i know! it's so stupid.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
i hate valve time.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
watching some british fellah playing
dead space. hilarious commentary. as always, the accent makes it twice as funny. this is the second time i'm watching a video of a playthrough, the first time was for silent hill 5. this is great. backseat survival horror! perfect for a pussy like me.
you got arnztzed
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
another week, another lost episode. 5 eps more, i think. answers to some of the series earliest mysteries are finally being revealed, and man are they underwhelming. poorly defined mysteries get cheap answers.
so, the mysterious kid. the thoery page includes gems such as:
he's jacob.
or time travelling aaron.
or jacob's son.
or their boss.
or kate's horse.
i think it's kiddy locke.
but really. who even cares any more.
richard says he knows what the island is. no one around him seems to care enough to ask. what, you're not even going to pull out the old 'come with me if you want to find out' or 'it would take too long to explain' or 'it would be easier for me to just show you'.
why does chang have both arms if the timeline diverges at the bomb blast?
and it never seems to rain anymore.
i hope desmond is well.
hur hur.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
i just ate a mango, the low tech way by peeling it like a banana. i decided to google this act for whatever reason, and the autocomplete suggested "eat a mango before you smoke". interesting stuff.
also fun to see what turns up with the words "how to..."
mindless cretins
Saturday, April 03, 2010
I'd like to start this blog entry off without using the old line of 'it's been a really long time since i blogged', but meh.
this blog entry is about lost. it's the only thing i'm downloading nowadays. i just got through the final project of sem 2, in all respects my final exam for the year, and the only shows that i played in the background was doctor who. which is as cheesy as ever and makes me feel feel stupid for watching it. in a good way.
oh, and lastly before i move on to lost, i tried to watch heroman. it's an anime written by stan lee and animated by bones. high budget, high profile. it's crap. it's a show about a kid and his robot. if you fail the first ep, if it's not a rock-em sock-em mechtastic eyepopper... then why are you even bothering. what happened? we get introduced to uninspiring characters. robot appears. robot runs. robot pulls open a car wreck and rescues some people. END. stan lee makes a ridiculous animated cameo, reminding us that this crap is all thanks to his brilliance. one day i hope to return to anime. i've still got some ghibli stuff saved for when i really hit rock bottom.

rock bottom.
and here we go, a blog entry about lost.
i've revised my previous opinion, where i swore i'd choke to death on bile and anger again. i'm still not shitting bricks, but i'm not spitting blood either, thanks to the pleasant amount of plot progression and minimal irritation of people shouting at each other in recent episodes. in fact, i'm feeling mighty pleased with myself that another theory from my
little mspaint image from august last year turned out to be right, about the whole game of testing people.
however, i need to scrap that stuff about eden and work in the island as a stopper stuff. so, in an attempt to rework my theory now that i've got free time and nothing to do (that's a lie, i should be studying), i went back to lostpedia to trawl for data again.
and, joy of joys, i found another reason to spit blood. the idiots at that site possess an amazing level of incomprehensible retardedness. it's not the outright mental retardation of, say, youtube commentors, since these people can spell and formulate coherent sentences. it's the way they submerge themselves in delusion, as if they're in some sort of hallucinatory (real word?) world where the most mundane of instances is some sort of profoundly earthshattering sign. and now i'm one of them.
i mean, there's some great stuff on that place, like painstakingly decoded
whisper transcripts, but then there's also crap like "
discussions" that entail listing Every Single Bloody Possibility and pulling shit out of thin air to support anything and everything.
there's stuff like how "Through time travel Charlie forgets his name and becomes Desmond." seriously shit-for-brains level stuff. and it's presented first, in desmond's theory page. since richard's backstory has been explained, i'm sure his theory page has been edited and cleaned off. i wish i had an archive of an older version, to see if anyone managed to shit out "he was a spaniard from the 19th century who was sold into slavery and gained immortality." some things just aren't worth speculating on.
another example: Sideways Universe Jack is actually Daniel
* Daniel had bandaids on the side of his neck before he was shot- this would explain Jack's neck wound.
o See this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpwLowRf4W8
o Only problem with that theory is that the bandage is on the wrong side. Jack was looking in the mirror when we saw the wound on the LEFT side of his neck. Daniel's are on his RIGHT side.
o Then again, maybe this is reversed in this "mirror universe".
reversed... mirror... choking... going to faint....
and there's stuff like how, in exploring the nature of the current divergent timelines, people (probably one guy) looks at everett's multiverse and the theories of a self-correcting timeline and a deterministic timeline. and i can't decide if this guys is smart or retarded. complex theory? deep thought? lots of deep thought! deep analysis! you're pretty clever, bro! but considering a the intended tv audience, i think you're a total idiot for giving such an analysis credence, when you need a thousand words and five paragraphs just to get the gist out.
and alongside this overthinking, is a hell lot of underthinking. each episode's page has an 'analysis' section, with a list of 'recurring themes' and 'literary techniques'. some are fine, like 'Numbers', and 'Fate versus free will'. stuff that's pretty central to the story. i'm even okay with stuff like 'Eyes' and 'Imprisonment', since there's enough viable evidence to show that at least some instances are significant. but there's headings like 'Rivalries' and 'Irony', where happy-go-lucky viewers list every bloody instance of someone picking a fight with someone else (LOTS of those), or someone saying sarcastic to someone else. or headings as broad as 'Secrets' and 'Relationships', as if any show wouldn't have a bucketload of these per episode. and 'Juxtaposition', with 90% irrelevantly labeled instances, since they don't really seem to know what it means.
enough for now. i can't take much more of this.