3.01am so i'm sitting here watching the second episode, i see my little steam icon updating. open up steam, and it's l4d that's updating. right click, view update news, oh, it's the new campaign.
i will be playing it in school tomorrow.
1.05am i'm blogging so much because i'm trying to avoid work while sitting in front of the computer.
i'm trying out how i met your mother. five minutes in, hey, it's that guy from i love you man! and hey! it's neil patrick harris! i'll give this a chance.
i think i'll play more bookworm adventures after house. i just defeated a band of pirates, so i got a trinket that gives me double damage for words that use the letter R.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
10.50pm yeah it was. still hoping for another twist. about a centimeter of paper left to go, not vey optimistic.
i went to school this evening to finalize the soft copy of my portfolio with the studio group. some people were still out trying to print their hard copy. on a sunday night. seriously, i'm a lazy guy, but by now even the laziest person should realise that the easiest way to slack off is to avoid stupid problem situations like this.
my father's not buying a second car, he's replacing our car. with a skoda. what the what. superb.
schooooooool a handful of people have already dropped out. the second week of school, one guy from my studio, who i managed to strike up a conversation about wow with, msned me to tell our tutor that he wasn't coming back, that he dropped out of nus, and that he was flying to the us to study. okay! studio reshuffling tomorrow. new friends! ha ha ha ha ha right, as if
sunday sunday someday
4.32am i really should have used this week to get ahead on some of the projects that are due soon after the break ends. but i didn't. i need to write an essay comparing takashi murakami and andy worhol. and do research on them. actual, physical research at a library, because wikipedia isn't research. and i need to stop mixing up takashi murakami and teruaki murakami. a serious, serious hamper on my time whenever i do.
i think my father's buying a second car. i don't want to get ahead of myself, but... oh.. nuts.
taking my time with the lost symbol. gotta make the 33 bucks last. yay for 25% discount, need to shop at kino more. getting depressed reading goodnight punpun. angsty bildungsroman and surrealist japanese humour.
inglourious basterds finally made sense of this comic. kept thinking 'bonk!' as the german officer's head got smashed in.
pg 225
3.03am is it zachary solomon?
p237 bellamy's a bad guy?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
1.02am group work is fucking stupid never realised it back in ri/rj EVERYONE WAS SMART so group work was fine UNI STUDENTS ARE FUCKING IDIOTS what do i do close one eye turn in a shitty essay because my groupmates can't write english for nuts or argue a point and just copy from the internet with no idea what they're copying fuck
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
9.15pm i could blog about how i got locked out of my house after pulling an all nighter in school and sleeping at the staircase outside my house, but there are more pressing matters.
one of my back teeth has pushed its way through into my mouth and lifted a flap of gum up. it is now a nipple-shaped piece of flesh hanging at the corner of my mouth. i feel like i'm going to swallow it every time i gulp. this is highly disturbing. i can't rip it off myself because it's still living flesh. i'm hoping it atrophies and drops off, but then i'll really fucking swallow it. highly disturbing.
i spent today playing tf2 and muramasa. i should be working.
just like a sleepover
Thursday, September 10, 2009
12.25am got home around midnight. going to school at 6.30. project to do! i stayed over in school yesterday. bathed at a friend's(!) hostel toilet, wore back my pants and borrowed a army singlet. went back to school at around 11pm and worked till 5am. slept in the studio till 10am, went for lecture. i'm going to stop this hour-by-hour itinerary because i'm tired.
i'm reading the gto continuation before going to bed. uppity bitchy schoolgirl just called some thug friends to beat up onizuka, and threatens to use her father's influence against him. hee hee, it's like watching lambs to a slaughter. same old shit. same old good shit.
giggling with glee
Sunday, September 06, 2009
8.24pm i was sick, but i sweated out the fever. the internet is conflicted on whether this is an effective cure or totally useless. i'm so confused. the internet has failed. but i feel better, so all's well.
and somehow dead fantasy 3 and 4 and 5 came out and totally slipped by my notice. 3 was a letdown, 4 is better, 5 is GRIMDARK and full of blurd. all are too short. and there seems to be some sort of plot forming, and it smacks of silly fanfiction romantic shit. ugh. just get to the flashy fights, please.
school tomorrow. i can't believe i'm saying this, but i'd like some actual academic study once in a while. four straight weeks of arts and crafts has taken its toll, i'm kinda bored.
boom boom boom boom boom
Friday, September 04, 2009
10.23pm my next project involves turning my model into 20 cm lanterns, two using recycled materials and one of acrylic. no need for shopping! super relaxed friday, finally. woke up at 11. got a msn from daryl. went back to sleep. woke up at 3. ate lunch. read manga. ate dinner. downloaded music, more anime opening trance remixes, oh joy. can't belive they did karekano's op amidst all these other recent songs i barely recognise because i'm so out of touch. 1999 anime are 10 years old, wow. and dennou coil's op. two years old, awesome show, but stupid jap public never got it popular.
tonight i'll make one latern. hah! gluing paper onto wires. cakewalk. my model's as good as a lantern already. i wish i'd known they were planning this multi-stage shit when they gave us that first assignment. i can't smoke my way successfully back to the word 'red' i chose for that first photo. or at least, successfully enough to convince my tutors. sigh. and i wouldn't have chosen it either if i'd known.
who the what
2.30am i'm still short on sleep but instead of sleeping i went and read all the tsubasa reservoir chronicle chapter's i've been saving. boy, what a trainwreck. i haven't touched it since december last year and there's about four volumes. so far i'd only heard brief synopses but now i know for myself how crap the story is. and searching the various wikis doesn't help, because idiot fans wrote humongous walls of text while waiting for new chapters, and all their info was based on false assumptions, or assumptions that were entirely possibly before new chapters came out with new retarded twists.
so. as far as i understand. here's my own wall of text.
trc syaoran's parents send him off to see the witch from xxxholic. trc syaoran travels through dimensions to meet trc sakura. trc sakura gets a curse from big baddy. trc sakura dies a few years later because trc syaoran wouldn't hold her hand. deep. trc syaoran makes a wish to the witch to rewind time, screwing with reality. trc syaoran pays by getting imprisoned and cloned by big baddy. trc sakura gets cloned by big baddy. both are held captive.
clone syaoran meets clone sakura in new reality. this is where the series starts! clone and crew go on adventures! trc syaoran breaks free. clone syaoran becomes an antagonist, works for big baddy. trc syaoran and crew go on more adventures. clone sakura gets killed, reveals she's a clone. stupid "twist". trc syaoran reveals his past and his reality warping. it's heavily implied trc syaoran is the son of ccs syaoran and ccs sakura. trc syaoran and crew travel to the world where reality was warped to go hold her hand. trc syaoran and clone syaoran fight. clone syaoran betrays big baddy and gets killed by big baddy. twist! clone syaoran and clone sakura appear in a big black space with the witch. not dead! mumbo jumbo, they get reincarnated and sent to some other dimension where they grow up, have a son, trc syaoran. wtf? tempoal paradox much. ccs sakura appears to clone sakura in a dream and gives her the plastic wand toy, confusing everyone and making everyone draw incorrect conclusions and write longwinded, entire incorrect wikipedia articles. so, clone syaoran and clone sakura send of their son, trc syaoran, to see the witch. go back to the start of this list. the end! or beginning! no. clone syaoran and clone sakura trap themselves in a glass tube that the witch broke and the clones came out while trc syaoran and sakura(either the orginal or another clone who knows) are fighting the big baddy and the clones help then they all get trapped in the glass tube which is somehow not broken. it's a big mess.
now i'm seriously going to knock out. luckily i don't need to go out material shopping tomorrow. for the first time in weeks i will sleep past the crack of noon.
need sleep
Thursday, September 03, 2009
12.56am you should see the shadows in action when i move the torch around. it's really slick, like some sort of 3d modelling program... in shadows!
i stopped videoing and blew out the fire because i heard beeping and i wasn't sure if it was a lorry reversing or the smoke detector above me. pussy. the most interesting part of this video is seeing what other videos on youtube are named "MOV00104".
i have a reputation as that guy who finishes everything damn fast. but no, i am not fast. every else is just idiotically slow. i got to the workshop half a day earlier than others, and it was empty. a few hours after i was done, huge rush. long queues for the machines.
tomorrow i get assigned part four. i'm hearing from seniors it involves cardboard. another shopping trip.
right now i really need to sleep. finishing fast doesn't mean i slept any mroe than the other slow people.
oh, i'm also alternatively that guy who never eats lunch. i've also been mistaken for a foriegn student. fun times.