critical mass
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Minecraft is on the TF2 blog. The two biggest sinkholes of my time have collided together, and school is starting. I am going to fucking fail the shit out of this semester.
seriously, was there nothing better
Saturday, July 24, 2010
SC2 cinematics all on youtube. Storyline looks stupid.
now i don't have to take baths
I've recently taken up swimming. I decided this because, compared to running, there's much less sweat and heat and thirstiness. The thirstiness is prevented thanks to the water that gets in my mouth when I take breaths. I'm not sure how healthy that is.
Funny story yesterday. I usually put on trunks and go downstairs in whatever I've woken up in. Unfortunately, this meant that yesterday I went down in a pair of red berm shorts, my old Anderson PE shirt, and with my army towel. One man power ranger ensemble.
Today there was a girl in a bikini. I think this exercise stuff is paying off.
how did they manage to
Friday, July 23, 2010
When I was young,
Scratch that.
When I was youngER, An American Tail was one of my favourite movies. I think we had it on laserdisc or something. In any case, I was like four or five, and I didn't understand jack shit. If you ask me now, I couldn't tell you the story, I don't think I ever understood it. But at the same time, I did watch it enough times to know the lyrics to 'Somewhere out there' by heart.
So, today, while watching Community, imagine my surprise and joy when the song came up. Against the backdrop of Celtic salsa music. It worked.
Made my morning.
was this not obvious
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
So you're Valve. You're awesome. You make great games. You've got an outstanding distribution service, which I'm quite happy with, even if it's another DRM method.
And you're giving out a free game. Not just Portal, which is years old. A new one. Totally free. Announce it, build up hype for the launch day. Which was today. Oh, and of course you have to delay it at the last hour, by another two hours. Standard Valve time.
But then, you don't allow preloading. So the instant it gets released, the steam servers get hammered by thousands of people trying to download a 2.5gig game. I specifically waited two hours just to avoid this, and I was still expected a slooow, slow download. What I didn't expect was to not connect at all because the servers are still busy.
In other news, feeling sad because my second attempt at breaking the nocturnal sleep cycle has failed again. Took a nap after lunch yesterday. Woke up at midnight.
how does this even
I like having something playing in the background when I'm weaving mail. Doctor Who is getting tiring since the arc I'm watching has the most annoying sidekick ever. So annoying.
So I tried out other shows. One of them was Entourage. Past tense. I am halfway through the first episode now, and I have dropped it. Thus, "was". I really cannot believe how much I hate
every single character on this fucking show. After 15 minutes. I don't usually have much cause to use the word 'douchebag', but that was the only thing I could think while watching them. Sadly, it takes up to 'dou' for google to autocomplete it to 'entourage douchebags.' But, man, are there a lot of hits.
hey guess what
Monday, July 12, 2010
It is
a bad idea
to take off a t-shirt
with a fork in your mouth.
Don't do it.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
So I'm in the first town of DQ9, and of course there's an inn. Staple of the series. Seems like puns are now a staple too, dunno when that started. The inn's run by Erinn, daughter of Edwinn the Inncredible. Funniest part was how both characters were introduced, and it was only 30 min later when someone said the 'Inncredible' thing that I got the other two names.
Man, it's been so long since I've played a proper RPG. I even started Earthbound a few weeks back, but for all the cult acclaim, gameplay is really, really simple. Mashing A.
Classes! Skill points! Stats stats stats! Let's do this!
numbers going up
Tales of Innocence just got an fan-made English patch.
Dragon Quest 9 leaked a few days early, anti-piracy cracked within a day.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Guess who got gold for their IPPT?
Not me.
But I did get a silver, and I somehow now have an extra $200 that I did not expect to get. Well, actually, an extra $100, because I was confident of passing after wasting
8 BLOODY WEEKS. But I magically flounder-kicked my way to 8 chin ups, so I started my final-stretch-sprint early and somehow hit 11.40.
After that a PTI came up to me and told me we were in the same SISPEC coy+platoon. Of course, I didn't recognise him. Sorry dude. Also, too shag cannot think. Let me try to keep my lungs inside my body.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
I'll tell you one thing I miss about WoW - the Elitist Jerks forums. Where coherence is a strict requirement. Where intelligence is
demanded. Where "lulz so randum XD" is met with decisive action. But not in a brutal, rough fashion. No, idiots are simply - silenced.
The engie update's been announced for this Thursday. In the four days leading up to it, they've started a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-esque prize system where a hundred random people get golden wrenches, to replace the normal engie melee wrench.
A hundred people, out of several thousand. The drama is gigantic. The steam forums are a clusterfuck of bawling infants. Certain...
other places are, of course, even worse. Am I pissed? Of course I am. Totally cheesed that I have a snowball's chance to get one. And in the end, I guess I could say I'm lucky, because all I have to do to prevent myself from complaining too is to take a look at the idiots who mouth off without a thought in their head. Who seem to think that they can somehow change valve's mind by crying that 'it's not fair', as if that wern't totally fucking obvious. Even funnier are the people swearing off the game forever. Yeah, guy, you care enough about a purely cosmetic bonus to quit a game... yup, this game totally doesn't mean anything to you at all and you won't be back tomorrow to try again. Totally won't.
So yeah. I'm so totally not whining about the wrench. I'd much rather whine about the whiners. Much more satisfying. I can get that they're upset, because I'm upset. But I can't understand how
they don't understand the system of a lottery: luck isn't fair. And giving more people the prize dilutes its worth.
Another thing, also funny, in a blood-spitting way: preview of one new weapon. I swear, I see comments that either proclaim is as 'omg so OP' or 'lol another failburner'. Side-by-side.
So, all-in-all, this post was me being condescending and trying to prove how much of a smarty-pants I am.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Perhaps I should change that to X.XXam
I've got a piece of mail that can't even cover my palm. It took me 2-3 hours. A good 20% of that was spending figuring out where I screwed up, and fixing mistakes. Didn't help when a certain Doctor Who episode scared seven colours of crap out of me. Fucking angel statues.
Anyway, the mail. It's a really thick weave, at least twice as thick as the basic one I did before. Not sure what I'll use it for. Too thick for gloves. I don't think I'll manage to figure out how to expand it in a circle, so a coif is out. A shirt would look so pimpin', and I'd probably have it done by the time I graduate.
Oh, and I got tired of leaving everything cluttered everywhere, so I got a shoebox to hold my three pliers, wirecutter, wire coils, cut rings and my work in progress. That's right, I now have my very own -
mail box.
Oh right, photos.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Sadly not as visually appealing as delicious baked goods.

This band was supposed to secure it, but it didn't work so well.
fucking fuck
I need more wire. And it needs to be thick. That's what she said. Artfriend has 1.5mm steel wire, pretty cheap, and comes in a big coil. Daiso has a similar 1.6mm steel wire, smaller pack. It's also shinier and lighter. I don't know if this means anything. Less iron content? Whatever the reason, the two types tarnish differently, the Artfriend wire gets darker and duller while the Daiso stuff looks dusty. So I decided to stick with the Artfriend stuff.
Next, I started looking for copper wire, because I wanna try some of the more complicated stuff, and most of it looks approximately a fuckzillion times cooler with two types of wire. And it turns out, there's shit all on the web. Craft wire is too thin, I've got a coil of goldish wire that's the thickest I could find, and it's only 1mm.
After awhile I switched from searching 'Craft wire' to hobbyist sites and even electrical suppliers. The site that seems to show the suff closest to what I'm looking for is an actual copper wire supplier.
And really creepy. “we create synergy, we listen, we care.” And a Facebook page that's even emptier than mine.
A year in Archi has taught me one thing: Finding shit on the internet in Singapore is fucking impossible. Which sucks for antisocial communicationally-retarded people like me. Like, trying to buy bamboo poles. Not going to happen online.
Sooo... now I'm stumped. I also need to buy some oil for my tools, which are starting to rust already. Also, I might have been barking up the wrong tree with the wirecutters. There's another type of tool, which the site I go to calls 'snips'. This must be some weird western term and I never paid it any attention, but it turns out they were referring to a type of shears for metal. Need to take another look.
So, Home-fix for oil and shears. Artfriend for wire.
Also, there's some exhibition at dhoby gaut that my tutor wants us to go see. He's the only one of the tutors from year 1 that I actually respect, so I might just go.
Okay, first to Dhoby Gaut... hmm, there's an Daiso there. Okay, skip Artfriend then. But I was planning to go to Kino too...
This is why I'm a fucking shut-in, travelling is so damn inefficient when I have to hop around everywhere.
it is cold
Saturday, July 03, 2010
The air temperature is like 28 degrees.
No sir I do not like it.
Friday, July 02, 2010
HAHA i just noticed i used 'AR' in my last post as well but that was ALTERNATE REALITY and is another term i bzzzzzzz
i'm back
borrowed books
bought 20dollar wirecutter. so far i've spent 6.50+6.00+2.00+2.00 = 16.50 on other wirecutters, so this one better work. intial tests are positive, but i need some sleep before i do a proper coil and see if the tip is narrow enough to get a good cut on the AR of the rings i need.
also i bought two bags of tyrell's sweet chili and red pepper chips
you know
the UK brand
that calls its chips chips
instead of crisps
the bastards
that's it
fucking trolls
getting sick of these AR games
first with portal
now this golden wrench shit
kay i'm off soon
hope i don't walk in front of a bus or anything
"This is the child that shall bring balance back to the force."
to stay
stuck on bedtime of 7am to 4pm
need to go to library to get last two dark tower books
need to buy good wirecutters
home-fix at amk and thomson plaza
library at bishan and amk
i must keep blathering to stay awake
home-fix + library at amk are 15 minutes walk apart
bishan + thomson are on the same bus route
everything opens at 10am
it is 8.30
bloody hell
i've already finished my chainmail gauntlet why do i even need wirecutters
stupid gauntlet
widening a tube is hard
had to do it to fit snugly
my forearm isn't even buff
it's cuz of my skinny chicken wrists
and i think to figure out a way to fasten the top
keeps sliding down
a band with alpha-omega clasp
but i need tighter rings
which need better wirecutters
it is.. 8.45. 15 mintues! not bad
checked blog entry time. actually 9 minutes
not so good
i could play a game
tf2... i will not be kredit to team
minecraft... i will fall into lava and lose my buckets
puzzle quest 2... i will miss all the 4inarows