9.48am some crazy awesome fucker has recorded his entire playthrough of the latest silent hill and put it on youtube. now the only question remains is if i'm too pussy to even watch the game. well... that and the question if i have ~490 minutes of my life to waste. oh wait, i do!
i just don't know anymore
6.17am good moroning! such a hellthy time to wake up. i fell asleep in the middle of an msn convo last night, while also browsing the silent hill wikia. i wish i could say my dreams were twisted and gruesome, but i just recall waking up a few times that night and being freaked by my comfy desk chair which happens to be a pale yellowish-white and looks like a human figure from some angles in low light. but no big!
the silent hill wikia is great. i can read all the story and admire all the creepy monster design without actually playing the game! cuz i'm too pussy! i think i'm using too many exclamation marks. must be peppy from all this healthy living.
anyway. thanks for the tip daryl, and this video looks startlingly like what i described. however, i still don't think that's it. the song doesn't seem right, and i'm sure i would have remembered the costumes if they were as fugly as those worn by these girls. and the song was released like, in 2005. that was j1, and i'm pretty sure i wasn't watching tv by then. i think it was p5 to s3 so 1999 to 2003. i think. like i've said, i could be wrong on EVERY point and my memory is just shit.
fuck. fuck!
Friday, February 27, 2009
4.33pm successfully awoke at 6am today. my body is crying for an afternoon nap. i will tell it to stfu.
i just spent the whole morning searching for songs and setting up daigasso. i just spent the afternoon straining my fingers and getting my ass handed to me by midi files.
and i now have nothing to do. no one piece this week... i already know spoilers for naruto so i'll go read bleach first.
ugh. stfu, body. it's getting louder.
a rythm game for the ds? with customizable songs? and a shitload of anime songs? in the CLARITY OF UNPARALLELED HIGH-FIDELITY MIDI can't wait to play butterfly. and i've never even watched digimon. and i can't wait to tear my hair out at ready steady go again.
my body is telling me it's the start of the day. and midnight has been my start of the day for the past week. i found a stable sleep cycle that seemed fine for my life, until i tried to have a life, and i missed mambo because i was too tired. i could have dragged myself out but getting drunk on four hours of sleep doesn't sound fun. so yeah. i'm gonna blame my sleep cycle and not my own laziness for pangseh-ing everyone. srsly.
so i went to sleep again after breakfast... um, today, i think. the days are so mixed up. and i woke at lunchtime, my usual bedtime for the past week. around 5pm my body was telling me 'zzz' but i told it to stfu. then after dinner i went to exercise at the gym downstairs with josh (and i am specifically mentioning this to brag because holy shit i exercised go me) and i was pretty certain i'd be out like a light by midnight.
but i'm not. right now i feel like those times in outfield exercises where i'd just spent the entire dusk to dawn zipping around in my vehicle ferrying my pc around to coordinate our defense... and we're finally done... and we settle down to prepare to await the enemy (sleep).... and the sun comes up. and then i couldn't sleep.
but that was back when the army lifestyle forced me to sleep at night and wake at morning and work during the day. how i survived that sort of shit for two years i still do not comprehend.
they're what?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
10.20am HA HA some stupid kids from pierce sec playing softball outside my window
...this is what i've degenerated into, some creep who takes pictures of schoolchildren.
i must say the outfielders aren't showing much confidence in the opposition's batters. two shortstops! cunning.
i need something to do!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
12.29am good morning! i woke up today thinking it was like 6am and staggered out to get a drink, wondering why everyone was already up, watching tv and using the com. i went back to bed and realized it was 10pm.
it's long overdue but i'm finally watching shaun of the dead. i was contemplating starting with a serious zombie flick but i can't stand scary stuff so who am i kidding. well, comedy or no, there's still a constant need to spray buckshot at my screen every time i see a zombie. when the zombie apocalypse hits, i'm going to have to find a feasible way to carrying 128 spare shells around.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
hand tie
Saturday, February 21, 2009
10.19pm been up since 3am, early to bed happy birthday to me night
11.21am i'm spooking myself out by reading the lost wikia. and i don't even watch the show. i just jumped an inch when my phone suddenly vibrated from a message. jeez.
almost there
Friday, February 20, 2009
5.47pm made it till dinner just a bit more and it's game over man game over or am i being weak it hasn't even been 24 hours
like a truck
2.51pm trying to stay awake till dinner so dinner will be the last meal of the day this is brutal time is passing really slowly
emo newtype
12.16pm i've settled my sleeping pattern. i sleep from 1pm to 8pm. wake up, eat dinner, supper, breakfast. so, i'm going to sleep soon. spending the morning awake is rather interesting. i watched mythbusters, on this thing in our living room called a 'television'. it was a boring episode, sadly.
i have like, no plans for tomorrow. at all.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
8.45am thoroughly owned by today's front page. psi is up cause the wind is too weak and it's our own fault this time.
did i mention that ipod was a xmas present?
Monday, February 16, 2009
2.44pm if you're a lan shop owner with two branches it should make sense to have a website no
12.42pm i slept at 6am yesterday, and woke at 11am to realise my alarm had not gone off. i staggered out to ps late, and spent five hours clearing two expert campaigns in l4d. then we went to watch benjamin button, and i realised i'd lost my two month old ipod sometime before. the movie was soppy and drained whatever was left of my mind that had not been spent by l4d. i got hope and collapsed into bed totally braindead.
the monsoon winds are bringing the psi up again. this annoys me.
has left the game
Saturday, February 14, 2009
10.01pm this tank music is easier on the ears than the witch one. and this time since i have the game i can rip the music from the files. i spent ages finding a decent quality witch.mp3 before i stumbled on one on a israeli fiesharing site. at least i think it was israeli. unfortunately, no ROOARR GRUNT GRUNT GRUNT RUMBLE soundeffects to go with the music. sifting through the music files is also interesting because there's individual mini tracks for almost everything. there's like 10 subtley different background ambience audio snippets for each campaign and two possible tiny music cues that play for each special infected when it spawns. it's good to see that they put in some work, even for a half finished 4-level game.
i played another game on normal today to try and get my akimbo assassin achievement. i played online, hosted the game. i guess one could say that the other three were lagging thanks to that, but, no, they were terrible. waileong says i'm terrible, so if i say others are terrible, he'd cut off his other leg if he had to play with them. i'm running ahead and spammming my z-> emote which is 'hurry', and i meet the tank. luckily it was at this huge circular platform in the drains in death toll, so kiting was 0 skill involved. still, no one came to help and i saw their blue outlines huddled at the back. eventually the tank died and i got my solo tank kill achievement. thanks guys. i will show you my thanks. "sv_cheats 1" "bind g 'z_spawn tank' " GGGGGGGGGGG here are my tanks akimbo assassin can come another time
great weekend
12.10pm friday the 13th and valentines day apparently next month's friday is a 13th too i mean, well, you know what i mean
Friday, February 13, 2009
1.00am another night wasted sifting through music videos this is tiresome so i'm giving up it's entirely possible i'm mashing differentvideos together in my mind, and attaching incorrect music to it too, because i keep thinking it's a bananarama song and i've looked through all of those. but seriously, all the girl groups and dancing teens and manufactured pop are really sickening me.
...that said, i have nothing else to do. l4d online is, of course, not as fun as in a lan centre. and i can only play on advanced because then the others are marginally competent. first time i tried normal i died to friendly fire, then died again in the finale cause someone threw a molotov onto me during the no mercy finale. i assume he was aiming for the tank outside the room, but he missed, hit the window frame, and set the floor next to the window on fire. he then panicked hid in the stairwell with the door closed.
i still want sushi
how moving
Thursday, February 12, 2009
1.50am havent found that video yet. i've given up and i'm just listening to an online radio station in the hope that the song plays and i remember it.
instead i found something i definitely have to do sometime
i have a huge hankering for sushi right now
search engineer
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
6.03pm does anyone remember a music video i think its like a upbeat pop song by a girl group 90s music video is like, dancing at a beach, on colorful platforms. or boxes. or rooms. something like that. can't bloody remember lyrics or tune because a bananarama song eventually comes to mind and then i can't focus
google has failed me i've probably produced several dozens of kettles worth of carbon dioxide by now
trying to remember songs from music videos isn't very effective when they're older i spent a day searching for a video i remember having "grey backdrop, band with like six guys, misty foreground, maybe a forest" and i eventually found out it was air supply's all out of love. no mist. no forest.
if i ever find out that first song i bet there might not be a beach or platforms at all. searching for 'colourful' isn't going to be effective though.
golden monstrosity
Sunday, February 08, 2009
7.09pm so now i officially own l4d. steam is a huge pain.
btw, daryl, i'd like to apologise ahead of time. i think we'll be getting a card too so don't feel too sad, k.
what are i trying to tell i
Friday, February 06, 2009
6.19pm just slept from 7am to now. i think i woke up once to answer a call from gary. or maybe it was pehpeh. i think he sounded pissed. "answer your phone!" "zzzz...wha?" *hang up*
so.. eleven hours of sleep. ended up having another epic dream that lasted the entire time, but this time it as clearly divided into three sagas. i'm trying to piece together which parts of my life my subconscious pulled together to create this huge mess. the postapocalyptic setting must be from all the fallout and l4d. i can't explain the spaceships and space exploration in part 2 or the ..something of part 3. its slipping away already that makes me sad
k i've got a dinner i need to get to it's a buffet and my sore throat is 70% fixed hope i don't hiccup tonight
citation needed
Thursday, February 05, 2009
3.31pm While many cases develop spontaneously, hiccups are known to be triggered by specific events such as lack of water, eating too fast, being hungry for a while, taking a cold drink while eating a hot meal, burping, eating very hot or spicy food, laughing vigorously, coughing, drinking alcoholic beverages in excess, crying out loud (sobbing causes air to enter the stomach), some smoking situations where abnormal inhalation can occur (in tobacco or other smoke like cannabis, perhaps triggered by precursors to coughing), electrolyte imbalance, talking for too long, clearing the throat, by some of the stronger opiate/opioid painkillers such as heroin, morphine, methadone, and oxycodone, or from lack of vitamins.
lack of water eating (drinking?) too fast laughing vigorously coughing DRINKING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN EXCESS lack of vitamins
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
1.47pm so... i think it's the prawn rolls. or it might be the kimchi. ah, i don't know. something has given me a piercing sore throat. worst i've ever had. fuck.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
9.52pm i should have realised it sooner but i think the little cny prawn rolls i'm snarfing are giving me minor food poisoning. i haven't been feeling tired these few days, i'm feeling sick.
2.36am i'm browsing weird foods like geoduck and hakarl on wikipedia. i really can't remember how i got to this point. taiwan, shilin night market, and smelly tofu were the last things i can remember but i have no idea how i got to taiwan.
there's been a low level ache pulsing through my brain for the whole day sleeping too much is bad i wish i could stop sleeping and waking in extremes
Monday, February 02, 2009
12.21am i've been sleeping on/off since 10pm saturday night don't think i've been awake for more than two hours at a time kept having this really long running dream about working in some terrorist cell i'm exhausted from all this sleeping