two nnoyings
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
the scriptwriters for lost are all bastards. i've pinpointed the exact reason why i am so annoyed with every single character. it's not the troubled past shit. it's not that they've got character inconsistency mixed up with character depth. it's not the fact that they're all pretty people that look good in tank tops and tiny shorts. it's the way they talk to each other. not just the idiotic shouting, it's simply the way no one bothers to ask the other person what they mean.
you're making a mistake!
no i'm not!
you don't know what you're doing!
i know exactly what i'm doing!
no one is actually ever saying anything substantial! fucking fuck!
*someone does something inexplicable*
what did you do!
what i had to!
two more seasons to go, and i want one scene, just one, where one character asks another character what is going on, in a calm and rational manner, and that other character then gives said explanation clearly and concisely. suspense and mystery are fine but the major effect on me right now is that i think everybody's an idiot. okay, maybe the writers' strike improved the script. it's a possibility.
i've been playing my ds while watching lost all this while, because otherwise i'd go through each episode in half the time, since i skip through all the blank staring at each other and the dramatic still shots while a rushing sound plays in the background (every scene change!).
i've almost 'completed' disgaea. i got to lvl 2000 legitimately, then, realised i didn't want to grind anymore on a six-year-old game, and i got some action replay codes. there was a max stats code, but i went for the instant lvl 9999 code. yes, there's a difference. i maxed out my favourite character's stats, the proper way, in about 1/50th the time thanks to the levelling code, in a lengthly reincarnation sequence to store 18600 reincarnated levels. i got each of the ultimate weapons, the ultimate armour, killed the ultimate boss, recruited all the side characters. all that's left is one alternate character storyline mode, and i'm finally done. i will finally put this game to rest. i might have to buy a psp because disgaea 2 is coming out on it.
so disgaea is done. i went hunting for other games i could kill time with while not-really-watching angry people be angry. there's an awesome little
shooter that's got me flicking my stylus (if you know what i mean) and getting my screen scratched even further. i can't play it while watching though, or my frustration rises exponentially when someone's acting stupid and a stray bullet hits my little floating polygon/snowball/spaceship.
shin megami tensei devil survivor is still pretty fun. it's streamlined the little experience with other games in the series, namely persona and digital devil saga, and cut out all the parts i didn't like. no walking through endless hallways. demon fusing is funner in this game too, since now they're actual fighting partners and not some extra summon you call out. i just got a bright red demon lizard dog by mating a blue plastic scarecrow and some sort of cat demon in a hat. i think. too many combinations to keep track of.
i've also got dragon quest iv and v, but i'm not sure if i should play two rpgs at once. dq9 is on the horizon though, so i've got to get a move on.
what the what
Thursday, July 23, 2009
that just happened to me, second time in a year. is this how grain of sand are made? people extrude them out their gums?
i can't find a source which actually identifies this, but i'm not hte only one so it must be out there somewhere.
this is what i have learned from two seasons of lost:
- when speaking, never get to the point right away. if people don't understand your question/demand/explanation, repeat it in a louder voice, nostrils flared, eyes bugging out. do this at least three times, in increasing degrees of agitation. they'll get it eventually.
- leslie is a bitchin' name.
- being a parent makes you retarded in every possible way. this is confirmed by two radically different examples, one black father and one white mother. both idiots.
- when walking through a jungle, glance nonchalantly around whenever you take a short break/trip and fall. something super duper important will be nearby. always.
- everybody on a plane with you has killed someone at some point in their past.
- if they haven't, they're going to die soon, or no one will ever know their name. or get them mixed up with scott or steve.
- when escorting a dangeous criminal on a flight, by yourself, bring at least five guns.
- always wear the fucking seatbelt on the plane. or you'll fly up and hit the roof.
- if you're on a deserted island, your stubble never grows into a beard, but just stays that way.
- army taught me wrong. what should i do after fixing up my sleeping spot? demarcate a toilet area? no, before that i should build a golf course.
- also, they taught me to jump in water/pop a smoke grenade if i disturb bees. no, i should take off my shirt and swat them.
- i can quit a heroin addiction in three days with the help of an insect, so i can start shooting up right now.
- canadians are all bug-eyed and freaky little people. like colin mochrie.
- the first aid course i took in red cross and again in sispec is useless. i don't need to bother with cpr, i just need to smash my fist repeatedly into someone's ribcage and they'll come back to life. optionally i can shout angrily at the comatose body to help the process along.
most importantly, if i ever realise that i'm having random flashbacks to my past, i'm probably being irrational and irritating and shouting at a lot of people around me, and i should fucking shoot myself with a gun. with a magic gun that doesn't need cleaning and works through sand and rain and seawater.
season 2 is supposedly the crappiest? i hope this picks up because i am really annoyed.

i can put up with a lot. i can't put up with this.
hello there
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
been some time since i've blogged. and it looks like in a month or so i'll be so inundated with work that i won't be able to blog even if i want to. went for another course briefing today. it seems i only need to bid for three modules because everything else is compulsory. less work for me! ha. that was sarcasm, where i state the opposite of what is actually true. my finalised timetable is out, and officially i'm in school from 8am to 6pm every day. but, there are 14 proects scheduled for year 1, which works out to be... two a month? one every 15 days? oh boy! i'm prepared to live inside our studio. we each get our own desk, i guess that's cool. or, rather, it's indicative of how much time we're going to spend in school.
it just may be that this half a year+ of slackage ends up being the most stress free period of my entire life. i must treasure the few days of it left to me.
i'm out of practice rambling.
House is pretty funny. i watched a season and a half while waiting for Lost to download. house is a jerk, and his adventures with evil mysterious illness-of-the-week is really, really formulaic. cold open: the random character they're focusing on is going to SUDDENLY POOP A LUNG. except when they decide to change it up, and instead they show, at the last minute, another bystander in the background POOP A LUNG. next comes the differential diagnostics. then 15 minutes of random medical jargon. house is full of himself. patient is doing fine, and getting better, right before the midway commerical break, what are the chances. then, whichever doctor they're focusing on gets a pager beep. or, if all the doctors are together, their pagers beep together. ominous music, running, and the patient poops his/her other lung. commercial break. we come back, more medical jargon. meanwhile house gets a million interesting clinic patients that he avoids/cures in 5 minutes. some insignificant plot point makes house freeze in mid-sentence and stalk off self-importantly and go shout at someone. patient gets cured,
wow, house was right again. what are the chances? house is always right, except in the first 2/3's of the episode where he's always wrong and his treatments are just there to accidently make the patient suffer, and reveal aforementioned insignificant plot point. sprinkle in lumbar punctures, intubations, defibs, a million cat scans and mri's, and lots of DRAMA.
Lost isn't as creepy as i thought it would be. i blame all the people and the stupid DRAMA they keep cooking up. tell me about the island, i don't give a shit about all this stupid relationship crap. jack is jake from animorphs + doctor skillz + troubled past. sawyer is an asshole + troubled past. kate is eye candy + troubled past. sayid is not-a-terrorist + troubled past. charlie is comic relief + troubled past. korean couple are korean + troubled past. pregnant girl is giving birth to the antichrist + troubled past. locke is fucked up + troubled past. black guy is annoying as FUCK.
and this DRAMA consists entirely of people shouting THIS IS YOUR FAULT at each other for various reasons. seriously, crash on an island and the best way to survive is to fucking blame all your problems on someone else. it's like the characters take turns to be the asshole for each episode. except for hurley, he's cool. he goes THIS IS MY FAULT instead.
some medical parts of lost are unintentially hilarious. mr main character's having another flashback to his time as a doctor, and he's in a busy emergency room. some guy can't breathe and the medical orderly, or whatever, goes pale and says something pathetic like, "doctor, i can't intubate this guy, you gotta do it, i just can't." pfft, house's team eats intubations for breakfast.
also, i just watched a camrip of eva rebuild 2. in fact, i typed this paragraph first, because this is what made me blog again in the first place. it was at an angle, low resolution and subtitleless but it was awesome. blows the first movie out of the water. pretty significant plot changes, and everything seems like new footage. i only recognised maybe two cut-pasted old scenes, and they lasted a minute together total. sadly, the supposed highlights like eva 05 and asuka's new suit lasted maybe a minute total too.
da ba dee
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
so i'm supposed to wear a blue shirt to the archi camp today. i'm considering the possible repercussions of wearing my gep 20th anniversary shirt.