dynamic waterrr
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
missed the live stream, but sony's presentation was great too. lots of sequels of games i haven't had the chance to play. new twisted metal sounds fiiine. highlight of the show was glados and gabe newell. though it sadly only lasted like three minutes.
just wow
ah, nintendo. spectacular. everyone's playing catchup. nintendo's past the horizon agian.
C in econs
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
normally i'd wake up around now. today i got up super early, at 3pm.
an interesting and informative article. especially in the advent of sony's lollipop and kinect.
... i was planning to write more, but it dismays me that i'd never be able to come up with something that well thought out and supported, so forget it.
internet blood
Monday, June 14, 2010
E3 starts tomorrow. lots of obvious titles have already been revealed, mostly sequels. still, expecting a lot of surprises. can't wait to see how nintendo fucks with zelda's timeline again. and the 3ds. valve's mysterious not-a-record-scratch surprise. maybe more d3 info, doubtful though. can't find myself excited about cataclysm anymore, especially when blizzard just trashed a huge swath of stuff they revealed at blizzcon. and all the extra paid services are getting me worried. race/faction changes were okay. shiny horses and cosmetic pets, stupid, but optional stupidity. paid remote auction house is a step in the wrong direction. foot in the door for bigger financial exploitation. makes me wonder how deep bobby kotick has sunk his roots into blizzard.
doodeedoodeedoooo waaah waaah waaaaaah
Saturday, June 12, 2010
working my way through the dark tower. partly because of Lost. it's a lot like lost. they share many similarities, mostly when stupid shit happens for mysterious (ie, arbitrary) reasons. the setting also gives the same sort of vibe: there's a lot of mysterious stuff that happened in the past. i'm not too ticked off by this, because i've come to terms with the fact that i'll probably not get a clear picture of what happened, and mostly because it's not as wildly overboard as what lost did.

yeah, more or less.
in the dark tower, it's at least clear that a wizard did it. like, that's how the series starts. and how it's still going on.
i bet at the end of the last book they'll all be "surprise! it was actually ELECTROMAGNETISM"
yeah but anyway. thanks to lost i'm reading the dark tower, and thanks to the dark tower i'm watching old westerns. the man with no name is a ginormous dickhead.
and i'd just like to say that if red dead redemption doesn't come to pc, i might have to buy an xbox360. seriously.
this is a story of how i almost broke my neck (but not really)
Friday, June 04, 2010
so i gotta tell this in parts.
first, my ippt. the remedial training phase 1 ippt test is coming up next week, and if i fail, i go to phase two, which is another four weeks, three sessions a week. so yeah, kinda big deal. i'm not confident. so i went out to run, tonight. just got back, actually. usually i run with my father, but today i went alone since when i decided to go, he was in the shower. i brought my phone and a folding knife, to protect myself from vicious muggers and vampire bats.
second, my phone: it's been on silent the entire time i've owned it, but right at the start when i first got it, i uploaded some sound clips to test out the built-in audio speakers, which i didn't intend to use since i'm not some attention-whoring attention whore. some of these sound clips include stuff from l4d, such as the tank bgm and the witch crying.
if you can already see where this is going, i applaud you.
so by the time i leave my estate, it's 1am, and i'm listening to music from my phone through my headphones. 20 minutes in, i'm about to puke my guts when i get a call. no surprise, i was expecting this, my father would have probably called when he got out of the shower and found me not at home. what i did NOT fucking expect was how my phone takes calls when i've got headphones plugged in. one of the long-untouched l4d sould clips starts playing. apparently, a year ago, i thought it would be hilarious to use the witch crying as my ringtone, if i ever swapped off silent mode. it's not hilarious, when it's past midnight and you're unfit and trying to run and too shag to think and it suddenly blasts right in your ears.
i haven't touched l4d in a month (cept for the passing), since tf2 now rules my life, but when i left, the witch was pretty much a joke, and i don't think the situation's improved much. pick a shotgun, any shotgun, and she's toast.
still, for half a second there, i was back in the old glory days. back when 'you startled the witch' meant shit was going down.
then i answered the call.
this is a story of how i bought two mice
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
i bought a logitech mouse in yishun after dinner. let's call it mouse1. it was faulty, it stopped working after three days. the store had a 7-day exchange policy. i went down to yishun, just to get it exchanged for another. let's call this guy mouse2. mouse2 was faulty again, but past the 7-day mark. and i'd thrown away the box, which didn't survive two trips tossed around in my bag. there was a 3-year warranty from the supplier, but i didn't know who the supplier was, since they printed it on a sticker, on the box, which i'd thrown away. seriously, logitech, trusted brand, already got it exchanged once, what are the chances, i thought.
so feeling bummed and stupid, i went down to - not yishun. there was a branch in bishan. which i could have gone to the first time, but anyway. i found the mouse model, checked the warranty. there wasn't much info on the tiny sticker, but it seemed to be some onine registration crap. they also printed their office location, which was sim lim square.
so there in the shop, i realised if i continued this course of action, at best, i'd have to go home, register that shit, call them up, explain wtf happened, go down to sim lim, and get the mouse replaced. i'm antisocial and lazy. this is a fucking nightmare. and i have no mouse while we're at it.
and then- an epiphany.
i bought that other mouse i was currently holding. let's call him earl. i brought earl home. he worked fine, he's still working fine. i swapped the faulty mouse2 into earl's new box packaging. and i went back after two days, got mouse2 changed.
now i have an extra mouse. currently unnamed.
i'm still not sure how stupid i should feel for what i did.