, you'll miss if you shoot. if your cursor is on the enemy, you might still miss even if they're five steps away from you.
not to mention one of the most annoying inventory and map system i've ever had. i wish i'd figured out hotkeys earlier, would have saved me a lot of time i spent swapping weapons. but that's my fault. i'm more worried about how the same menu links to my inventory, my quest status, my character status, my healing items and my map. and how my health is 200+ and i've got a billion bits of food that add 5+ health at a time. how earning cash is a bitch because of a carry weight limit so i can't get stuff to vendor. such an archaic mechanic. and speaking of dumb mechanics, they've gone and made durability a huge part of the game. no, no, no. why don't you put in a hunger meter, or a sleep meter even while we're at it.
i guess what it really boils down to for me is that real time action and rpgs don't mix. it's like being penalised when you fail in either reflexes or meticulous character planning and you can only succeed if you've read through walkthroughs.
and to top it off i can't do what i did for oblivion: cheat my way through the storyline, cause i can't open the console on a vista laptop. good going, microsoft. with all my friends suddenly applefans this is just what i need.
so, i'm restarting my character and being the biggest asshole ever. i'm going to see how far i can get before the whole world hates me and i can't continue.

if i can't find something else to do soon i'm going to start playing wow again. and that's not good.


holy moly

Thursday, January 22, 2009

woah i slept seven hours. and i could eat dinner. this is the first time i'm eating three square meals in one day! i've found a healthy sleep cycle!
you know how nightmares always come right before you wake up
i was doing a worksheet in class for chinese. i had nfi what to do so i was trying to copy off the girl's beside me to no avail. somehow the worksheets go collected and marked and sent back and the teacher was trying to figure out why she was short one result. and i couldn't figure out how to say it was me in chinese and also i was still trying to copy answers, and the teacher was my favourite chinese teacher who ever taught me in any year, really sweet old lady and i'm going wtf i'm scum for not admitting its me. and i couldn't even copy properly whenever i managed to glimpse an answer because all the characters were so complicated i kept messing up writing them and i didn't have any correction tape so the little boxes to write in the answers were full of errors and there wasn't any space between the lines.

i hate chinese.


is it... thursday?

like, i havent gone to sleep yet. i had breakfast at 4am and i just ate lunch.
am i going to die?


and again

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

86.7% 3h40min
its like how you can take a picture of an arrow in midflight and have infinite+1 pictures so the fucking arrow NEVER HITS THE TARGET KNOW WHAT I MEAN


on and on

jeez, one hour episodes are killer.

73%, eta 8 hours.


well played

episode 1 was nice. interesting stuff. i was doubtful at first since the book had really annoying alliteration all over the place. that wasn't intended, neither is it even alliteration. assonance, maybe. no, it's not that either. i'm not a lit student anymore, and we didn't study this stuff anyway.

but the reason i'm blogging is because of episode 2. they had the opening sequence and it is fucking hilarious.



Tuesday, January 20, 2009

so i swore to myself i wouldn't remove that music till i played l4d again. yeah didn't work.

so it's tuesday. maintenance. my guild just fell apart so i'm quitting wow to try fallout 3. the torrent seems to enjoy tormenting me by constantly reducing the download speed inversely proportionate to the completion percent, so that the ETA has remained at 4 hours. it's 50% done and i still have four hours to go. just like i did four hours ago.

oh ha ha ha. did i say quit wow? who'm i kidding i'm addicted.

so. yes, maintenance. i finished all the 30 rock available a week ago and there's only so much family guy one can watch before all your thoughts become disjointed and random. and you start expecting a flashback every five minutes. it's not really that funny, i only chuckled out loud a couple of times for three whole seasons. there's just nothing appealing about watching a fat caucasian american family. the final blow was when i was chainwatching episodes in a tiny window while doing a menial task in WoW, and opened the last file in the season 3 folder. it was the 90minute movie instead of a normal episode, and it was 4am. oh yes, that was fun.

where was i. oh yeah, still on maintenance. waiting for that game to finish, now 55% and ETA 3h50m. nothing to watch. then i remembered that i downloaded dexter after waileong actually went and bought one of the books omg. so i start the first ep and suddenly i see:
Equipe LostBrasil
Trucado: orgro
Revisao: dellmelo
Sincronia: Bandit, guicn e kennewick

and immediately i'm like fucking fuck i downloaded spanish subs by mistake why don't these fuckers label their shit properly. 8gb of my time wasted, thanks a bunch assholes.

and then i'm like oh wait. this is in english. FUCK.

for someone who hasn't watched anime regularly for a month i'm still pretty grounded in my thinking. ugh.

58%, eta 5 hours. brilliant.


Friday, January 16, 2009

you don't wanna click here! .... or DO YOU


[hearty laugher]

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


i saw this last year but it wasn't funny until i actually played the game.

also, when we played i didn't get to see the actual intro, which was a shame, because it's awesome. it would have provided a great platform for us to get into character. as far as i could tell we were either insane or really enthusiastic at maintaing morale through laughter.


oh.... ooooohh

Monday, January 12, 2009

okay i'm getting a major headache and i should really get to sleep soon
wayne brady just got shot in the ass by tina fey



so i've got like a really important appointment today to play left 4 dead and i should have gone to sleep a couple of hours ago. but 30 rock is pretty damn funny. i can't believe i'm watching a series that's A. not japanese and B. not animated. mind boggling. really.



Sunday, January 11, 2009



exhibit A

Saturday, January 10, 2009

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seriously, though, that's a really fucking nice looking shield. click 'view in 3d' if you please. the main body itself is already pretty slick work, but it seems like they also put in more effort designing the two extra decorative swords than they did with other actual weapons. such as this big metal fish held together with duct tape. or even the actual weapon i'm holding there. the handle and hilt are great. the blade is a disgusting mishmash of three diffrent parts. and why are there belts and buckles in the middle of my sword? it's like nomura broke out of square. and luckily zippers don't seem to have been invented yet in azeroth or there'd be a garland of them hanging of it too.


heart attack

Friday, January 09, 2009



Don't you dare close your eyes!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

and somehow i managed to scrape together another 6000 golds...
and i now have a third epic flyer.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

what's its name? it's a carpet! naming it would be highly silly.


oh... g...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

like, in the latest chapter of air gear obama has taken over the body of one of the female characters. the president elect's brain is inside a japanese rollerblading girl
air gear never made sense but this is... a whole new world of wtf

i'm hearing news of something on this sunday night?



look a funny game.

i'm reading Aria !(¯ロ¯)


well now

Thursday, January 01, 2009

so i took a gander at what i wrote yesterday and did a wordcount, and realised i wrote 1350 words, mostly on the bathhouse. and i barely covered one day. i seriously doubt i'm up for six more rounds of that. i doubt i could stretch the other days for so long, either, because they're all going to be mostly bitching about stuff.

but day one was okay. after the spa we went for lunch. pork on one of those table grills. like seoul garden, only i guess i should say seoul garden is the one following korean table barbeque. anyway, lots and lots of pork. tasty. also, there were a bunch of side dishes and stuff. kimchi was there. now, kimchi and korea pretty much go hand in hand but i didnt realise how freaking big it is over there. over the next six days there was never a day without kimchi on the table. three breakfasts excluded, which were western style hotel buffets, but everything else: there it is. we went to a "Korean Kimchi Experience Centre!" on day five. we made kimchi. i'd post a pic, but i didn't take one. yeah, no pictures from me sorry. none at all. good job, me. not the sort of person to take pictures of my food and post them on my blog. also, i didn't have the camera.
back to kimchi. they told us the ingredients of kimchi paste and stuff... and since it was also in chinese, it more or less sounded to me like belacan. oh, they also said they put in ginseng powder, but i'm pretty positive that's obviously a ploy to get us tourists to buy their prepacked homemade kimchi. we bought 12 kg of it. it comes in 1kg sealed bags. they told us to open it up and put it in jars in the fridge because the fermentation would make the bags swell up and pop if we didn't. that's just... swell.

oh wow i skipped to day five there. back to day one. after lunch we had a long bus ride which i slept through. i'd spent the entire overnight flight watching movies and the morning awkward and unconfortable so you can imagine i was pretty tired. after i woke i found we'd reached some sort of national park or something. there was this temple we were going to go to. off the bus. holy shit. it was cold. the wind was killer. my watch has a thermometer, oo fancy, and it was reading 10degrees. this was while it was strapped to my wrist, and thus the reading was skewed by my body temperature. i contemplated taking it off to get an accurate reading, but that meant keeping the hand holding the watch outside a pocket while the reading changed. and my hand would subsequently freeze. eventually i learned the secret to surviving winter air, a skill that lasted me the rest of the days there. basically, suffer and freeze. freeze till you're numb. now you can't feel the cold! voila.

and yeah, there was snow. the whole freaking park was covered, of course. now, i distinctly remember, back in america, how i hated wearing gloves because i couldn't play with the snow properly while wearing them. and, seriously, i cannot understand that. what, i had molten lava for hands when i was a kid? or did i really take that whole 'it's numb so no problem!' thing to extremes, because i also remember being told 'wtf wear your gloves look you're getting frostbite'. i doubt it was frostbite though, i think my skin was just cracking because it was getting dry. or something. so no, i didn't play with the snow. i didn't make one snowball while i was there, because, sadly, who was i going to throw it at? sigh.

i can't remember dinner. after that we went to the hotel. heated floors, very nice. i fell asleep on the couch, though, watching boring tv. ugh, i'm never going to understand the draw of those shows which feature nothing more than 'personalities' sitting around talking or pulling supposedly funny antics. didn't help that i couldn't understand them. wtf are they doing? interviewing a celebrity? and i assume it's a celebrity only because all the hosts are either bland or ugly. weird old men in some snappy clothes. dime a dozen pretty boys. i just don't get it. are they joking with other? is it like, friendly banter or something? why the flying fuck is that interesting?
ookay i'm getting bored now so i'll round up this entry with a summary of the best bits of korean tv from the whole trip.
firstly, there's always a starcraft channel. and a go channel. wherever i went, whichever hotel, they had two channels broadcasting starcraft and go games 24 hours. the other channels changed, or maybe they didn't, and how the fuck can you tell when all the talkshows look the same anyway, but they always had channels for starcraft and go. while the starcraft was interesting at first, eventually it was a little underwhelming because commentary was sparse, and obviously all in korean. also, i expected to see sum super uber ima gosu micro skillz with the screen flying everywhere and shit. nope. maybe i'm just too sucky to understand their high level play then. or i'm expecting too much. but i'm definitely sure i'm too sucky to understand their go. watching matches is always like 'wtf who's winning' and the explanations afterwards obviously make no sense when they're in korean. and also they have like two people explaning in rapidfire korean, and each hold both black and white pieces and they throw them all over the place in fifty different sequences one after the other.
also, past midnight, there's always a channel with some sort of smut around. really strange low budget soft core porn, with mosiaced genitals. dunno if it's some cable channel, but i doubt they'd broadcast it on national tv. mostly it was hilarious more than anything. i watched two different programs, and one was in english, featuring some sort of computer company specializing in virtual reality headsets, and staffed by an abundance of male models and women with fake breasts. now that brings a whole new meaning to... silicon valley. BUDUM-TSSHH
yes yes, silicone and silicon are different. whatever.
and finally, the funniest thing i saw on tv the whole trip as this entire program dedicated to a song. a song that i'd heard before on daryl's blog. apparently it's freaking huge, because they've got like millions[citation needed] of people copying them, like the freaks doing the haruhi dance. it seems like there are competitions to how well you can imitate the dance. there's some place offering and exercise program based off the dance. it's amusing and slightly scary. i seriously hope it's just the tv program exagerating, or that i'm misunderstanding something.

that's it for today, another thousand words. the other days will be shorter and a lot more whiny, i warn you. good night and i'm off to eat a bowl of instant noodles that i have left over from korea. i picked it mostly because the cover wasn't red and didn't show any kimchi at all.

aaaand i just prepared it. the powder was red. kimchi or not, i'm also going to get started on that 12kg of the real stuff. and i'm off to read Blade of the Immortal, another series that i ignored and shouldn't have. really, i should have learned after finally reading Berserk. awesome stuff. one of the first major villians is a guy who has two taxidermificationized heads of his former lovers surgically sewn into his shoulders. okay man, you've got me hooked at chapter 2. keep it coming.



back to the usual sleeping time again...


oh right

12.19am, 2009
resolutions oh yeah...
something simple and achievable then... i resolve to exercise regularly.



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