this is all happening for a reason
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
just got back from RT. exercise sucks.
mass effect movie! fuck you hollywood! stop with the tie-ins!
matthew fox almost confirmed for commander shepard. while i'm skeptical about the movie itself, this casting is seriously dead on. they look fucking the same. and bioware went and named the default main character john shepard. coincidence? who knows. now, the question is DOES HE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES
it was all a dream
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
in the excitement of 2.22 i totally forgot: lost finale. normally i check wednesday, but i ran into spoilers online that alerted me it was out already. spoilers can't really do much anyway, the story's too much of a trainwreck anyway.
lets go! download's too slow, streaming in shitty quality!
20 minutes in and this is awesome. once again we see what happens when you go in expecting horribleness: it's actually not that bad!
every time there's a flash-sideways(ENGINESOUNDWOOSH) i take a break to let the video load. pretty excruciating. effective tension builder.
well... it wasn't horrible. and it was pretty obvious right from the start that none of the old questions were going to be answered. so it's still a big thorn in my side that the mysteries are still there, but whatever. guess i really do have to take the whole island crap as a vehicle for character interaction.
and as character interaction goes, this finale was alright. and not just because there was no screaming and bitching at each other.
it was alright.
guess it's over.
you don't say
Monday, May 24, 2010
what to blog about. i guess i'll go back to video games and anime. am i really 22~
i finished my second playthrough of mass effect 2 today. spectacular game. people all say it's best if you've played the first game to get the full impact of the second, and that's absolutely true. however, it's not as simple as that. it's true, firstly because the story is a good as it was the first time around. secondly, it's true because the gameplay is fucking miles ahead of the first. opinions opinions opinions, but i really hated me1's gameplay. real time and rpg don't mix at all. me2 got it right: streamline the rpg bits. it's more like an action game now. which is fine.
the second eva rebuild movie dvd was leaked a few days early. the old shitty cam job was awesome. this new dvdrip blows my mind into tiny chunks. two hours ago, my heart still ached when i thought of how i'd totally not noticed that it was screening in singapore last november. now, not so much. not gonna miss the third.
can't help giggling
Sunday, May 02, 2010
10/10 originality